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SQL for Smarties was hailed as the first book devoted explicitly to the advanced techniques needed to transform an experienced SQL programmer into an expert. Now, 10 years later… Read more
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Introduction to the Third Edition
1.1 What Changed in Ten Years
1.2 What Is New in This Edition
1.3 Corrections and Additions
Chapter 1: Database Design
1.1 Schema and Table Creation
1.2 Generating Unique Sequential Numbers for Keys
1.3 A Remark on Duplicate Rows
1.4 Other Schema Objects
Chapter 2: Normalization
2.1 Functional and Multivalued Dependencies
2.2 First Normal Form (1NF)
2.3 Second Normal Form (2NF)
2.4 Third Normal Form (3NF)
2.5 Elementary Key Normal Form (EKNF)
2.6 Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
2.7 Fourth Normal Form (4NF)
2.8 Fifth Normal Form (5NF)
2.9 Domain-Key Normal Form (DKNF)
2.10 Practical Hints for Normalization
2.11 Key Types
Chapter 3: Numeric Data in SQL
3.1 Numeric Types
3.1.1 BIT, BYTE, and BOOLEAN Data Types
3.2 Numeric Type Conversion
3.3 Four-Function Arithmetic
3.4 Arithmetic and NULLs
3.5 Converting Values to and from NULL
3.6 Vendor Math Functions
Chapter 4: Temporal Data Types in SQL
4.1 Notes on Calendar Standards
4.2 SQL Temporal Data Types
4.3 Queries with Date Arithmetic
4.4 The Nature of Temporal Data Models
Chapter 5: Character Data Types in SQL
5.1 Problems with SQL Strings
5.2 Standard String Functions
5.3 Common Vendor Extensions
5.4 Cutter Tables
Chapter 6: NULLs
6.1 Empty and Missing Tables
6.2 Missing Values in Columns
6.3 Context and Missing Values
6.5 NULLs and Logic
6.6 Math and NULLs
6.7 Functions and NULLs
6.8 NULLs and Host Languages
6.9 Design Advice for NULLs
6.10 A Note on Multiple NULL Values
Chapter 7: Multiple Column Data Elements
7.1 Distance Functions
7.2 Storing an IP Address in SQL
7.3 Currency and Other Unit Conversions
7.4 Social Security Numbers
7.5 Rational Numbers
Chapter 8: Table Operations
8.1 Delete From Statement
8.2 Insert into Statement
8.3 The Update Statement
8.4 A Note on Flaws in a Common Vendor Extension
8.5 Merge Statement
Chapter 9: Comparison or Theta Operators
9.1 Converting Data Types
9.2 Row Comparisons in SQL
Chapter 10: Valued Predicates
10.1 IS NULL Predicate
10.2 IS [NOT]{TRUE
Mr. Celko is author a series of books on SQL and RDBMS for Elsevier/MKP. He is an independent consultant based in Austin, Texas.
He has written over 1200 columns in the computer trade and academic press, mostly dealing with data and databases.