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International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology reviews and details current advances in cell and molecular biology. This most current release in this highly cited series fo… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology reviews and details current advances in cell and molecular biology. This most current release in this highly cited series focuses on such timely topics as novel treatments in immunotherapy in breast cancer, chemokine receptor signaling and the hallmarks of cancer, tumor-targeting antibodies, and a section on mitochondrion and whether they are a common organelle for cell death. As always, readers will find the articles in this series to be of great value, with a high impact and average cited half-life of nine years.
The IRCMB series has a worldwide readership, maintaining a high standard by publishing invited articles on important and timely topics that are authored by prominent cell and molecular biologists. This great resource ranks high amongst scientific journals dealing with cell biology.
The IRCMB series covers all fields of cell and molecular biology. IRCMB articles are addressed to a very wide public, ranging from undergraduate and graduate students to experienced scientists in a specific field
Chapter One: Breast Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: Current Status and Future Perspectives
Chapter Two: New Insights Into Cellular Stress Responses to Environmental Metal Toxicants
Chapter Three: An Update on Src Family of Nonreceptor Tyrosine Kinases Biology
Chapter Four: STAT Transcription Factors in T Cell Control of Health and Disease
Chapter Five: Chemokine Receptor Signaling and the Hallmarks of Cancer
Chapter Six: Mitochondrion: A Common Organelle for Distinct Cell Deaths?
Chapter Seven: Antibody-Based Cancer Therapy: Successful Agents and Novel Approaches