Section headings and selected papers: Plenary Papers. Low-cost factory automation (P. Kopacek).
Theory. Regulating characteristics of exact model matching (K. Ichikawa).
Signal Processing. Low cost signal sampling using local integrals (M.D. Van Der Laan
et al.).
Modelling and CAD. A guide to the design of a digital controller (R. Caccia, A. De Carli).
Sensors. Sensor actuator to control the temperature effects into a system based on a quartz crystal (J. Arguelles
et al.).
Adaptive Controllers. A PC-based real-time generalized predictive controller (A.P. De Madrid
et al.).
Robotics. A low cost production line inspection system (K. Warwick
et al.).
Process Control Applications. Application of variable-structure control to air-conditioning systems (N.E. Gough
et al.).
Intelligent Controllers. Self-organizing fuzzy controller with neural network (L. Juriŝica, M. Sedlacek).
PLC Design. Real-time supervision by a Grafcet algorithm (R.F. Garcia).
Computer Systems. Intelligent fault diagnosis of the ICATS (Xu Lina, Deng Zhenglong).
Drivers. Comparative study of dedicated motion-control processors (E. Bertran
et al.).
Applications (Miscellaneous). Supervision issues in semiautogenous grinding (A. Cipriano
et al.). Author index. Keyword index.
Numerous illus., 7 half-tones.