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Kidnapping: An Investigator's Guide to Profiling is based on a three-part analysis of 100 randomly selected kidnapping cases prosecuted in the United States that have survived… Read more
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Kidnapping: An Investigator's Guide to Profiling is based on a three-part analysis of 100 randomly selected kidnapping cases prosecuted in the United States that have survived Supreme Court appeal. The results of the analysis are incorporated into each chapter as part of the exploration of the inductive profile of each kidnapping subtype, thereby offering a statistically based tool that can inform investigative strategies and the allocation of limited resources. The analysis includes standardized input from four levels of professional law enforcement including a forensic psychologist, a crime analyst, a detective, and a city prosecutor.
In addition to chapters pertaining to the kidnapping subtypes – Domestic Kidnapping, Predatory Kidnapping-Adult Victim, Predatory Kidnapping-Child Victim, Profit Kidnapping, Revenge Kidnapping, Staged Kidnapping, and Political Kidnapping - an introductory chapter is dedicated to the evolution of U.S. kidnapping law and intervention strategies, including a review of relevant case law (Megan's Law, Amber Alert). Appendices include a concise summary of all the subtypes and Tabletop Drills that law enforcement can use to support potential kidnapping victims prepare and better respond to a kidnapping threat. The second edition also includes a discussion of the relationship between kidnapping and human trafficking, as well as a new Appendix focused upon effective interview strategies with the victim-witness.
Biographies: Author, Evaluators, and Contributors
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
1. Introduction
A Previous Typology of Kidnapping
Psychology and Criminal Analysis
2. The History of U.S. Kidnapping Laws
The Federal Kidnapping Act
Kidnapping Case Law
Kidnapping as a Distinct Crime
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Jacob Wetterling Act and Megan’s Law
The Amber Alert System
Kidnapping and Human Trafficking: Overlap and Distinctions
Milestones in Human Trafficking Legislation
3. Domestic Kidnapping
What Defines the Domestic Kidnapping
Characteristics of the Domestic Kidnapping
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
Are All Victims of Domestic Violence Kidnapping Victims?
4. Predatory Kidnapping—Adult Victim
What Defines the Predatory Kidnapping—Adult Victim
Characteristics of the Predatory Kidnapping—Adult Victim
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
5. Predatory Kidnapping—Child Victim
What Defines the Predatory Kidnapping—Child Victim
Characteristics of the Predatory Kidnapping—Child Victim
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
6. Profit Kidnapping
What Defines the Profit Kidnapping
Characteristics of the Profit Kidnapping
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
Human Trafficking and Kidnapping: Implications for Prevention and Investigation
7. Revenge Kidnapping
What Defines the Revenge Kidnapping?
The Characteristics of the Revenge Kidnapping
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
8. Staged Kidnapping
What Defines the Staged Kidnapping
Characteristics of the Staged Kidnapping
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
9. Political Kidnapping
What Defines the Political Kidnapping
Characteristics of the Political Kidnapping
Implications for Prevention and Investigation
10. Science and Civil Liberty: Implications for the Prevention, Investigation, and Prosecution of All Kidnapping Subtypes
Thermal Imaging and the Right to Privacy in the Home
Global-Positioning Systems and the Right to Privacy in a Vehicle
The Right to Privacy in Relation to DNA
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Appendix A. Summary of Subtype Characteristics by Percentage
Appendix B. Summary of Subtype Characteristics by Element
Domestic Kidnapping
Predatory Kidnapping—Adult Victim
Predatory Kidnapping—Child Victim
Profit Kidnapping
Revenge Kidnapping
Staged Kidnapping
Appendix C. Mental Health Response to Kidnapping
Appendix D. Drill Exercises
Drill 1: Domestic Kidnapping
Drill 2: Predatory Kidnapping—Adult Victim
Drill 3: Predatory Kidnapping—Child Victim
Drill 4: Profit Kidnapping
Drill 5: Nontraditional Profit Kidnapping: Infant Abduction
Drill 6: Revenge Kidnapping
Drill 7: Political Kidnapping
Drill Exercise Evaluation Form
Appendix E. Special Considerations for Interviewing the Victim–Witness
Know the Reason(s) Why You Are Conducting the Interview
Whenever Possible, Select a Comfortable Environment
Establish Rapport
Use a Variety of Interview Techniques
Detecting Deception
Interviews with Special Populations
Exploring Suicidal and Homicidal Ideation
Concluding the Interview