The pride of Soviet science, I M Khalatnikov. Lev Davidovich Landau (1908-1968), E M Lifshitz. Recollections of L D Landau, A A Abrikosov. Teacher and friend, A I Akhiezer. Dau in the thirties, N E Alekseevskii. The Leningrad period in the life of young Professor Landau, E L Andronikashvili. Studies on elementary particles, V B Berestetskii. Landau, H Casimir. The passionate sobriety of youth, D Danin. If all the scientists in the world, D Danin. Landau through a pupil's eyes, I E Dzyaloshinskii. Some meetings with L D Landau, I L Fabelinskii. Landau and others, E L Feinerg. A remarkable physicist, V L Ginzburg. Further thoughts, V L Ginzburg. In the kaleidoscope of memory, V I Gol'danskii. The 'Young people', L P Gor'kov. By car into the mountains, Z I Gorobets. If Landau were alive now, B L Ioffe. Landau as I knew him, M I Kaganov. How the school of Landau was started, I M Khalatnikov. Some brush-strokes for a portrait not yet painted, I M Khalatnikov. How I became a teacher at Kharkov University, A K Kikoin. L D Landau as a teacher, A S Kompaneets. From my memories, B G Lazarev. From not very close, O I Martynov a. My recollections of Landau, R E Peierls. Lev Davidovich Landau, winner of the second Fritz London award, J R Pellam. Science and life: conversations with Dau, V L Pokrovskii. A page or two of reminiscence about L D Landau, Yu B Rumer. My rare 'talks' with L D Landau, S M Rytov. From my memories of L D Landau, I S Shapiro. Recollections of Landau, D Shoenberg. As memory dictates, Ya A Smorodinski. Memories of Dau, M A Styrikovich. Landau as I remember him, K A Ter-Martirosyan. Recollections of the teacher, Ya B Zel'd.
80 illus. approx.