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The objective of this publication is to comprehensively discuss the possibilities of producing steels with pre-determined attributes, demanded by the customer to fit exacting sp… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
The objective of this publication is to comprehensively discuss the possibilities of producing steels with pre-determined attributes, demanded by the customer to fit exacting specifications. The information presented in the book has been designed to indicate the reasons for the expenses and to aid in the process of overcoming the difficulties and reducing the costs.
In nine detailed chapters, the authors cover topics including:
• steel as a major contributor to the economic wealth of a country in terms of its capabilities and production
• current concerns of major steel producers
• phenomena contributing to the quality of the product
• information concerning the boundary conditions of the rolling process and initial conditions, put to use by mathematical models
• the solid state incremental approach and flow formulation
• parameters and variables - most of which make use of the exponential nature of phenomena that are activated by thermal energy
• the application of three dimensional analysis to shape rolling
• the evaluation of parameters by a form of inverse analysis to the flat rolling process
• knowledge based modeling, using artificial intelligence, expert systems and neural networks
They conclude that when either mathematical or physical modeling of the rolling process is considered and the aim is to satisfy the demands for customers, it is possible to produce what the customer wants, exactly.
Steel Production.
Future Changes of Personnel.
Competition from Other Materials.
Current Concerns.
The Rolling Process.
Improvements of the Rolling Process.
The Contents of the Book.
Tribology of Flat Rolling and The Boundary Conditions
The Tribological System.
Interactions at the Surface of Contact.
The Dependence of Interfacial Phenomena on Process and Material Parameters.
Roll Wear.
Case Studies.
Boundary Conditions.
The Resistance of the Material to Deformation
Tension, Torsion and Compression Testing.
Potential Problems Encountered During Mechanical Testing.
Representation of True Stress-True Strain Curves.
Case Studies.
One-Dimensional Modeling of the Flat Rolling Process
Free-Body Diagram of the Roll-Strip System.
An Empirical Model.
The Traditional Models - Orowan, Sims, Bland and Ford
Refinements of Orowan Model.
A Model with no Friction Hill.
Sensitivity of the Roll Force and the Torque to Some of the Parameters.
The Predictive Ability of the One-Dimensional Models.
The Finite-Element Method in Metal Forming
Rigid-Plastic Finite-Element Method.
Elasto-Plastic Finite-Element Model.
Heat Transfer.
Case Studies.
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of the Final Product
Conventional Microstructure Evolution Models.
Properties at Room Temperature.
Substantiation of Thermal-Mechanical-Microstructural Models.
The Internal Variable Method.
Case Studies - Industrial Applications.
Shape Rolling
Generalized Plane Strain Approach.
Case Studies.
Parameter Evaluation in Metal Forming
Parameter Evaluation - The Inverse Analysis.
Optimization Techniques.
Case Studies.
Knowledge Based Modelling
Knowledge in Hot Rolling.
Knowledge Acquisition.
Numerical Data for Decision-Making.
Data and Data Mining in Hot Rolling.
Numerical Data Covering the Gaps in Knowledge.
Case Studies.
Author Index
Subject Index