Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations
Essentials for Patients and Practitioners
- 1st Edition - June 1, 2023
- Editors: Philip E. Stieg, Alexander Khalessi, Michael L. J. Apuzzo
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 8 2 5 3 0 - 6
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 8 2 5 3 1 - 3
Focusing on both the patient’s perspective and the neurosurgeon’s concerns, Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformations: Essentials for Patients and Practitioners, edited by leading… Read more

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Provides expert guidance on diagnosis, histopathology, natural history, anatomy, imaging, and treatment options and their risks and benefits—all with the goal of helping patients make informed decisions about the optimal management choices for their own individual cases.
Facilitates articulate, data-driven discussion and regarding the clinical diagnosis and surgical procedures involved in treating AVMs.
Addresses specific, difficult issues that arise during the treatment of AVMs, offering real-world advice to neurosurgeons and other care providers.
Includes key pearls in every chapter, as well as stunning anatomical illustrations throughout.
An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Contributors
- Foreword: Meeting a Gordian Challenge
- References
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Video Contents
- Part 1: The Patient-Centered Approach
- Section 1: Diagnosis: “What Do I Have?”
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Anatomy and Histology of Intracranial AVMs
- Introduction
- Cerebral Arterial Anatomy
- The Circle of Willis
- Cerebral Vascular Architecture
- The Cerebral Venous System
- Location and Classification of iAVMs
- Feeding Vessels
- Venous Drainage
- Histology
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 2: Pathology and Genetics
- Introduction
- Pathology
- Genetics of AVMs
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 3: Radiographic Anatomy: CT/MRI/Angiography and Risks
- Introduction
- Radiographic Anatomy of AVMs
- Imaging Modalities
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 4: MRI Neurovascular Evaluation: Blood Flow, Perfusion, Diffusion, and Susceptibility
- Introduction
- 4D Flow: Quantification and Visualization of Blood Flow
- Arterial Spin Labeling: Perfusion and Shunting
- Diffusion: Ischemic Injury and Fiber Tractography
- Susceptibility: Hemorrhage and Calcium
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 2: Natural History: “What Does It Mean To Have An AVM?”
- Introduction
- Chapter 5: Natural History of Intracranial AVMs
- Epidemiology
- Evolution of Anatomy
- Mode of Presentation
- Likelihood of Hemorrhage
- Risk Factors for Hemorrhage
- Prognosis
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 6: Aneurysms Associated With AVMs
- Prevalence/Demographics
- Classification
- Pathogenesis and Natural History
- Treatment
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 7: Hemodynamic Factors: Steal/Breakthrough Bleeding
- Introduction
- Hemodynamic Principles
- AVM Hemodynamics
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 8: Classification Systems
- Introduction
- Surgical Classifications
- Radiosurgical iAVM Classifications
- Endovascular iAVM Classifications
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 9: Seizures and AVMs
- Introduction
- Mechanisms of AVM-Related Epilepsy
- Specific Diagnostic Imaging in AVM-Related Epilepsy
- Treatment of AVM-Related Epilepsy
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 3: Treatment Options: “What Can I Do About It?”
