Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Physical and Numerical Aspects
- 2nd Edition, Volume 101 - August 26, 2011
- Authors: Benoit Cushman-Roisin, Jean-Marie Beckers
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 0 8 8 7 5 9 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 1 6 7 8 - 1
Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics provides an introductory-level exploration of geophysical fluid dynamics (GFD), the principles governing air and water flows on large… Read more

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Request a sales quote- Combines both physical and numerical aspects of geophysical fluid dynamics into a single affordable volume
- Explores contemporary topics such as the Greenhouse Effect, global warming and the El Nino Southern Oscillation
- Biographical and historical notes at the ends of chapters trace the intellectual development of the field
- Recipient of the 2010 Wernaers Prize, awarded each year by the National Fund for Scientific Research of Belgium (FNR-FNRS)
Part I: Fundamentals
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Abstract
- 1.1 Objective
- 1.2 Importance of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- 1.3 Distinguishing Attributes of Geophysical Flows
- 1.4 Scales of Motions
- 1.5 Importance of Rotation
- 1.6 Importance of Stratification
- 1.7 Distinction Between the Atmosphere and Oceans
- 1.8 Data Acquisition
- 1.9 The Emergence of Numerical Simulations
- 1.10 Scales Analysis and Finite Differences
- 1.11 Higher-Order Methods
- 1.12 Aliasing
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Walsh Cottage, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 1962–present
- UK Meteorological Office, Exeter, England 1854–present
Chapter 2. The Coriolis Force
- Abstract
- 2.1 Rotating Framework of Reference
- 2.2 Unimportance of the Centrifugal Force
- 2.3 Free Motion on a Rotating Plane
- 2.4 Analogy and Physical Interpretation
- 2.5 Acceleration on a Three-Dimensional Rotating Planet
- 2.6 Numerical Approach to Oscillatory Motions
- 2.7 Numerical Convergence and Stability
- 2.8 Predictor-Corrector Methods
- 2.9 Higher-Order Schemes
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Pierre Simon Marquis de Laplace 1749–1827
- Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis 1792–1843
Chapter 3. Equations of Fluid Motion
- Abstract
- 3.1 Mass Budget
- 3.2 Momentum Budget
- 3.3 Equation of State
- 3.4 Energy Budget
- 3.5 Salt and Moisture Budgets
- 3.6 Summary of Governing Equations
- 3.7 Boussinesq Approximation
- 3.8 Flux Formulation and Conservative Form
- 3.9 Finite-Volume Discretization
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Joseph Valentin Boussinesq 1842–1929
- Vilhelm Frimann Koren Bjerknes 1862–1951
Chapter 4. Equations Governing Geophysical Flows
- Abstract
- 4.1 Reynolds-Averaged Equations
- 4.2 Eddy Coefficients
- 4.3 Scales of Motion
- 4.4 Recapitulation of Equations Governing Geophysical Flows
- 4.5 Important Dimensionless Numbers
- 4.6 Boundary Conditions
- 4.7 Numerical Implementation of Boundary Conditions
- 4.8 Accuracy and Errors
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Osborne Reynolds 1842–1912
- Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby 1898–1957
Chapter 5. Diffusive Processes
- Abstract
- 5.1 Isotropic, Homogeneous Turbulence
- 5.2 Turbulent Diffusion
- 5.3 One-Dimensional Numerical Scheme
- 5.4 Numerical Stability Analysis
- 5.5 Other One-Dimensional Schemes
- 5.6 Multi-Dimensional Numerical Schemes
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov 1903–1987
