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Mathematical and Physical Fundamentals of Climate Change is the first book to provide an overview of the math and physics necessary for scientists to understand and apply atmosp… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Prof. Zhang’s long-standing researches focus on big earth data, climate change mechanisms, ocean dynamics, environmental evolution and sustainability. Prof Zhang has published six books as first author:
Ø Frame Theory in Data Science (Springer, 2024),
Ø Environmental Data Analysis (DeGruyter, 2nd Edition, 2023),
Ø Big Data Mining for Climate Change (Elsevier, 2020),
Ø Patterns and Mechanisms of Climate, Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Change from Low-Latitude Regions (Springer, 2019),
Ø Multivariate Time Series Analysis in Climate & Environmental Research (Springer, 2018),
Ø Mathematical and Physical Fundamentals of Climate Change (Elsevier, 2015)
Prof. Zhang has published more than 80 articles, highlighting many times by New Scientist (UK), China Science Daily, and China Social Science Daily. Currently, Prof. Zhang is serving as an Editor-in-Chief of Int J Big Data Mining for Global Warming (World Scientific); an Associate Editor of Environ Dev Sustain (Springer), EURASIP J Adv Signal Process (Springer), and Int J Climate Change Strat & Manag (Emerald); and an Editorial Board Member of Earth Sci Informatics (Springer), PLoS ONE, Open Geosci (DeGruyter), Int J Global Warming (Indersci). Prof. Zhang is serving as the first track chair of Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (2021-now), and was invited as a plenary/keynote speaker at 2023 Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting (Turkey) and 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (Romania)