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The Handbook of the History of Logic is a multi-volume research instrument that brings to the development of logic the best in modern techniques of historical and interpretative sc… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
The Handbook of the History of Logic is a multi-volume research instrument that brings to the development of logic the best in modern techniques of historical and interpretative scholarship. It is the first work in English in which the history of logic is presented so extensively. The volumes are numerous and large. Authors have been given considerable latitude to produce chapters of a length, and a level of detail, that would lay fair claim on the ambitions of the project to be a definitive research work. Authors have been carefully selected with this aim in mind. They and the Editors join in the conviction that a knowledge of the history of logic is nothing but beneficial to the subject's present-day research programmes. One of the attractions of the Handbook's several volumes is the emphasis they give to the enduring relevance of developments in logic throughout the ages, including some of the earliest manifestations of the subject.
Researchers, and graduate and senior undergraduate students in logic in all its forms, argumentation theory, AI and computer science, cognitive psychology and neuroscience, linguistics, forensics, philosophy and the philosophy and the history of philosophy, and the history of ideas
List of Authors
A History of The Consequence Relations
1 Introduction
2 Aristotle [384 BCE-322 BCE]
3 Stoics [300 BCE–200 CE]
4 Medievals [476 CE–1453 CE]
5 Leibniz [1646–1716]
6 Kant [1724–1804]
7 Bolzano [1781–1848]
8 Boole [1815–1864]
9 Frege [1848–1925]
10 Russell [1872–1970]
11 Carnap [1891–1970]
12 Gentzen [1909–1945]
13 Tarski [1902–1983]
14 Gödel [1906–1978]
15 Modal Logics
16 Nonmonotonic Options
17 The Substructural Landscape
18 Monism or Pluralism
A History of Quantification
1 Aristotle’s Quantification Theory
2 Quantifiers In Medieval Logic
3 The Textbook Theories of Quantification
4 The Rise Of Modern Logic
5 Contemporary Quantification Theory
History of Negation
Introduction: Grice as a Catalyst
A History of The Connectives
1 Aristotelian Foundations
2 Stoic Logic
3 Hypothetical Syllogisms
4 Early Medieval Theories
5 Later Medieval Theories
6 Leibniz’s Logic
7 Standard Modern-Era Logic
8 Bolzano
9 Boole
10 Frege
11 Peirce and Peano
12 On to The Twentieth Century
A History of Truth-Values
1 An Emblematic Concept of Modern Logic
2 From Tarski To Suszko
3 The Initial Bouillon: Three Wise Men
4 Developing Stage
5 Many Truth-Values
6 Structures, Models, Worlds
7 Non Truth-Functional Truth-Values
A History of Modal Traditions
1 Extensional Modal Conceptions in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
2 Modality as Alternativeness
Primary Literature
Secondary Literature
A History of Natural Deduction
1 Introduction
2 Object Language Natural Deduction
3 The Metatheory of Natural Deduction
4 Problems And Projects
A History Of Connexivity
1 Two Thousand Three Hundred Years Of Connexive Implication
2 Connexive Conditionals: An Empirical Approach
3 Paradoxes of Implication
4 The Avoidance of Paradox
5 A Consistent System of Connexive Logic
6 Connexive Logic In Subproof Form
7 Connexive Logic and The Syllogism
8 Connexive Class Logic
9 First-Degree Connexive Formulae
10 Causal Implication
11 Contemporary Work On Connexive Implication: Meyer, Routley, Mortensen, Priest, Lowe, Pizzi, Wansing, Rahman and Rückert.
A History of Types
1 Introduction
2 Prehistory of Types
3 Type Theory in Principia Mathematica
4 History of the Deramification
5 The Simple Theory of Types
6 Conclusion
A History of the Fallacies in Western Logic
1 Introductory Remarks
2 Aristotle (384–322 Bc)
3 The Hellenistic and Mediaeval Periods
4 Francis Bacon (1561–1626)
5 Antoine Arnauld (1612–1694) and Pierre Nicole (1625–1695)
6 Isaac Watts: an Interlude
7 John Locke
8 Richard Whately (1787–1863)
9 John Stuart Mill (1806–1873)
10 Augustus Demorgan (1806–1871)
11 The Great Depression: 1848–1970
12 Now
A History of Logic Diagrams
1 Introduction
2 The Golden Age of Logic Diagrams
3 Representing Information with Diagrams
4 Manipulating Information with Diagrams
5 The Frege-Peirce Affair
6 Revival in A New Age