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Managing Ocean Environments in a Changing Climate summarizes the current state of several threats to the global oceans. What distinguishes this book most from previous works is… Read more
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Managing Ocean Environments in a Changing Climate summarizes the current state of several threats to the global oceans. What distinguishes this book most from previous works is that this book begins with a holistic, global-scale focus for the first several chapters and then provides an example of how this approach can be applied on a regional scale, for the Pacific region. Previous works usually have compiled local studies, which are essentially impossible to properly integrate to the global scale. The editors have engaged leading scientists in a number of areas, such as fisheries and marine ecosystems, ocean chemistry, marine biogeochemical cycling, oceans and climate change, and economics, to examine the threats to the oceans both individually and collectively, provide gross estimates of the economic and societal impacts of these threats, and deliver high-level recommendations.
Ocean and coastal scientists with focus on early stage researchers and students as well as coastal managers and policy makers
Chapter 1. Valuing the Ocean: An Introduction
Purpose and Scope of the Book
Differential Analysis for Future Scenarios
Expert Survey Approach
The Matrix: Values, Threats, and Knowledge
Knowledge for Decision Support
Chapter 2. Ocean Acidification
Cause and Chemistry
Time and Space Scales
Future Ocean Acidification Scenarios
Potential Future Effects on Physiological Processes and Behavior
Impacts on Communities, Food Webs, and Ecosystems
Chapter 3. Ocean Warming
Physical Consequences of Ocean Warming
Biological Consequences of Ocean Warming
Summary and Take-Home Messages
Chapter 4. Hypoxia
Key Messages
The Heart of the Problem
Global Patterns in Hypoxia
OMZs and Open Ocean Decline in Oxygen
Environmental Consequences of Hypoxia
Economic Consequences of Hypoxia
Global Change and Hypoxia
Restoration and the Future of Hypoxia
Chapter 5. Sea-Level Rise
Causes of Sea-Level Rise
Observations of Sea-Level Rise
Sea Level Rise in the Future
Impacts of Sea-Level Rise
Chapter 6. Marine Pollution
Chemical Pollution—POPs and Metals/Toxic Chemicals
Oil Pollution
Solid Substances
Radioactive Waste
Present and Forecasted Impacts of Pollution on Global Marine Ecosystems
Chapter 7. The Potential Economic Costs of the Overuse of Marine Fish Stocks
Fish and Fisheries Are Important to People
Evidence of Overuse of Fish Stocks
Climate Change Will Exacerbate the Problem of Overuse of Fish Stocks
Global Economic Loss due to Overfishing
Estimated Economic Losses
Chapter 8. Impacts of Multiple Stressors
Global-Scale Stressors
Local- and Regional-Scale Stressors
Feedbacks and Synergistic Effects
Concluding Remarks
Chapter 9. Tipping Points, Uncertainty, and Precaution: Preparing for Surprise
Why Buy Insurance?
Making Decisions in the Dark
Peering into the Future
Shell Game
Pentagon Planning
Safe Standards and Planetary Boundaries
Chapter 10. Valuing the Ocean Environment
What Is Not Included
Classic Studies of the Value of Ocean Environments
Fisheries and Climate Change
Tourism and Climate Change
Costs of SLR
Stormy Weather
Shrinking the Ocean Carbon Sink
Valuing the Damages
Scenario Definitions
Sea-Level Rise
Ocean Carbon Sink
Chapter 11. Managing Multiple Human Stressors in the Ocean: A Case Study in the Pacific Ocean
Pattern of Biodiversity and Marine Living Resources
Key Human Pressures in the Pacific Ocean
Challenges to Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources in the Pacific Ocean
Climate Change
Sustainable Management of the Pacific Ocean
Chapter 12. Paths to Sustainable Ocean Resources
Implications of Major Threats and Policy Recommendations
Multiple Stressors: Putting the Pieces Together
Implications of Valuing Ocean Damages and Planning for Surprise
Pacific Region Case Study—Implications for Regional Ocean Governance
The Next Era of Global Ocean Governance: Paths to Sustainability
Concluding Recommendations
Early research work in Chemical Engineering focused on transparent semiconductors for use as solar cells. His primary research interests at present are in the area of atmospheric chemistry & physics, the effects of aerosols and clouds on air quality and the Earth's climate, and Applied Earth System Science. He is an advocate of an interdisciplinary approach to obtaining a solid scientific basis for decisions on environmental and climate issues. He is author/coauthor of more than 120 scientific articles and 10 book chapters.
Kevin has headed up of a number of large international field experiments, and is (or has been) a member of a number of international committees and boards. Currently he chairs the European Academies Science Advisory Council’s Environment Steering Panel, and is vice-chair of the International Group of Funding Agencies (IGFA), and is a member of the Transdisciplinary Advisory Board for the European Joint Programming Initiative on Climate. Kevin is active in conveying science to stakeholders and the general public. He regularly gives presentations and short courses on climate and Earth System Science for non-science audiences.