Laser spectroscopy IX
- 1st Edition - November 12, 2012
- Editor: Michael Feld
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 4 3 7 7 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 4 6 9 5 - 1
Laser Spectroscopy IX documents the proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, June 18-23, 1989. The scientific… Read more
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Request a sales quoteLaser Spectroscopy IX documents the proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, June 18-23, 1989. The scientific program consisted of oral and poster presentations. There were 52 invited talks organized into 14 topical sessions, some with panel discussions. About 60 additional invited contributions were presented in three evening poster sessions. Also included were 15 post deadline oral and poster presentations. These proceedings contain summaries of essentially all of these contributions. The contributions made by researchers at the conference are organized into 14 parts. Part I focuses on laser cooling. Part II presents studies on laser spectroscopy. Part III includes papers on cavity Q.E.D. Parts IV, V, and VI examine noise and coherence, quantum size effects, and surface spectroscopy, respectively. Part VII deals with laser light sources. Part VIII includes papers on trapped ion spectroscopy. Part IX covers ultrafast spectroscopy while Part X takes up fundamental measurements, including those of positronium, the Rydberg constant, and lead and thallium isotopes. Parts XI-XIV cover, respectively, molecular spectroscopy and dynamics, applications in radiation forces, highly excited states and dynamics, and laser spectroscopy for biomedicine.
Part I New Cooling Mechanisms
New Physical Mechanisms in Laser Cooling
A Heterodyne Measurement of the Fluorescence Spectrum of Optical Molasses
Optical Molasses with a New Twist
Trapping and Cooling of Neutral Atoms with the Dipole Force of a Laser Beam
The Effect of Detuning on the Median Velocity of an Atomic Beam Slowed and Cooled by an Intense Optical Standing Wave
Coherent Population Trapping: Reversal of the Light-Induced Drift Velocity?
Preparation of a Monoenergetic Sodium Beam by Laser Cooling and Deflection; and Broad Band Laser Cooling on Narrow Transitions
Cooling Atoms with Extraresonant Stimulated Emission Below the Doppler Limit
Stimulated Laser Cooling of a Fast Particle Beam
Towards Laser Cooling of Fast Be+ Ions in the Storage Ring TSR
Part II Laser Spectroscopy
Observation of Light-Pressure-Induced Line-Shape Asymmetries of Saturated Absorption and Dispersion Resonances
Light Induced Drift in a Spherical Cell
Resonant Gas Media for Optical Phase Conjugation
Doppler-Free Spectroscopy by Linear Selective Reflection at Glass/Cs-Vapor Interface
Time-Domain Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Water Vapor and Direct Measurement of Collisional Relaxation Times
Time Dependent Optical Phase and Imaginary Collision Kernels
Experiments in Cold and Ultracold Collisions
Dressed-Atom Approach to Collision-Induced Resonances
Speed-Dependent Inhomogeneities in Collision-Broadened H2 Vibrational Transitions
Collisionally Induced Four Wave Mixing: Breakdown of the Impact Approximation
Perturbative Theory of Higher-Order Collision-Enhanced Wave Mixing
Velocity-Changing Collisions in the Sm I 570.7 nm (Jlower = l to Jupper = 0) Saturated Absorption Spectrum
High Quality Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy in a Sputtered Vapour: Application to Isotope Shifts in Zr I
High Resolution Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy in the UV/VUV Spectral Region
Laser Spectroscopy of Relativistic Beams of H- and H: Observation of e- Detachment from H- by Multiphoton Absorption
Line Shapes in Forward Scattering
Novel Lutetium Spectroscopic Interactions via cw RIMS
Optical Echoes without Phase Reversal
Laser Evaporation as a Source for Small Free Radicals
