Laser and Ion Beam Modification of Materials
Proceedings of the Symposium U: Material Synthesis and Modification by Ion Beams and Laser Beams of the 3rd IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials, Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan, August 31 - September 4, 1993
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1994
- Editors: I. Yamada, H. Ishiwara, E. Kamijo
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 1 6 2 - 7
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 8 1 9 9 4 - 9
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 6 4 0 4 - 5
Laser and Ion Beam Modification of Materials is a compilation of materials from the proceedings of the symposium U: Material Synthesis and Modification by Ion beams and Laser… Read more

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Request a sales quoteLaser and Ion Beam Modification of Materials is a compilation of materials from the proceedings of the symposium U: Material Synthesis and Modification by Ion beams and Laser Beams. This collection discusses the founding of the KANSAI Science City in Japan, and the structures, equipment, and research projects of two institutions are discussed pertaining to eV-MeV ion beams. A description of ion beams as used in materials research and in manufacturing processes, along with trends in ion implantation technology in semiconductors, is discussed. Research into ion beams by China and its industrial uses in non-semiconductor area is noted. For industrial applications, developing technology in terms of high speed, large surface modifications and use of high doses is important. Thus, the development of different ion beam approaches is examined. Industrial applications of ion and laser processing are discussed as cluster beams are used in solid state physics and chemistry. Mention is made on a high power discharge pumped solid state physics (ArF) excimer laser as a potential light source for better material processing. Under ion beam material processing is nanofabrication using focused ion beams, important for research work in mesoscopic systems. Progress in the use of ion-beam mixing using kinetic energy of ion-beams to mingle with pre-deposited surface layers of substrate materials has shown promise. Advanced materials researchers and scientists, as well as academicians in the field of nuclear physics, will find this collection helpful.
General Preface
Conference Organizers, Sponsor, Advisors
Supporting Sponsors
Contents of Each Volume
Names of Symposia and Organizing Committees
Symposium U Materials Synthesis and Modification by Ion Beams and/or Laser Beams
Organizers and Committees
Sponsors and Session Chairmen
1. Plenary Talks
Review of Ion Engineering Center Corporation and Related Research Projects in Ion Engineering Research Institute Corporation
Development Program for Advanced Material-Processing and Machining Technology in Japan
2. Prospects for Ion/Laser Processes
The Growth of Heterostructures by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Ion Beams Past and Present
Trends in Ion Implantation Technology of Semiconductors
Ion Beam Research in China
3. Large Scale Ion Beam Systems
Development of High Current Metal Ion Beams
Development of a High Energy Large Sheet Ion Beam System and a Low Energy Ion Beam Deposition System
Multiple Ionized-Beams System for High Deposition Rates
High Energy High Current Ion Implantation System Using Variable Energy RFQ
Electrostatic Accelerators Facility for Multiple Ion Beam Applications
Experiment of Wide Energy Range Control for Metal Ion Beam
Development of a Reentrant-Cavity-Type Electron Cyclotron Resonance (ECR) Ion Source and its Applications for Material Processing
Facilities for In Situ Ion Beam Studies in Transmission Electron Microscopes
4. Ionized Cluster Beams
Surface Modification with Ionized Gas-Cluster Beams
Ionized Cluster Beam Source Characteristics for High-Intensity Cluster Deposition and Erosion
Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of Metal Surface Sputtering by Energetic Rare-Gas Cluster Impact
