Laser Spectroscopy IX documents the proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, June 18-23, 1989. The scientific program consisted of oral and poster presentations. There were 52 invited talks organized into 14 topical sessions, some with panel discussions. About 60 additional invited contributions were presented in three evening poster sessions. Also included were 15 post deadline oral and poster presentations. These proceedings contain summaries of essentially all of these contributions. The contributions made by researchers at the conference are organized into 14 parts. Part I focuses on laser cooling. Part II presents studies on laser spectroscopy. Part III includes papers on cavity Q.E.D. Parts IV, V, and VI examine noise and coherence, quantum size effects, and surface spectroscopy, respectively. Part VII deals with laser light sources. Part VIII includes papers on trapped ion spectroscopy. Part IX covers ultrafast spectroscopy while Part X takes up fundamental measurements, including those of positronium, the Rydberg constant, and lead and thallium isotopes. Parts XI-XIV cover, respectively, molecular spectroscopy and dynamics, applications in radiation forces, highly excited states and dynamics, and laser spectroscopy for biomedicine.