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Localization of Nilpotent Groups and Spaces

  • 1st Edition - June 3, 2016
  • Authors: Peter Hilton, Guido Mislin, Joe Roitberg
  • Editor: Leopoldo Nachbin
  • Language: English
  • eBook ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 8 7 4 - 4

North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 15: Localization of Nilpotent Groups and Spaces focuses on the application of localization methods to nilpotent groups and spaces. The book… Read more

Localization of Nilpotent Groups and Spaces

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North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 15: Localization of Nilpotent Groups and Spaces focuses on the application of localization methods to nilpotent groups and spaces. The book first discusses the localization of nilpotent groups, including localization theory of nilpotent groups, properties of localization in N, further properties of localization, actions of a nilpotent group on an abelian group, and generalized Serre classes of groups. The book then examines homotopy types, as well as mixing of homotopy types, localizing H-spaces, main (pullback) theorem, quasifinite nilpotent spaces, localization of nilpotent complexes, and nilpotent spaces. The manuscript takes a look at the applications of localization theory, including genus and H-spaces, finite H-spaces, and non-cancellation phenomena. The publication is a vital source of data for mathematicians and researchers interested in the localization of nilpotent groups and spaces.