- Introduction
- Chapter 10: Decision Analysis for Asymptomatic Lesions
- Introduction
- Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of iAVMs
- Natural History
- Risk Stratification and Grading Scales
- Clinical Decision-Making After ARUBA
- Treatment Modalities
- Future Directions
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 11: Decision Analysis for Symptomatic Lesions
- Introduction
- Natural History of Untreated iAVMs
- Clinical Presentations of Patients With Symptomatic iAVMs
- Treatment Strategies for Symptomatic Unruptured iAVMs
- Treatment Strategies for Ruptured iAVMs
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 12: Decision Analysis for AVM-Associated Aneurysms
- Introduction
- Classification
- Natural History
- Pathophysiology
- Pseudoaneurysms
- Flow-Related and Intranidal Aneurysms and Risk of Hemorrhage
- Treatment Strategies
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 13: Surgical Principles: Techniques, Goals, and Outcomes
- Introduction
- Preoperative Planning
- Principles of Surgery
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 14: Radiosurgery Principles for AVM Management: Techniques, Goals, and Outcomes
- Disclosure
- Goals of AVM Radiosurgery
- The History of Radiosurgery
- Pittsburgh SRS AVM Outcomes
- The Stereotactic Radiosurgical Technique
- Key Findings After Three Decades
- Late Adverse Effects of Radiosurgery
- Repeat Radiosurgery
- The Role of Preradiosurgical Embolization
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 15: Principles of Neuroendovascular Management of AVMs: Goals, Timing, Techniques, and Outcomes
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Angiographic Evaluation of iAVMs
- Role of Classification in Patient Selection for Neuroendovascular Treatment
- Curative Embolization
- Adjunctive Embolization Before Radiosurgery
- Adjunctive Embolization Before Microsurgery
- Palliative Embolization
- Targeted Embolization and iAVM-Associated Aneurysms
- Embolic Agents
- General Anesthesia vs Conscious Sedation
- Outcomes of Endovascular Management of iAVMs
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 16: Multimodal/Combined Therapy: Goals and Outcomes
- Introduction
- Embolization and Radiosurgery
- Embolization and Surgery
- Radiosurgery and Microsurgical Resection
- Embolization, Radiosurgery, and Microsurgical Resection: Treatment of Giant iAVMs
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 17: Palliation Versus Observation: Nonresectable AVMs
- Defining Nonresectable iAVMs
- Risks Associated With Natural History
- Risks Associated With Surgery
- The Role of Endovascular Therapy in Palliation
- The Role of Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Palliation
- The Role of Clinical Observation
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 4: Risk Profiles: “What Are My Risks With Each Decision?”
- Introduction
- Chapter 18: Conservative Management (“Observation”) of Intracranial AVMs
- Introduction
- Initial Evaluation and Classification
- Decision-Making and Risk Assessment
- Weighing Risks for Patients With High-Grade AVMs
- Choosing the Right Management Strategy
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 19: Grading Systems and Surgical Risks
- Introduction
- The Spetzler-Martin Grading System
- Additional AVM Grading Systems
- Endovascular Grading
- Radiosurgery Grading
- Surgical Risks
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 20: Risks of Endovascular Treatment of AVMs
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- Preoperative Evaluation and Staging
- Preoperative Embolization
- Preradiosurgical Embolization
- Embolization for Cure and Transvenous Approaches
- Targeted Embolization
- Palliative Embolization
- Complications and Risk
- Technique
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 21: Risks of Combined Therapies
- Introduction
- Embolization Followed by Resection
- Embolization Followed by Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Resection Followed by Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery Followed by Resection
- Combination Treatment of Giant iAVMs
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 22: Risks of Radiosurgery
- Introduction
- Risk of Hemorrhage Post-SRS
- Acute Effects
- Early Delayed Effects
- Late Delayed Effects
- Conclusion
- References
- Part 2: The Physician-Centered Approach
- Section 5: AVM Management For The Emergency Medicine Physician
- Introduction
- Chapter 23: Emergency Management of Ruptured Intracranial AVMs
- Introduction
- Epidemiology and Clinical Features
- Management
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 6: AVM Management For The Anesthesiologist
- Introduction
- Chapter 24: Medical Comorbidities in Elective Surgery
- Introduction
- Comorbidity Rating Scales
- Preoperative Optimization
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Respiratory Disease
- Diabetes, Renal and Liver Disease, Fluid Status, Anemia, and Other Medical Considerations
- Seizures
- Headaches
- Pregnancy
- Social and Psychiatric Comorbidities
- Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
- Use of Antiplatelet, Anticoagulant, and Thrombolytic Agents
