Historical Review: Developments in the USA. Developments in Sweden.
Elements of Reactor Technology: Basic principles. Reactor fuel. Fission power. Heat transfer. Structural mechanics.
Boiling Water Reactors: Reactor vessel and internals. Primary process systems. Reactor containment. Turbine-generator plant. Control and monitoring systems. Electrical systems. Main data for Swedish BWR.
Pressurized Water Reactors: Reactor vessel and internals. Reactor coolant system. Reactor containment. Control systems. Main data for Swedish PWR.
Nuclear Radiation: Basic concepts. Emission rates. Fission product behaviour. Fission product release. Activity removal facilities. Radiation protection.
Safety Principles: Radiological criteria. Safety design. Safety administration.
Safety Systems: Boiling water reactors. Pressurized water reactors. Safety functions.
Deterministic Safety Analysis: Type of events. Criteria. Analytical methods. LOCA in BWR & PWR. Transients in BWR & PWR. External events.
Probabilistic Safety Analysis: Scope of analysis. Reliability technology. Plant analyses. Fracture probabilities. External events.
Severe Accident Analysis: Core meltdown. Thermohydraulic analysis. Internal source terms. Containment analysis. External source terms.
Consequence Analysis: Methodology. Deterministic analysis. Probabilistic analysis. Risk assessment.
Operating Experience: Plant activity. Activity release and occupational exposure. Safety-related events. Significant events. The Three Mile Island accident. Feedback of experience. The Chernobyl accident.
Safety Improvement. Reactor Safety Research. Secure Reactors. Index.200 lit. refs. approx., 178 illus.