1) Title: Disorders of the Corpus Callosum: A Literature Review
Shihfen Tu, Donna Doherty, Kathryn Schilmoeller, & Gary Schilmoeller
2) Title: Review of Autism Intervention Research: Implications for Practice
Stephanny F. N. Freeman, Tanya Paparella, & Kelly A. Stickles
3) Tentative Title: The transition to adulthood for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families
Julie Lounds Taylor, PhD
4) Title: Health, development and intellectual disabilities
Patricia Noonan Walsh & Roy McConkey
5) Title: Perceptual-motor deficits in Down syndrome: New perspectives and implications for intervention
Naznin Virji-Babul & Daniel J. Weeks
6) Title: Psychopathology in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Lisa J. Meier, Ph.D. and Johannes Rojahn, Ph.D.
7) Tentative title: Siblings of children with a disability
Monica Cuskelly & Zolinda Stoneman
8) Tentative Title: Raising a Child with Developmental Disabilities in the People’s Republic of China
Peishi Wang, Ph.D.
9) Tentative Title: Adaptation of Families of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Vietnam
Jin Y. Shin, Ph.D
10) Tentative Title: Special Education and Family Services in Korea: Past, Present, and Future
Sun Young Ryu, Ed.D
11) Tentative title: Using State Administrative Databases to Study Down syndrome
Richard C. Urbano