- John Louis von Neumann 1903–1957
Chapter 6. Transport and Fate
- Abstract
- 6.1 Combination of Advection and Diffusion
- 6.2 Relative Importance of Advection: The Peclet Number
- 6.3 Highly Advective Situations
- 6.4 Centered and Upwind Advection Schemes
- 6.5 Advection–Diffusion with Sources and Sinks
- 6.6 Multidimensional Approach
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Richard Courant 1888–1972
- Peter David Lax 1926–
Part II: Rotation Effects
Chapter 7. Geostrophic Flows and Vorticity Dynamics
- Abstract
- 7.1 Geostrophy Homogeneous Geostrophic Flows
- 7.2 Homogeneous Geostrophic Flows Over an Irregular Bottom
- 7.3 Generalization to Nongeostrophic Flows
- 7.4 Vorticity Dynamics
- 7.5 Rigid-Lid Approximation
- 7.6 Numerical Solution of the Rigid-Lid Pressure Equation
- 7.7 Numerical Solution of the Streamfunction Equation
- 7.8 Laplacian Inversion
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Geoffrey Ingram Taylor 1886–1975
- James Cyrus McWilliams 1946–
Chapter 8. The Ekman Layer
- Abstract
- 8.1 Shear Turbulence
- 8.2 Friction and Rotation
- 8.3 The Bottom Ekman Layer
- 8.4 Generalization to Nonuniform Currents
- 8.5 The Ekman Layer over Uneven Terrain
- 8.6 The Surface Ekman Layer
- 8.7 The Ekman Layer in Real Geophysical Flows
- 8.8 Numerical Simulation of Shallow Flows
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Vagn Walfrid Ekman 1874–1954
- Ludwig Prandtl 1875–1953
Chapter 9. Barotropic Waves
- Abstract
- 9.1 Linear Wave Dynamics
- 9.2 The Kelvin Wave
- 9.3 Inertia-Gravity Waves (Poincaré Waves)
- 9.4 Planetary Waves (Rossby Waves)
- 9.5 Topographic Waves
- 9.6 Analogy Between Planetary and Topographic Waves
- 9.7 Arakawa’s Grids
- 9.8 Numerical Simulation of Tides and Storm Surges
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- William Thomson, Lord Kelvin 1824–1907
- Akio Arakawa 1927–2010
Chapter 10. Barotropic Instability
- Abstract
- 10.1 What Makes a Wave Grow Unstable?
- 10.2 Waves on a Shear Flow
- 10.3 Bounds on Wave Speeds and Growth Rates
- 10.4 A Simple Example
- 10.5 Nonlinearities
- 10.6 Filtering
- 10.7 Contour Dynamics
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Louis Norberg Howard 1929–
- Norman Julius Zabusky 1929–
Part III: Stratification Effects
Chapter 11. Stratification
- Abstract
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Static Stability
- 11.3 A Note on Atmospheric Stratification
- 11.4 Convective Adjustment
- 11.5 The Importance of Stratification: The froude Number
- 11.6 Combination of Rotation and Stratification
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- David Brunt 1886–1965
- Vilho Väisälä 1889–1969
Chapter 12. Layered Models
- Abstract
- 12.1 From Depth to Density
- 12.2 Layered Models
- 12.3 Potential Vorticity
- 12.4 Two-Layer Models
- 12.5 Wind-Induced Seiches in Lakes
- 12.6 Energy Conservation
- 12.7 Numerical Layered Models
- 12.8 Lagrangian Approach
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Raymond Braislin Montgomery 1910–1988
- James Joseph O’Brien 1935–
Chapter 13. Internal Waves
- Abstract
- 13.1 From Surface to Internal Waves
- 13.2 Internal-Wave Theory
- 13.3 Structure of an Internal Wave
- 13.4 Vertical Modes and Eigenvalue Problems
- 13.5 Lee Waves
- 13.6 Nonlinear Effects
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Walter Heinrich Munk 1917–
- Adrian Edmund Gill 1937–1986
Chapter 14. Turbulence in Stratified Fluids
- Abstract
- 14.1 Mixing of Stratified Fluids
- 14.2 Instability of a Stratified Shear Flow: The Richardson Number
- 14.3 Turbulence Closure: k-Models
