Section headings and selected papers: Greenhouse Systems. Optimal control for plant production in greenhouses, H-J Tantau. Physical modeling of greenhouse climate, G P A Bot. The path to dynamic optimization of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse, W Day et al. Optimal greenhouse temperature trajectories for a multi-state-variable tomato model, I Seginer. Plant Factory Systems. Plant factory and its prospects, S Nakayama. Micropropagation by nutrient mist supply: effects of a mist supply period on potato plantlet growth, Y Ibaraki & K Kurata. "Roots dividing method" for nutrient supply in soilless culture, K Kurata. Development of TS-style plant factory, S Akagi et al. Post-Harvest Technology. Crack evaluation of rice by computer vision system, S Oshita et al. Quality evaluation of rice and coffee grains by using near-infrared rays, M Matuda & K Kagawa. Robotics. Mechanical weed control in sugar beet growing: the detection of a plant in a row, J Bontsema et al. Discriminating robot system for carnation seedling with fuzzy logic, H Fujiwara. Study on grape harvesting robot, N Kondo. Information, Computers and AI. Computer applications in agriculture and horticulture: a view, W Day. Agriculture information network trend for the 21st century, N Izumi et al. Models and Control in Agriculture and Horticulture. Process identification, a Markov parameter approach, T Backx. Kalman filter neuro-computing for biological system models using neural networks, H Murase & N Honami. Measurements in Controlled Systems. Sensors and intelligent sensing systems, H Yamasaki. An Isfet-based nutrient sensor for rockwool culture, I Amemiya et al.