List of Participants
Session I: Irradiation Creep of Ceramic Nuclear Fuels
Irradiation Induced Creep of Ceramic Nuclear Fuels
Oxide Fuel In-Reactor Creep - LMFBR Design Aspects
Interpreting and Predicting Irradiation Creep by Fuel Element Modeling
Creep Properties of Oxide and Carbide Fuels Under Irradiation
In-Pile Creep Study On Mixed Oxide (U,Pu)O2
In-Pile Measurement of Fission Enhanced Creep and Swelling of Uranium Nitride
Measurement of the Diametral Evolution of a Fuel Element during Its Irradiation. The MEDINA Device
Irradiation Devices for the Study of Creep and Swelling in Ceramic Fuels
Session II: Irradiation Creep of Graphite
Radiation Creep of Graphite. An Introduction
UKAEA Reactor Group Studies of Irradiation-Induced Creep in Graphite
Review of a Test Program on Irradiation Creep of Graphites and Systemization of Results
Design, Operation, and Initial Results from a Series of Graphite Creep Irradiation Experiments
Joint Program of Uni-Axial Creep Measurements of HTR Compacts and Matrix Material under Tensile Load at 900°C
The Creep Strain Limit Experiment
Reloadable Graphite Creep Facility for Tensile or Compressive Experiments
Graphite High Temperature Creep Rigs
Uni-Axial Tensile Graphite Creep Capsules with Continuous Strain Registration
Session III: Irradiation Creep in Non-Fissile Metals and Alloys
Irradiation Creep in Non-Fissile Metals and Alloys
Void Swelling and Irradiation Creep Relationships
The Temperature Dependence of Irradiation Creep
Requirements for In-Reactor Zircaloy Creep Measurements for Application in the Design of PWR Fuel
Irradiation Enhanced Creep in LMFBR Fuel Element Cladding
Dependence of Irradiation Creep on Temperature and Atom Displacements in 20% Cold Worked 316 Type Stainless Steel
In-Reactor Deformation of Solution Annealed Type 304L Stainless Steel
Results of In-Pile Creep Measurements on Pressurized Capsules Made of Stabilized Stainless Steels WNr.1.4981, CW and WNr.1.4970, CW,A
Irradiation Creep of Stainless Steel in Bending
In-Reactor Stress Relaxation in Bending of 20% Cold-Worked 316 Stainless Steel
Irradiation Induced Creep Experiments in the BR2 Reactor Using the Resonant Cavity Method
Irradiation Creep in Zr Single Crystals
Volumetric Creep in Nickel: The Influence of Stress on Swelling
Irradiation Creep Data in Support of LMFBR Core Design
The Irradiation Creep of Nickel and AISI 321 Stainless Steel during 4 MeV Proton Bombardment
Electron Induced Irradiation Creep and Direct Observation of the Underlying Dislocation Processes Involved
Design of an Irradiation Device for the Determination of the In-Pile Creep Behavior of Zircaloy Cladding Tubes under Internal and External Over-Pressure, in FRG-2
In-Pile Creep Measuring Rigs for Metallic Specimens
The Dounreay Fast-Reactor Uniaxial Creep-Measuring Machine
Zircaloy-2 Irradiation Creep Strain Measurement Techniques
Author Index