Part 1
1. The Development of Virology: Important landmarks in the history of virology
2. General Properties of Viruses
3. Morphology, Genome Organization
4. Replication Strategies and Viral Genetics
5. Purification and Characterization
6. Detection and Diagnosis including Advanced Molecular Techniques
7. Taxonomy
8. Virology and Biotechnology
9. Virology and Public Health
Part 2
10. Bacterial Viruses – The Bacteriophages: Properties, classification, structural organization, structure, genome, life cycle of T4, ƛ-phage, M13 phage, QB phage
Part 3
11. Human and Animal viruses – General Properties, Replication, Host– Pathogen Interaction, Virus Vaccines, Antiviral Drugs
12. Selected Viral Diseases of Humans
13. Ebola virus
14. Zika virus
15. HIV
16. Coronavirus
17. Viruses and Cancer
18. Selected viruses of Animals
19. Insect viruses
20. Prions
21. Human and Animal Viruses and the Future
Part 4
22. Plant Viruses –Classification, Nomenclature, Disease Symptoms, Transmission, Assay, Detection and Diagnosis, Virus Replication, Purification of Viruses, Control of Viruses
23. Important Virus Disease of Plants, their spread, management/control
24. Sub-Viral Agents – Satellites and Viroids
25. Mycoviruses26. Green microalgae viruses (Cyanophages)