E.M. Dykens, Direct Effects of Genetic Mental Retardation Syndromes: Maladaptive Behavior and Psychopathology.
R.M. Hodapp, Indirect Effects of Genetic Mental Retardation Disorders: Theoretical and Methodological Issues.
A.J. Baroody, The Development of Basic Counting, Number, and Arithmetic Knowledge among Children Classified as Mentally Handicapped.
R. Gallimore, B.K. Keogh, and L.P. Bernheimer, The Nature and Long-Term Implications of Early Developmental Delays: A Summary of Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies.
T. Nettelbeck and R. Young, Savant Syndrome.
R.E. Cimera and F.R. Rusch, The Cost-Efficiency of Supported Employment Programs: A Review of the Literature.
L. Hickson and I. Khemka, Decision Making and Mental Retardation.
L.M. Gliddens, J. Rogers-Dulan, and A.E. Hill, The Child That Was Meant?" or "Punishment for Sin"?: Religion, Ethnicity, and Families with Children with Disabilities.