Irradiation Effects of Gas-Cluster Ar Ion Beams on Solid Surfaces
5. Ion and Laser Processing for Industrial Applications
Ionized Cluster Beam Techniques for Film Formation
Fabrication of Soft X-ray Multilayer Mirrors Using Low Energy Ion Beam
Modification of Large Area Glass Surfaces by Ion Implantation
Investigation of Laser and Ion Beam Applications for Industrial Use
High Current Metal Ion Beam Transport Through a 90° Sector Magnet
Performance Characteristics of a Sheet-Shaped Microwave Ion Source Using Slot Antennas on a Rectangular Waveguide
6. Thin Film Deposition by Ion Beams I
Iron Film Formation by Ion Beam Deposition
In-situ STM Observation of Surfaces Irradiated with Low Energy Ion Beam
In-situ Subplantation of Low-Energy (~100 eV) C+ into GaAs using Combined Ion Beam and Molecular Beam Epitaxy
Al/Si Epitaxial Deposition by UHV Electric-Mirror Sputtering
Structural Studies on C60 Thin Films Formed by Ionized Cluster Beam Deposition
Diamond-Like Carbon Films Produced by Cluster Deposition
Thermal Stability of Mo-based Multilayer Soft X-ray Mirrors
7. Large Scale Laser Systems
High-Power High Beam Quality ArF Laser
High-Repetition-Rate XeCl Excimer Laser
High Repetition Rate Operation of a High Power Long Pulse XeCl Laser
Beam Manipulation Techniques for KrF Excimer Laser
8. Laser Processes I
Formation of Low Stress SiO2 Films by Physical Vapor Deposition Using a CO2 Laser
Surface Alterations of Quartz Glass with Vacuum Ultraviolet Rare Gas Excimer Lasers
Chemical Processes in Laser-Induced Aerosol Formation from Vaporized Carbon Disulfide
Ionic Clusters of Triazine Derivatives Produced by Matrix-Assisted N2 Laser Desorption and CO2 Laser Desorption
Improvement of High Temperature Oxidation Resistance by Laser Remelted Si-Cr-Ti Coating on C103-Nb alloy
Photon Assisted Implantation of B and As in Si
Enhanced Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Radiation from Electrically Controlled KrF Laser Plasma
9. Thin Film Deposition by Ion Beams II
Epitaxial Growth of Metal-Insulator-Metal Structures on Si(lll) Substrates
Characteristics of Polyimide Prepared by Ion Beam Assisted Vapor Deposition
Epitaxial Al Films Grown on Heavily Doped Si(100) Surfaces by ICB Methods for Fabricating ULSI Contacts
Zn3P2 Thin Film Growth by Ionized-Cluster Beam Deposition
STM Observations of the Initial Growth Processes of Metal Thin Film
Formation of TiN Barrier Films at the Bottom of Contact Holes by Ionized Cluster Beam
Low Temperature Growth of Epitaxial and Highly Oriented TiO2 Rutile Films by ICB
10. Laser Processes II
Laser-Induced Deposition of Aluminum Thin Film
Laser Ablation Studies Relevant to Thin Film Deposition
Production of CnN Clusters by Laser Vaporization of a Nitrogen-Rich Polymer
Organic Thin Films Formation by Laser Ablation
Preparation of Organic Fine Particles by Excimer Laser-Induced Ablation of Solid Organic Monomers
KrF Laser Source with Variable Pulse Width for Material Processing
Characterization of Tungsten-Silicon Multilayer Mirrors Fabricated Using an ArF Excimer Laser
Excimer Laser-assisted Chemical Etching of Copper and Silicon in Chlorine Atmospheres
11. Laser Processes III
Thin Film Growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Large Area Oxide Thin Film by Laser Deposition
Laser Ablation in Epitaxial Growth and Processing of Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Superlattices
Off-Axis Laser Deposition of YBa2Cu3O7-δ Thin Films and SrTiO3 Insulation Layers
Reduction of Particulates on Laser Deposited Thin Films
Gated ICCD Photography of the KrF-Laser Ablation of Graphite into Background Gases
Characterization of Laser Ablated Plasma Plume from Pb(Zrx,Ti1-x)O3 Target
12. Ion Implantation I
Lattice Damage During Ion Implantation of Semiconductors
Application of Large Area Ion-Doping Technique to AM-LCD
Photoluminescence Investigation of a New Emission Formed in Mn+ Implanted Ultra-Pure GaAs Grown by MBE
Incorporation of Implanted Hydrogen in Si
