Alan Fyall
Alan is Reader in Tourism Management in the International Centre for Tourism & Hospitality Research, and Head of Research for the School of Services Management at Bournemouth University, UK. Alan has published widely with his areas of expertise spanning the management of attractions, heritage tourism and destination management. Alan has co-edited Managing Visitor Attractions: New Directions (2003) published by Butterworth Heinemann, while he has co-authored Tourism Marketing: A Collaborative Approach (2005) and the third edition of Tourism Principles and Practice (2005) published by Channel View and Prentice Hall respectively. Alan has recently completed a number of projects for external clients in the South West of England exploring suitable structures for emerging Destination Management Organisations and has conducted work in the Caribbean and Southern Africa for the Commonwealth Secretariat.
Affiliations and expertise
Reader in Tourism Management in the International Centre for Tourism & Hospitality Research, and Head of Research for the School of Services Management at Bournemouth University, UK