- Other Postoperative Medical Complications
- Intracranial AVM Surgery Outcomes and Their Relation to Medical Comorbidities
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 25: Anesthetic Management of Intracranial AVMs
- Introduction
- Presentation
- Treatment
- Cerebrovascular Physiology
- Preoperative Management
- Monitoring
- Anesthetic Management
- Neuroprotection
- Emergence
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 26: Management of Perioperative Complications During AVM Treatment
- Introduction
- Complications During Microsurgical Resection
- Complications During Neurointerventional Procedures
- Complications During the Immediate Postoperative Period
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 7: AVM Management For The Neurointensivist
- Introduction
- Chapter 27: Intracranial AVMs and the Neurointensivist
- Acknowledgment
- Introduction
- Preoperative Management of Patients With Ruptured iAVMs
- Postoperative Management After iAVM Treatment
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 8: AVMS and Pregnancy
- Introduction
- Chapter 28: Obstetric Considerations in AVM Management
- Background
- Physiologic Changes Associated With Pregnancy
- Risk of iAVM Rupture and Hemorrhage in Pregnancy and the Puerperium
- Diagnosis
- Imaging Considerations
- Treatment
- Special Considerations—Medical Management
- Obstetrical Mode of Delivery and Treatment
- Counseling
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 9: Anatomic and Technical Considerations For The Neurosurgeon
- Introduction
- Chapter 29: Preoperative, Intraoperative, and Postoperative Imaging
- Introduction
- Wada Testing
- 4D Flow MRI
- Magnetoencephalography
- Intraoperative Angiography
- Intraoperative ICG
- Postoperative Angiography
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 30: Giant Intracranial AVMs
- Introduction
- Epidemiology and Natural History
- Indications for Treatment
- Treatment Options
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 31: Treatment of Eloquent Cortex AVMs
- Introduction
- Eloquence in AVM Grading Systems
- Preoperative Evaluation of Eloquence
- Intraoperative Motor and Sensory Mapping
- Intraoperative Speech Monitoring
- Intraoperative Visual Mapping
- Neuromonitoring During Endovascular Interventions
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 32: Posterior Fossa AVMs
- Epidemiology and Natural History
- Anatomy and Classification
- Patient Selection for Treatment
- Perioperative Considerations
- Surgical Technique
- Postoperative Management and Considerations
- Outcomes and Prognosis Following Microsurgical Resection
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 33: Callosal and Periventricular AVMs
- Introduction
- Anatomy
- AVM Subtypes
- Surgical Approaches and Resection Techniques
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 34: AVMs of the Sylvian Fissure
- Introduction
- Sylvian AVM Classification
- Treatment of Sylvian AVMs
- Multimodal Approaches to Sylvian AVMs: Representative Cases
- Prenidal and Intranidal Aneurysms
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 35: Pediatric AVMs
- Introduction
- Incidence
- Developmental Biology
- Natural History and Common Presentations
- Workup and Evaluation of iAVMs
- Preoperative Embolization vs Curative Embolization
- Stereotactic Radiosurgery
- Resection
- Surveillance
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 36: Residual AVMs
- Introduction
- Types of Residual
- Management of Residual AVMs
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 37: Intraoperative AVM Rupture
- Acknowledgment
- Introduction
- Arterial Bleeding
- Venous Bleeding
- Nidal Rupture
- Outcomes Following Rupture
- Conclusion
- References
- Section 10: Future Considerations
- Introduction
- Chapter 38: The Value of a Registry
- Introduction
- Issues With Randomized Control Trials and iAVMs
- Clinical Registries
- Quality of Patient Registries
- The Electronic Health Record and Clinical Registries
- The Use of Registries in Neurosurgery
- Intracranial AVM Registries
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 39: Imaging Predictors for Rupture
- Introduction
- Imaging Assessment
- Location
- Size
- Arteries and Aneurysms
- Veins
- Pediatric iAVMs
- Posttreatment Hemorrhage
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 40: Radiosurgical Innovations
- Introduction
- Innovations
- Case Illustration
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 41: Molecular Biology and Novel Treatments of Intracranial AVMs
- Acknowledgments
- Cellular and Molecular Biology of AVMs
- Genetic Syndromes Associated With AVM Formation
- Novel Therapeutic Approaches
- Conclusion
- References
- Chapter 42: Surgical Innovations
- Introduction
- Patient Selection: Indications for Surgery and Natural History
- Imaging Advances
- Surgical Advances
- Neurocritical Care and Anesthetic Advances
- Combined Therapies
- Surgical Centers of Excellence
- Conclusion
- References
- Index
- No. of pages: 464
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: June 1, 2023
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780323825306
- eBook ISBN: 9780323825313
Philip E. Stieg
Alexander Khalessi