- 14.4 Other Closures: k – and k – klm
- 14.5 Mixed-Layer Modeling
- 14.6 Patankar-Type Discretizations
- 14.7 Wind Mixing and Penetrative Convection
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Lewis Fry Richardson 1881–1953
- George Lincoln Mellor 1929–
Part IV: Combined Rotation and Stratification Effects
Chapter 15. Dynamics of Stratified Rotating Flows
- Abstract
- 15.1 Thermal Wind
- 15.2 Geostrophic Adjustment
- 15.3 Energetics of Geostrophic Adjustment
- 15.4 Coastal Upwelling
- 15.5 Atmospheric Frontogenesis
- 15.6 Numerical Handling of Large Gradients
- 15.7 Nonlinear Advection Schemes
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- George Veronis 1926–
- Kozo Yoshida 1922–1978
Chapter 16. Quasi-Geostrophic Dynamics
- Abstract
- 16.1 Simplifying Assumption
- 16.2 Governing Equation
- 16.3 Length and Timescale
- 16.4 Energetics
- 16.5 Planetary Waves in a Stratified Fluid
- 16.6 Some Nonlinear Effects
- 16.7 Quasi-Geostrophic Ocean Modeling
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Jule Gregory Charney 1917–1981
- Allan Richard Robinson 1932–2009
Chapter 17. Instabilities of Rotating Stratified Flows
- Abstract
- 17.1 Two Types of Instability
- 17.2 Inertial Instability
- 17.3 Baroclinic Instability—The Mechanism
- 17.4 Linear Theory of Baroclinic Instability
- 17.5 Heat Transport
- 17.6 Bulk Criteria
- 17.7 Finite-Amplitude Development
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Joseph Pedlosky 1938–
- Peter Broomell Rhines 1942–
Chapter 18. Fronts, Jets and Vortices
- Abstract
- 18.1 Fronts and Jets
- 18.2 Vortices
- 18.3 Geostrophic Turbulence
- 18.4 Simulations of Geostrophic Turbulence
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Melvin Ernest Stern 1929–2010
- Peter Douglas Killworth 1946–2008
Part V: Special Topics
Chapter 19. Atmospheric General Circulation
- Abstract
- 19.1 Climate Versus Weather
- 19.2 Planetary Heat Budget
- 19.3 Direct and Indirect Convective Cells
- 19.4 Atmospheric Circulation Models
- 19.5 Brief Remarks on Weather Forecasting
- 19.6 Cloud Parameterizations
- 19.7 Spectral Methods
- 19.8 Semi-Lagrangian Methods
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Edward Norton Lorenz 1917–2008
- Joseph Smagorinsky 1924–2005
Chapter 20. Oceanic General Circulation
- Abstract
- 20.1 What Drives the Oceanic Circulation
- 20.2 Large-Scale Ocean Dynamics (Sverdrup Dynamics)
- 20.3 Western Boundary Currents
- 20.4 Thermohaline Circulation
- 20.5 Abyssal Circulation
- 20.6 Oceanic Circulation Models
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Henry Melson Stommel 1920–1992
- Kirk Bryan 1929–
Chapter 21. Equatorial Dynamics
- Abstract
- 21.1 Equatorial Beta Plane
- 21.2 Linear Waves Theory
- 21.3 El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
- 21.4 ENSO Forecasting
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- S. George H. Philander 1942–
- Paola Malanotte Rizzoli
Chapter 22. Data Assimilation
- Abstract
- 22.1 Need for Data Assimilation
- 22.2 Nudging
- 22.3 Optimal Interpolation
- 22.4 Kalman Filtering
- 22.5 Inverse Methods
- 22.6 Operational Models
- Analytical Problems
- Numerical Exercises
- Michael Ghil 1944–
- Eugenia Kalnay 1942–
Part VI: Web site Information
- Introduction
- Appendix A. Elements of Fluid Mechanics
- Appendix B. Wave Kinematics
- Appendix C. Recapitulation of Numerical Schemes
- No. of pages: 875
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Volume: 101
- Published: August 26, 2011
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780120887590
- eBook ISBN: 9780080916781
Benoit Cushman-Roisin