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Keys to Running Successful Research Projects: All the Things They Never Teach You provides a step-by-step guide for the management of a successful research project or program.… Read more
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Keys to Running Successful Research Projects: All the Things They Never Teach You provides a step-by-step guide for the management of a successful research project or program. Through the use of illustrative case studies, the book covers all aspects of management that should be included during researcher training, helping researchers overcome the many challenges they face in their day-to-day management of people, time and resources. Links throughout provide more detailed information from gold standard sources on every topic. It is a must-have reference for postdocs, research managers and administrators in colleges, universities, hospitals and research institutes.
In addition, it is an ideal resource for those working in grant and contract funding groups in the life sciences and medical fields.
Postdocs, researchers and research groups, program managers, professional research administrators and support staff in universities and research institutions as well as university management and those interested in exploring a career in research management or research administration
Part 1 Getting Started1.1 Introduction to Using this Book1.2 Career Planning – Managing Yourself1.3 Setting the Career Plan1.4 Project Planning1.5 Applying for your Grant1.6 Preparing the Budget for your Project1.7 Work with your Research Office1.8 Involving Consumers in your Research1.9 Enhance your ReputationPart 2 Building your Team2.1 Planning and Advertising2.2 The Recruitment Process – Interviewing and Selecting2.3 The Recruitment Process – Orienting your Staff2.4 Involving Volunteers2.5 Managing StudentsPart 3 Collaborations3.1 Finding the Right Collaborators3.2 Establishing your Collaborations3.3 Collaborations over DistancePart 4 Running the Studies4.1 Elements of Project Planning4.2 Detailed Project Planning4.3 Understanding Agreements4.4 Developing your Study Methods4.5 Data Storage and Management4.6 Understanding Intellectual Property4.7 Managing your Project Budget4.8 Project Meetings4.9 Marketing your Research to your Stakeholders4.10 More about Marketing - Communication Planning4.11 Equipment and Consumables4.12 Study Participant Recruitment4.13 Designing a Questionnaire and Accompanying Study Materials4.14 Project Reporting4.15 Risks and Issues4.16 Project Advisory CommitteesPart 5 People Management: for Yourself and Your Team5.1 Finding a Mentor5.2 Looking after Your Team5.3 Leadership5.4 More About Managing Conflict5.5 Mentoring the Next Generation5.6 Developing Time Management Skills5.7 Change ManagementPart 6 Wrapping up your Project6.1 Considerations in the Last Months of your Project6.2 Winding Up your Project Budget6.3 Important Elements to Tidy Up at the End of Your Project6.4 Further Project Communication6.5 Post-Project EvaluationPart 7 Research Dissemination7.1 Posters and Presentations7.2 Step by Step Guide to the Publication Process7.3 Next Steps - Promoting your Publication - and Planning More7.4 Documenting your Research Impact7.5 Facilitating Translation – Helping your Research Move into Practice7.6 Commercializing your Research FindingsPart 8 Research Integrity and Responsible Conduct of Research8.1 Introduction to Research Ethics8.2 Ethics Requirements in Human and Animal Research8.3 Breaches of Ethics and Research Misconduct8.4 Handling an Adverse Event8.5 Privacy and Confidentiality in Research8.6 Other Ethical Considerations8.7 Conflicts of InterestPart 9 When Things Go Wrong9.1 Introduction - Potential Challenges in your Research9.2 Managing Work and Family Commitments9.3 Gender Bias in the Workplace9.4 Retrieving a Project which has Gone Wrong9.5 Some Traps for the UnwaryPart 10 Keeping an Eye to the Future10.1 Career Management10.2 What Comes Next10.3 Moving on Gracefully
Addendum - Some tips about biobankingEndorsement from Sir Gustav NossalEnd and acknowledgementsGlossary