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Polymer matrix composites are used extensively across a wide range of industries, making the design and development of effective manufacturing processes of great importance.… Read more
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Part I: Manufacturing of polymer matrix composites (PMCs): short fiber and nanomaterial based processing
Chapter 1: Introduction to composites and manufacturing processes
1.1 Processing of polymer matrix composites
1.2 Focus and scope of this book
Chapter 2: Injection molding in polymer matrix composites
2.1 Introduction to injection molding
2.2 Molding compounds
2.3 Characterization and prediction of fiber orientation
2.4 Molding defects
2.5 Conclusions and future trends
2.6 Acknowledgment
Chapter 3: Compression molding in polymer matrix composites
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Molding materials
3.3 Process defects and remedies
3.4 Recent developments in press design and process optimization
3.5 Modeling and simulation
3.6 Future trends
3.7 Conclusions
Chapter 4: Processing of polymer nanocomposites
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Process description
4.3 Methods to improve process
Part II: Manufacturing of polymer matrix composites (PMCs): thermoplastic based processing
Chapter 5: Sheet forming in polymer matrix composites
5.1 Introduction: key objectives
5.2 Process description
5.3 Matrix flow and fibre deformation
5.4 Changes to the process to improve product quality
5.5 Future trends
5.6 Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 6: Fabric thermostamping in polymer matrix composites
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Process description
6.3 Material characterization
6.4 Modeling
6.5 Methods of improving the process to improve product quality
6.6 Future trends
6.7 Sources of further information and advice
6.8 Acknowledgments
Chapter 7: Filament winding process in thermoplastics
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Winding basics
7.3 Winding process
7.4 Simulation tools
7.5 Component quality
7.6 Future trends
7.7 Sources of further information and advice
Chapter 8: Continuous fiber reinforced profiles in polymer matrix composites
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Pultrusion
8.3 Continuous compression molding
8.4 Preferred application areas for the pultrusion process and continuous compression molding process
Part III: Manufacturing of polymer matrix composites (PMCs): thermoset based processing
Chapter 9: Resin transfer molding (RTM) in polymer matrix composites
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Resin transfer molding (RTM) process steps
9.3 Fibers, fabrics and preform manufacturing
9.4 Resin system
9.5 RTM mold
9.6 Resin injection equipment
9.7 Issues that influence manufacturing with RTM
9.8 The need for process modeling
9.9 Resin flow models for RTM
9.10 Heat transfer and cure model
9.11 Numerical simulation of resin flow
9.12 Process control
Chapter 10: Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) in polymer matrix composites
10.1 Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) processing
10.2 Fundamentals of VARTM
10.3 Defects and challenges of VARTM
10.4 Recent advances in VARTM
10.5 Conclusion and future trends in VARTM
10.6 Membrane-based infusion processing
10.7 Membrane evaluation
10.8 Process and material property improvement
10.9 Summary of membrane-based infusion processing
Chapter 11: Compression resin transfer moulding (CRTM) in polymer matrix composites
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Process description
11.3 Material properties and characterisation
11.4 Modelling and analysis of the CRTM-1 process
11.5 Modelling and analysis of the CRTM-2 process
11.6 Optimisation of CRTM
11.7 Future trends
Chapter 12: The pultrusion process for polymer matrix composites
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Process description
12.3 Improvements in pultrusion
12.4 Innovation, industrial and future trends
12.5 Acknowledgement
Chapter 13: Autoclave processing for composites
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Autoclave processing model
13.3 Process development
13.4 Conclusions and future trends
Chapter 14: Out-of-autoclave curing process in polymer matrix composites
14.2 Reasons for using the out-of-autoclave (OoA) process
14.3 Strategies
14.4 Technical description of different OoA processes
14.5 Process comparison and classification
14.6 Future trends
Sources of further information and advice