Interleukins, Tumor Necrosis Factors (Cachectin), and Interferons as Endogenous Pyrogens and Mediators of Fever
I. Introduction
II. Background
III. Fever
IV. IL-1 as an EP
V. Tumor Necrosis Factor (Cachectin) as an EP
VI. Interferons as EPs
VII. IL-2 as a Pyrogen
VIII. Assaying for EPs
IX. Conclusions
Molecular Biology of Interleukin
I. Introduction
II. Molecular Variability
III. Mapping of the IL-lß Protein Active Site
IV. IL-lß Gene Structure and Regulation
V. Speculations and Summary
Human Interleukin 1 Inhibitors
I. Introduction
II. Results
III. Discussion
Immunoregulatory Factors Secreted by Astrocytes and Glioblastoma Cells
I. Introduction
II. Major Histocompatibility Antigens in the CNS
III. Interferon-7 Induces la Antigens on Astrocytes
IV. Antigen Presentation by Astrocytes
V. Production of IL-1-like Factors by Astrocytes
VI. Astrocytes Synthesize IL-3-like Factors
VII. Production of Prostaglandin E by Astrocytes
VIII. Prostaglandins, IFN-y, and the Expression of MHC Antigens in the Brain
IX. Glioblastoma Cell-Derived T Cell Suppressor Factor (GTSF)
X. Conclusion
Molecular Biology of the Acute Phase Plasma Proteins
I. Introduction
II. The Proteins
III. The Mediators
IV. Summary
Contrasting Requirements for IL-2 Production, IL-1 Receptor Expression, and Lymphocyte Proliferation: The Role of Calcium-Dependent and Calcium-Independent Signals
I. Introduction
II. IL-2 Production
III. IL-2 Receptor Expression
IV. IL-2-IL-2 Receptor Interaction
V. Multiple Signal Hypothesis
VI. Regulation of CA2+ Entry into the Cell
VII. Summary
Production of Pteridines by T Cells and Macrophages: Modulator Function in Interleukin 2 Signal Transmission
I. Introduction
II. Principles of Pteridine Biochemistry and Analysis
III. Pteridine Production by T Cells and Macrophages In Vitro
IV. Pteridines as Indicators of T Cell Activation in Clinical Cases
V. Modulation of IL-2 Response by Pteridines
VI. Are Pteridines Involved in the Modulation of Other Hormone-Receptor Interactions and in the Communication between the Immune and the Nervous System?
VII. Addendum
Cachectin: A Monokine Implicated as a Mediator of Cachexia and Shock
I. Introduction: The Search for Cachectin
II. Tumor Necrosis Factor
III. Isolation and Characterization of Cachectin
IV. Control of Cachectin Gene Expression
V. The Role of Cachectin in the Pathogenesis of Fever and Shock
VI. Other Biological Effects of Cachectin: The List at Present
VII. The Evolutionary Role of Cachectin
VIII. Future Prospects
Studies on the Mode of Action of Tumor Necrosis Factor on Tumor Cells in Vitro
I. Introduction
II. Specificity
III. Receptors
IV. Kinetics
V. Morphological Changes on TNF Treatment
VI. Biochemical Changes on TNF Treatment
VII. Is TNF an Enzyme?
VIII. Modification of Tumor Cell Growth and Its Effect on TNF Mediated Cytotoxicity
IX. Does Free Radical Induction Explain the Cytotoxic Action of TNF?
X. Summary
Lymphokine-Like and Interferon Regulatory Activity of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor, Epidermal Growth Factor, and Fibroblast Growth Factor
I. Introduction
II. Some Properties of PDGF, EGF, and FGF
III. Regulation of IFN-7 Production and Other Immune Functions by PDGF, EGF, and FGF
IV. IFN, PDGF, and Regulation of Oncogene Expression
V. Summary and Future Directions
Immune Interferon and Cytotoxins: Regulatory Effects on Myeloid Cells
I. Introduction
II. Biology and Interactions of Immune Interferon and Cytotoxins
III. Regulation of Differentiation-Proliferation of Granulocyte-Monocyte Precursor Cells
IV. Differentiation of Normal and Leukemia Myeloid Cells
V. Regulation of Activity of Terminally Differentiated Myelomonocytic Cells
VI. Summary and Conclusions
The Cytotoxic Lymphokines Elaborated by Effector T Cells
I. Introduction
II. Methods
III. Results
IV. Discussion
Lymphokine-Activated Tumor Inhibition (LATI) in Vivo
I. Introduction
II. Tumor-Specific Helper T Lymphocytes
III. The LATI System
IV. Host Immune Mechanisms Involved in LATI
V. From Local to Systemic Reactivity
VI. The Building Up of a New Immunotherapeutic System
Immunotoxins and Endocytosis
I. Introduction
II. Preparation and Activity of Immunotoxins
III. Endocytosis and Immunotoxins
IV. Conclusion
Heterogeneity of Murine IgG-Binding Factors (IgG-BF): Relation to Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II Antigens
I. Introduction
II. Charge Heterogeneity of IgG-BF
III. Expression of Class II Antigens on T Cell Hybridomas and on IgG-BF
Involvement of Antigen-Specific T Cell Factors in Regulation of Separate Steps in the Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Cascade
I. Introduction: A Cascade of Cellular Interactions Comprises Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) and Is Susceptible to Regulation at Different Steps in the Sequence
II. Regulation of T Cells Producing the Antigen-Specific T Cell Factors (TCF) that Initiate DTH
III. Regulation of the Late Aspect of DTH by the Early TCFDependent Component of DTH
IV. Regulation of the Late-Acting, Lymphokine-Producing Lyt-1+2- DTH Effector T Cell
V. Interplay of Various Factors Involved in the Mediation and Regulation of Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity
VI. Summary
Activation of Macrophage C3 Receptors by a Unique Lymphokine
I. Introduction
II. Generation of the Lymphokine
III. Characterization of the Lymphokine
IV. Mechanism of Action of the Lymphokine
V. Significance of C3 Receptor Activation and of C3 Receptor-Mediated Phagocytosis in Host Defense
Control of Cell Division by a Chemically Defined Cell Membrane Modification
I. Introduction
II. Production of IL-2 by Periodic Acid
III. Discussion
IV. Summary