High Energy Heavy Ion Irradiation Effects on Electron Transport Property in La2-xSrxCuO4
Crystallization Behavior of Silicon Implanted with Copper
Shallow SIMOX Technology (SST): A Double Mechanically Scanned Approach
Epitaxial Crystallization of a-Si and a-GaAs Induced by Low-Energy Ion Bombardments
13. Ion Implantation II
Multiple-Species Implantation for Defect Engineering of Shallow p+ Junctions in Si(100)
Heavy Ion Microprobes for Microanalysis of Materials Surfaces
Behavior and Chemical State of Gold Atoms Implanted into Silicon
Ion Induced Damage and Dynamic Annealing Processes
14. Ion Beam Mixing and Sputtering
Synthesis of A1N Thin Films by Dual Ion Beam Sputtering Method
Metallization on Polyimide Film by Ion and Vapor Deposition (IVD) Method
Preparation of Tantalum Oxide Thin Films on Si Substrate by Ion Beam Sputtering
Magnetostriction of Thin Films of TbxDy1-xFe2 Prepared by Ion Beam Sputtering
Epitaxial Growth Condition of Ni Films DC-Bias-Sputter-Deposited on MgO(00l)
Synthesis of A1N Thin Film by Ion Beam Assisted Sputter Deposition
Anomalous Ion Mixing/Sputtering in Metallized Compound Semiconductors
Monoenergetic Positron Beam Formation with 22Na and Electrostatic Field
Tc Decay of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Etched by He Ion
Enhancement of Thickness of Nitrogen Compound Layer Formed by Plasma Processing in Metals by Means of Preparative Irradiation of Electron Beam or Ion Beam
Rapid Rate of He Ion Etching Rate of High Tc Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O
Aging Induced High Tc of Excess Etched Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O by He Ion
Polishing of Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O by He Ion Etching
Hydrogen in Silicon: Surface Modification and Passivation of Defects and Impurities
15. Ion Implantation Into Metals, Insulators and Organic Materials
The Tribological Properties of Ion-Implanted JIS SUS304 Stainless Steel
Extension of Implanted Layers Using Repeated Cycles of W-Ti Alloy Evaporation and Multiple B+ Ion Implantation
Acoustic Spectro-Microscopy of Al-Implanted Ni and Ni Alloys
High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Fe16N2 Produced in Iron by Ion Implantation Method
Ion Implantation and Dynamic Recovery of Tin-Doped Indium Oxide Films
Application of Ion Implantation in a Glass for Radiotherapy
Modification of Surface Hardness of Alumina by Ion Implantation
Depth Dependence of IR Absorption of MeV and GeV Irradiated PMMA and PETP Foils
16. Ion Implantation into Semiconductors
Topological Transformation of In Films on Si Substrates by Ion Irradiation
Ion Beam Synthesis of Heteroepitaxial Si/CoxNi1-xSi2/Si(lll) Structures
Changes of Physical and Chemical Properties of Polycrystalline Silicon Films by Low Energy High Dose Arsenic Implantation
17. Ion Beam Material Processing I
Nanofabrication Using Focused Ion Beams
Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation
Study of Structural Phase Transition by Ion Beams
Formation of Colloidal Ag Precipitates in Fused Silica by MeV Ion Implantation
Modification of Metal Surfaces by Ion Implantation
Ion Implantation of Diamond: Damage, Doping and Lift-Off
Temperature-Dependent Ion Beam Mixing
18. Ion Beam Material Processing II
Solid and Liquid Phase Doping of Energetic Ion Tracks in Polymers
Surface Modification of Sapphire for Enhanced Infrared Window Performance
Furnace Annealing of Single Crystal Zirconia Implanted with Hafnium Ions
Regrowth Measurements in Ion-Beam Amorphised Ceramics Using Time Resolved Reflectivity
Nitrogen and Argon Irradiation of Silver-Implanted Silica
Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Oxide Thin Films Using Mass-Separated Low-Energy 0+ beams
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 646
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1994
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483131627
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444819949
- eBook ISBN: 9781483164045
I. Yamada
Affiliations and expertise
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