1 Introduction
Plan of Text—Units, Problems
2 Precipitation
Stability of Air
Lifting Mechanisms—Fronts, Extra-Tropical Cyclones, Orography, Air Mass Showers, Hurricanes
Cloud Physics
Sources of Moisture for Precipitation
3 Melting of Snow and Ice
Metamorphosis of a Snow Pack
Melting Factors
Total Melt Computations
4 Streamflow
Sources of Streamflow
The Runoff Process
The Components of Streamflow
Drainage Area Determination
Variations in Runoff Régimes
5 Evaporation and Evapotranspiration
Mass Transfer Approach
Energy Balance Approach
Application of Energy Balance Equation
Influence of Surface
Eddy Fluctuation Approach
Evaporation from Snow and Ice
6 Observational Methods and Networks
Precipitation and Precipitation Intensity—Problems in Measuring Point Precipitation, Non-Recording and Recording Precipitation Gauges, Weather Radar
Streamflow—Measurement of Water Levels, Selection of Gauge Site, Discharge Measurements, Computation of Streamflow Data
Evaporation—Evaporation Measurements, Indirect Methods
Snow Cover
Other Parameters—Well-Water Levels, Water Temperatures, Soil Moisture, Meteorological Factors
Gauge Networks—Precipitation Stations, Streamflow Stations
7 Lakes and Reservoirs
Water Balance
Wind Effects—Set-up, Seiches, Waves, Currents and Littoral Drift
Temperature Régime of Lakes and Reservoirs—Energy Balance, Temperature versus Depth, Surface Temperatures
Ice Formation and Dissipation
8 Frequently Used Analysis Methods
Statistical Analysis—Some Useful Statistical Terms, Correlation Analysis, Extreme Value Frequency Analysis, Double Mass Curve Analysis
Precipitation Analysis—Areal Precipitation from Point Values, Depth-Area-Duration Analysis of Storm Precipitation, Point Rainfall Analysis, Relationship of Point to Areal Rainfall
Streamflow Analysis—The Hydrograph, Base Flow Recession, Hydrograph Separation, The Unit Hydrograph, The Distribution Graph, The S-Curve Hydrograph, Synthetic Unit Hydrographs
Streamflow Routing
9 Extending Streamflow Records
Monthly, Seasonal and Annual Flow Volumes—Record Extension by Streamflow Data, Record Extension by Meteorological Data
Flood Runoff and Peak Discharge
Extending or Synthesizing the Daily Flow Record
Low Flow and Drought
10 Applications in Engineering Design Problems
Reservoir Design—Storage Capacity, Design Floods, Design Storms, Snowmelt Contributions to Probable Maximum Floods, Conversion of Critical Meteorological Conditions to Design Floods
Irrigation Water Requirements
Storm Sewer and Local Drainage Design
Design of Lake Structures
11 River Forecasting
Headwaters and Small Rivers—Development of Correlations, Forecasts Involving Snowmelt, Time Distribution of Runoff, Further Development of Headwater Forecasting Techniques
Large Rivers—Peak Stage Relations, Hydrograph Translation
Water Supply
Forecasting Ice Formation and Dissipation—Frazil Ice, Sheet Ice
12 Man's Influence on the Hydrologic Cycle
Changes in Vegetation—Drainage-Basin Studies, Present State of Knowledge
Induced Precipitation
Induced Melting of Snow and Ice Covers
Evaporation Control
Effects of Urbanization—Effects on Climate, Effects on Streamflow
13 Climatic Trends and Cycles
Long Term Climatic Trends
Recent Climatic Trends
Theories of Climatic Changes
Implications in Water Resource Development
Appendix A Table of Conversion Factors
Appendix B Problems
Appendix C Bibliography