Progress in the Spectroscopy of the Rare Gas Dimers
Detection of Photon Bursts from Single 200eV Mg Ions, Progress in Photon Burst Mass Spectrometry
Coherent Multiple Pulse Spectroscopy of the Hydrogen 1S-2S Transition
CW Laser Spectroscopy of the Triplet Manifold of Magnesium
Two-Photon 205-nm Excitation of Atomic Hydrogen in Flames: Stimulated Emission, Time-Resolved Fluorescence, and Doppler-Free Excitation
Laser Polarization Spectroscopy of Atomic Oxygen
A New Approach to the Kinetic Energy Determination of Photo-Fragments: Towards Pair-Correlation in Dissociation Dynamics
Infared Difference Frequency Laser and SRS Spectrometers. Q-Branch of CD3Hv1 Band
Phenomenon of Dynamical Rainbow in the Field of Laser Radiation
Fluorescence Spectra of Single Phase Superconductor YBa2 Cu3 Οx Excited by 280, 295, 308, and 337.l nm Radiation
Part III Cavity QED
Nonclassical Radiation in the One-Atom Maser
Rydberg Atoms in a Cavity: A New Method to Generate Photon Number States
Dissipative quantum Dynamics in Cavity QED
Radiation by Atoms in Resonant Cavities
Single Atom-Field Coupled Quantum Oscillators
Part IV Noise and Coherence
Chaos and Complexity in Quantum Optics
Bistability and Chaotic Instabilities of Laser Beams Counterpropagating Through Sodium Vapor
Polarization Instabilities and Chaos in a He-Ne Monomode Laser
Compounded Chaos
Why Laser Beams Cannot Go Straight
Squeezing of Quantum Solitons in Optical Fibers in the Presence of Thermal Phase Noise
Squeezed Light: Progress and Perspectives
An Experimental Search for Squeezing via Four-Wave Mixing in Barium
Coherence in Random Multiple Scattering: Correlations in the Speckle of Multiply Scattered Light
Resonance Fluorescence from Atoms Excited by Strong Stochastic Laser Fields
Atomic Photon Statistics Near a Phase Conjugator
Part V Quantum Size Effects
Spectral Hole Burning and Static Stark Effect in Quantum Confined Semiconductor Microcrystallites in Glasses
High Resolution Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures
Laser Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Part VI Surface Spectroscopy
Conformation, Orientation and Interaction in Molecular Monolayers: A Surface Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation Study
Milli-Hertz Surface Spectroscopy
Ethanol Absorption and Desorption on Silver Surface Probed by Optical Second-Harmonic Generation
Manipulation of Metal Particle Size Distributions on Surfaces with Laser Light
Part VII Laser Light Sources
Ultranarrow Linewidth Solid State Oscillators
Nonreciprocal Emissive and Absorptive Processes
External-Cavity Diode Lasers with High Brightness and High Spectral Purity
The Lamp-Pumped LNA Laser: a New Infrared Source for Optical Pumping of Helium
Frequency Tuning Methods for High Spectral Purity Diode Lasers Self-Locked on Confocal Fabry-Perot Cavities
Optical Parametric Oscillators of Bariumborate and Lithiumborate: New Sources for Powerful Tunable Laser Radiation in the Ultraviolet, Visible and Near Infrared
Efficient Third Harmonic Generation and Four-Photon Mixing Spectroscopy of Laser-Produced Plasmas Near Metal Surfaces
Origin of Optical Nonlinearity in D,A-DPH Systems
VUV and XUV Excimer Lasers Using Jet Discharges with Supersonic Cooling
Picosecond X-Ray Sources
Prospects for Particle Beam Pumped Short Wavelength Lasers
Part VIII Trapped Ion Spectroscopy
The Order-Chaos Transition of Two Trapped Ions
Hg+ Single Ion Spectroscopy
Quantum Jumps and the Single Trapped Barium Ion: Lifetimes, Quenching Rates, and Anomalous Dark Periods
Parametric Cooling of a Trapped Ion
The Role of Laser Damping in Trapped Ion Crystals
Two-Photon Transition Between the Ground State and a Metastable State in Mercury Ions Confined in a Radiofrequency Trap
Stable 15N5H3 Laser for Cooled, Single Ion Ba+ Frequency Standard
Partial Laser Cooling and Saturation Spectroscopy on 9 MeV 7Li+- Ions in a Storage Ring
Part IX Ultrafast Spectroscopy
