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Methods in Enzymology volumes provide an indispensable tool for the researcher. Each volume is carefully written and edited by experts to contain state-of-the-art reviews and step-… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Methods in Enzymology volumes provide an indispensable tool for the researcher. Each volume is carefully written and edited by experts to contain state-of-the-art reviews and step-by-step protocols.
In this volume, we have brought together a number of core protocols concentrating on RNA, complementing the traditional content that is found in past, present and future Methods in Enzymology volumes.
Biochemists, biophysicists, molecular biologists, analytical chemists, and physiologists
Computational Prediction of RNA Secondary Structure
Reverse-transcription PCR (RT-PCR)
Northern blotting
Explanatory Chapter: Nuclease Protection Assays
In Vitro Transcription from Plasmid or PCR-amplified DNA
Measurement of In Vivo RNA Synthesis Rates
Method for measuring mRNA decay rate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Analysis of polysomes from bacteria
Polysome Profile Analysis – Yeast
Polysome analysis of mammalian cells
Polysome analysis for determining mRNA and ribosome association in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Oligo(dT)-primed RT-PCR isolation of polyadenylated RNA degradation intermediates
Circularized RT-PCR (cRT-PCR): analysis of the 5′ ends, 3′; ends, and poly(A) tails of RNA
RNA Radiolabeling
Fluorescently Labeling Synthetic RNAs
Analysis of RNA by analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
RNA purification by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
Explanatory Chapter: Nucleic Acid Concentration Determination
RNA purification – precipitation methods
Reverse Transcriptase Dideoxy Sequencing of RNA
RNA Structure Experimental Analysis – Chemical Modification
Structural Analysis of RNA Backbone Using In-Line Probing