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International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of mental… Read more
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International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities is an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, syndromes, etc. of mental retardation. This thematic volume, "Health Issues in Down Syndrome," will cover health issues for individuals across the life span. With the life expectancy of individuals now reaching 60 years or more, it has transformed from an acute condition with a short life span to a chronic condition that needs to be managed over a close to normal life span. The extra chromosome 21 that defines most cases of Down syndrome affects the functioning of many biological processes and organ systems. The cascade of events triggered by the extra chromosome 21 creates a complex set of medical conditions needing to managed over the life span. The ability to manage these conditions has led to an improvement in longevity and quality of life for individuals with Down syndrome.
Academic researchers in developmental and cognitive psychology, as well as neuropsychology and developmental disabilities
Nancy J. Roizen, MDHealth Over life course
2) Health Outcomes of Infants and Toddlers with Down syndromeRobert M. Hodapp1,2, Nancy Miodrag1, Samantha E. Goldman1,2, & Richard C. Urbano1,3
3)Down syndrome: A literature review Authors Kelly Thomas BSc(OT) (Hons) 1,2,Sonya Girdler PhD1,Jenny Bourke MPH2,Aditya Deshpande BDS2,Katherine Bathgate BSc2,Stephanie Fehr BMedSci (Hons), BSc2,Helen Leonard MBChB, MPH2
4) Health conditions associated with aging and end of life of adults with Down syndrome Anna J. Esbensen, PhD
Systems and Diseases
Johann K. Hitzler, MD, FRCP(C), FAAP
6) Cardiovascular Disorders in Down Syndrome
Jeroen C Vis1,2, Klaartje van Engelen1,2,3, Berto J Bouma1, Catia M Bilardo4, Nico A Blom5, Barbara JM Mulder1
7) Hearing Loss and Down Syndrome Heather Porter, BA. AuD. and Anne Marie Tharpe, PhD. Vanderbilt University8) Dementia in people who have Down Syndrome. Shoumitro Deb, MBBS, FRCPsych, MD, Consultant Psychiatrist & Clinical Professor of Neuropsychiatry & Intellectual Disability, University of Birmingham, UK.
9)Sociodemographic Characteristics of Families of Children with Down Syndrome and the Economic Impacts of Child Disability on Families Scott D. Grosse, PhDOther Issues
10)Health research, the needs of individuals with Down syndrome and their familiesSusan J Buckley