Excitation of Coherence in Molecular Systems With 6 Femtosecond Optical Pulses
Autoionization and Fragmentation of Na2 Studied by Femtosecond Laser Pulses
On the Origin and Optical Properties of the Supercontinuum Generation
Time-Resolved Transition-State Spectroscopy
Optical Dipoles in Strong Stochastic Fields
Nonlinear Optical Diagnostics of Electronic Structure of Semiconductors and Metals
Desorption of Molecular Adsorbates from a Metal Surface by Subpicosecond Laser Pulses: NO/Pd(111)
Part X Fundamental Measurements
Precision Laser Spectroscopy of Positronium - Recent Progress
Proposed Search for States of Forbidden Permutation Symmetry
QED - Tests by Laser Spectroscopy
Towards a Field-Free Measurement of Parity Violation in Atomic Cesium
New Measurement of the Rydberg Constant by Two-Photon Spectroscopy of Hydrogen Rydberg States
UV Laser Spectroscopy of 3,4He Rydberg Series
Observation of an Electronic Correlation for Double Rydberg States of Barium
Observation of Sub-Doppler Laser Induced Nuclear Orientation of 85mRb
Laser Spectroscopy of Neutron Deficient Lead and Thallium Isotopes: Systematics of Nuclear Radii in the Ζ = 82 Region
How Lasers Can Help Probe the Distribution of Nuclear Magnetism
Nuclear Spin Dephasing in the Frozen Core
A Laser-Driven Source of Polarized Hydrogen and Deuterium
Macroscopic Realization of Photonic Band Structure
Experimental Studies of Atom Diffraction and the Mechanical Forces of Light on Atoms
Improved Kennedy-Thorndike Experiment - A Preliminary Report
A New Calibration of the Relativistic Doppler Effect in Neon
Suppression of a Recoil Component in Ramsey Fringe Spectroscopy
Part XI Molecular Spectroscopy and Dynamics
Molecular Eigenstate Spectra at the Threshold for Chemical Bond Breaking: Formaldehyde and Formyl Fluoride
Spectroscopy on NO2: Evidence for a Substructure Underlying the Expected Eigenstates of a Molecule
Reaction Dynamics and Spectroscopy in the VUV and XUV
First Observation of Perturbations on the C1 Πu State of Na2 by CW UV Modulated Population Spectroscopy
Analysis of the Two-Photon D1Δ-Χ1Σ+ Transition in CO: Perturbations in the (10-0) Band
High Resolution Spectroscopy of Molecules and Small Clusters in Molecular Beams
Multiphoton Ionization of (Xe)n and (NO)n Clusters Using a Picosecond Laser
GaAs+ Clusters Reaction with NH3
Photodissociation Spectroscopy of Cold Molecular Ions and Cluster Ions
Excited-State LIF Spectroscopy of Hg and Zn Molecules - The Path to New Excimer Lasers?
Improved Insight into Catalytic Reactions by Kinetic Modeling and LIF Detection of Intermediate Radical Species
Laser-Induced Florescence of Excited Zn2 Molecules
Multi-Quantum-Transition Sampling Spectroscopy for Fast Transient Luminesence Measurement
High Resolution Stimulated Raman-Brillouin Spectroscopy in Gases and Solids
Multiplex CARS Study of Infrared-Multiphoton-Excited OCS
Part XII Applications in Radiation Forces
Laser Cooling and Trapping of Noble Gas Atoms
Laser Cooling of a Ca Atomic Beam and Measurement of the 1Ρ1 - 1D2 Transition Rate
Localization of Atoms with Light-Induced Mirrors and in a Standing Light Wave
Collimation of Atomic Beam Using Ratarded Dipole Force
Part XIII Highly Excited States and Dynamics
Tribute to Sylvain Liberman
Elliptic Atomic States
Tests of Basic Molecular Physics Using Laser Spectroscopy of H2
Spatial Distributions of Ions in Short Pulse High Intensity Multiphoton Ionization
Polarization Effects in ATI
Bond Localization of Molecular Vibration
Second-Order Doppler Free Spectroscopy
Part XIV Laser Spectroscopy for Biomedicine
Prospects of Laser Spectroscopy of Biomolecules with Nanometer Spatial Resolution
Medical Applications of Laser Spectroscopy
Index of Contributors
- No. of pages: 532
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: November 12, 2012
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780124143777
- eBook ISBN: 9780323146951
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