C. Sansone and J.M. Harackiewicz, Looking Beyond Rewards: The Problem and Promise of Intrinsic Motivation.
Are the Costs of Rewards Still Hidden: A New Look at an Old Debate:
R.M. Ryan and E.L. Deci, When Rewards Compete with Nature: The Undermining of Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Regulation.
B.A. Hennessey, Rewards and Creativity.
J.M. Harackiewicz and C. Sansone, Rewarding Competence: The Importance of Goals in the Study of Intrinsic Motivation.
J.Y. Shah and A.W. Kruglanski, The Structure and Substance of Intrinsic Motivation.
A New Debate: Hidden Costs (and Benefits) of Achievement Goals:
D.C. Molden and C.S. Dweck, Meaning and Motivation.
R. Butler, What Learners Want to Know: The Role of Achievement Goals in Shaping Information Seeking, Learning, and Interest.
E.A. Linnenbrink and P.R. Pintrich, Multiple Pathways to Learning and Achievement: Teh Role of Goal Orientation in Fostering Adaptive Motivation, Affect, and Cognition.
K.E. Barron and J.M. Harackiewicz, Achievement Goals and Optimal Motivation: A Multiple Goals Approach.
The Role of Interest in Learning and Self-Regulation: "Extrinsic" versus "Intrinsic" Motivation Reconsidered:
M.R. Lepper and J. Henderlong, Turning "Play" Into "Work" and "Work" Into "Play": 25 Years of Research on Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation.
S. Hidi, An Interest Researcher's Perspective: The Effects of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors on Motivation.
C. Sansone and J.L. Smith, Interest and Self-Regulation: The Relation Between Having to and Wanting to.
K.A. Renninger, Individual Interest and its Implications for Understanding Intrinsic Motivation.
J.E. Jacobs and J.S. Eccles, Parents, Task Values, and Real-Life Achievement-Related Choices.
Part 4: Conclusion:
C. Sansone and J.M. Harackiewicz, Controversies and New Directions - is it Deja Vu All Over Again?