Love and Attraction
An International Conference
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1979
- Editors: Mark Cook, Glenn Wilson
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 2 2 2 3 4 - 9
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 3 4 1 7 - 5
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 7 9 7 2 - 5
Love and Attraction is a collection of papers presented at the International Conference on Love and Attraction. This book is organized into 12 parts encompassing 78 chapters that… Read more

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Request a sales quoteLove and Attraction is a collection of papers presented at the International Conference on Love and Attraction. This book is organized into 12 parts encompassing 78 chapters that cover various aspects of the subjects, including friendship, intimacy, and sexuality. The introductory parts deal with the psychological aspects of physical attractiveness, non-verbal intimacy, attraction, and friendship. The subsequent parts examine the geographical difference in mate selection, marital relations, and romantic love. These chapters also look into the structural features of personality, behavior, and romantic love. These topics are followed by discussions of exchange theory applications to love and attraction; the social psychology of human sexuality; relationship between sexual behavior and society; and sex therapy. The final parts are devoted to other sex related topics, including sex therapy, erotica, arousal, child sexuality, and pedophilia. This book will prove useful to psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists, counselors, and other academic and clinical workers.
List of Contributors
I. Physical Attractiveness
Physical Attractiveness and Interpersonal Attraction
The Ubiquity of Physical Appearance as a Determinant of Social Relationships
Women's Somatic Preferences
The Psychological Significance of Facial Deformity
Body-Behavior Problems: A Conceptualization
The Impact of Physical Attractiveness on an Employment Decision
Physical Attractiveness and its Relationship to Self-Esteem: Preliminary Findings
The Integration of Physical and Social Information in Social Perception
The Effects of Attractiveness, Feature Saliency and Liking on Memory for Faces
The Physically Attractive Woman at Age 40: Precursors in Adolescent Personality and Adult Correlates from a Longitudinal Study
II. Non-Verbal Intimacy, Attraction and Friendship
Mammalian Pheromones — Sense or Nonsense?
Pupillary Dilation as a Sexual Signal and its Links with Adolescence
Rapport and Timeless Moments: a Micro-Dissection
Regulation of Intimacy in Social Encounters: The Effects of Sex of Interactants and Information About Attitude Similarity
Tactical Self-Presentation and Interpersonal Attraction
Blueprint for a Social Psychological Theory of Loneliness
Heterosexual Attraction and Attributional Processes in Fear-Producing Situations
When "I Disagree" means "I will like you Longer": Attributions of Causality in Acquaintance
Behavioral and Sociometric Indices of Friendship in Children
Non-Verbal Expressions of Intimacy in Children
Affiliation and Attraction in Field Settings
III. Mate Selection
The Social Geography of Marriage
Marital Choice: Matching or Complementation?
A Test of Toman's Theory of Mate Selection
Mate Selection and the Lady Role
Interreligious Courtship in Northern Ireland
Mate Selection in the Netherlands
Mate Selection: A Transactional Analysis Model
Mate Selection in the Absence of Face-To-Face Relations
IV. Marital Relations
Longitudinal Study of Marital Success and Failure
Unmarried Cohabitation in Sweden
The Study of Jealousy as a Dispositional Characteristic
The Emotional Responses of Husbands to Suicide Attempts by their Wives
V. Romantic Love
Structural Features of the Romantic Love Relationship
Personality and Behavioral Correlates of Romantic Love
Male-Female Similarities and Differences in Conceptualizing Love
The Kinetic-Potential Theory of Love
Changing Family Structure and Conjugal Love: the Case of the Akan of Ghana
Romantic Love as a Basis for Marriage
The "Many-Splendoured Thing" in Transition or "The Agony and the Ecstasy" Revisited
Homeric Love
VI. Exchange Theory Applications to Love And Attraction
Social Exchange in Intimate Relationships
Exchange and Liking
The Implications of Exchange Orientation on the Dyadic Functioning of Heterosexual Cohabitors
Differential Factors in Need for Love
VII. The Social Psychology of Human Sexuality
Sexual Stimulation and Sociosexual Behaviors
Determinants of Contraceptive Values and Practices
Equity and Extramarital Sex
Equity and Premarital Sex
VIII. Sexual Behavior and Society
Sex, Society and the Individual
Contemporary American Sex Shocks: Implications for Love, Commitment and Relationships
The Sources of Sexual Information of a Sample of Canadian Adolescents
Changes in Courtship and Cohabitation in Canada, 1968-1977
Birth Order and Premarital Sexual Permissiveness
The Social Origins of Some Sexual Taboos
Sexual Behavior, Personality and Hormonal Characteristics of Heterosexual, Homosexual and Bisexual Men
Personality Attributes of the Average Rubber Fetishist
Health-Care Practitioners and the Seductive
Hospitalized Person
Sexual Behavior and the Theory of Psychological Reversals
Micropenis: Use of a Prosthetic Penis in a 9-year-old Boy
IX. Sex Therapy
The Effects of Drugs on Sexual Function
The Use of Film or Manual for Anorgasmic Women
The Sexual-Enhancement Week-End Workshop: Assets and Limitations
Meditative Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction
Group Therapy for Increasing the Sexual Interest of Female Patients and their Partners
Saboteurs of Sex Therapy
Ways of Coping with Sabotage
X. Erotica and Arousal
Male-Female Differences in Responses to Erotica
Erotic Arousal in Males and Females as Perceived by their Respective Same- and Opposite-Sex Peers
Dimensions of Masculinity and Female Reactions to Male Nudity
Rock and Roll: Arousal Music or a Reflection of Changing Mores
XI. Infant and Child Sexuality
Infant and Child Sexuality: Capacity and Experience
Processes in Sexual Development
Pedophilia: The Consequences for the Child
The Sexual Rights of Children: Implications of a Radical Perspective
XII. Pedophilia
The Participating Victim: A Study of Sexual Offences Against Pre-Pubertal Boys
Some Meanings of Children for Pedophiles
A Social Skills Training Program with Sex Offenders
Images of Pedophilia
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 571
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1979
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080222349
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483234175
- eBook ISBN: 9781483279725
Mark Cook
Mark Cook has been in the oil and gas industry since 1981. He spent eleven years with Shell International working as a reservoir engineer in a variety of locations world-wide and has worked on exploration prospect evaluation, field development planning and production operations. After completing an MBA, he left Shell to co-found TRACS International, providing training and consultancy services to the industry, and worked as petroleum engineer and company Director.
When TRACS was acquired by AGR Petroleum Services, he managed the UK and Russian Reservoir Management businesses until 2011. He is active in reserves evaluation for clients including international oil companies, small to medium enterprises.
Mark has written and delivers a series of training courses in reservoir engineering, risk analysis and petroleum economics. He is co-author of the popular “Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production” textbook, a SPE Distinguished Lecturer and guest lecturer in petroleum engineering at Aberdeen University, Heriot-Watt University and University College Dublin.
Affiliations and expertise
TRACS International, Aberdeen, Scotland, UKRead Love and Attraction on ScienceDirect