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Available online via SciVerse ScienceDirect, or in print for a limited time only, The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Seven Volume Set is the first internati… Read more
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Available online via SciVerse ScienceDirect, or in print for a limited time only, The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, Seven Volume Set is the first international reference work for housing scholars and professionals, that uses studies in economics and finance, psychology, social policy, sociology, anthropology, geography, architecture, law, and other disciplines to create an international portrait of housing in all its facets: from meanings of home at the microscale, to impacts on macro-economy.
This comprehensive work is edited by distinguished housing expert Susan J. Smith, together with Marja Elsinga, Ong Seow Eng, Lorna Fox O'Mahony and Susan Wachter, and a multi-disciplinary editorial team of 20 world-class scholars in all. Working at the cutting edge of their subject, liaising with an expert editorial advisory board, and engaging with policy-makers and professionals, the editors have worked for almost five years to secure the quality, reach, relevance and coherence of this work. A broad and inclusive table of contents signals (or tesitifes to) detailed investigation of historical and theoretical material as well as in-depth analysis of current issues.
This seven-volume set contains over 500 entries, listed alphabetically, but grouped into seven thematic sections including methods and approaches; economics and finance; environments; home and homelessness; institutions; policy; and welfare and well-being. Housing professionals, both academics and practitioners, will find The International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home useful for teaching, discovery, and research needs.
Students and researchers in subjects related to housing, home, residential real–estate, housing studies and housing policy. Also of interest to policy - makers (consultants, government bodies, NGOs, international agencies, etc.), and to housing professionals - in particular those involved in the real estate and housing finance industries, and in the development and implementation of housing policy
List of Sections
Section I — Approaches — Section Editors David Clapham and Kenneth Gibb
Section II — Economics and Finance — Section Editors Richard Green, Anthony Sanders and Kim Kyung-Hwan
Section III — Environments — Sections Editors Heather Lovell and Montserrat Pareja-Eastaway
Section IV — Home and Homelessness — Section Editors Robyn Dowling and Suzanne Fitzpatrick
Section V — Institutions — Section Editors Richard Ronald and Sasha Tsenkova
Section VI — Policy — Section Editors Kavita Datta and Gavin Wood
Section VII — Welfare and Well-Being — Section Editors Chris Hamnett and Peter Ward
Full Table of Contents
Access and Affordability: Developed Countries
Access and Affordability: Homeowner Taxation
Access and Affordability: House Purchase Certificates
Access and Affordability: Housing Allowances
Access and Affordability: Housing Vouchers
Access and Affordability: Mortgage Guarantees
Access and Affordability: Rent Controls and Regulation
Actor Network Theory
Adaptable Housing
Affordable Housing Strategies
Anthropological Perspectives on Home
Appraisal and Cost-benefit Analysis
Asset-based Welfare
Asset-based Well-being: Use Versus Exchange Value
Austrian Economics
Behavioural Economics
Brownfield Development and Housing Supply
Building Regulations for Energy Conservation
Case Studies
Central Government Institutions
Children and Parenting
Choice and Government Intervention in Housing Markets
Civil Sector Institutions and Informal Settlements
Climate Change
Climate Change: Adaptations
Collective Ownership
Community and Neighbourhood Based Organizations in the United States
Community Energy Systems
Comparative Housing Research
Construction and Demolition Waste
Construction Methods
Construction of Housing Knowledge
Contract Saving Schemes
Co-operative Housing/Ownership
Cost Analyses of Homelessness: Limits and Opportunities
Covered Bonds
Credit Derivatives
Credit Derivatives and the Housing Market
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Criminological Perspectives on Homelessness
Critical Realism
Cultural Analysis of Housing and Space
Defensible Space
Demand Subsidies for Low-Income Households
Democracy and Accountability
Demographic Perspectives in Economic Housing Research
Deposit Assistance Schemes for Private Rental in the United Kingdom
Development Land tax
Disability and Enablement
Discourse analysis
Discrimination in Housing Markets
Discrimination in Mortgage Markets
Domestic Technologies and the Modern Home
Domestic Violence
Domestric Pets
Ecological footprint
Econometric Modeling
Economic Approaches to Housing Research
Economic Perspectives on Homelessness
Economics of Housing Choice
Economics of Housing Externalities
Economics of Housing Market Segmentation
Economics of Social Housing
Education Programs for Home Buyers and Tenants
Emotions at Home
Energy Consumption, Housing, and Urban Development Policy
Energy Saving
Environmental Consciousness
Environmental Risks: Earthquakes
Environmental Risks: Flooding
Ethnic Minorities and Housing
Ethnicity and Housing Organisations
Ethnographies of Home and Homelessness
Evolutionary Economics
Exclusionary Zoning
Experiencing Home
Experiencing Home: Sexuality
Feminist Perspectives on Home
Feminist Perspectives on Homelessness
Financial Deregulation
Financial Regulation
First Home Owner Grants
Forecasting in Housing Research
Foreclosure Prevention Measures
Foreclosure Vulnerability
Foucauldian Analysis
Fuel Poverty
Game Theory
Gated Communities
Gated Communities: Developed Countries
Gated Communities: Global South
Gender and Space
Gender and Urban Housing in the Global South
Gender Divisions in the Home
Gentrification and Neighbourhood Change
Gentrification and Well-being
Government Mortgage Guarantee Institutions
Government Sponsored Enterprises in the United States
Government/Public Lending Institutions: Asia-Pacific
Gypsy/Roma settlements
Health and Housing
Health Risks: Damp and Cold
Health Risks: Overcrowding
Health, Well-being and Housing
Health, Well-being and Vulnerable Populations
Hedging Housing Risk
Hidden Homelessness
High Rise
High Rise Homes
Home and Homelessness
Home as a Space of Care
Home as a Space of Worship
Home as Inheritance
Home as Investment
Home as Leisure Space
Home as Workplace
Home Environments: Aesthetics, Fashion, Status
Home in Temporary Dwellings
Home Objects
Home Ownership: Economic Benefits
Home Ownership: Non-shelter Benefits
Home: Paid Domestic Labour
Home: Unpaid Domestic Labour
Homeless Families: United Kingdom
Homeless Families: United States
Homeless People in China/East Asia
Homeless People: African Americans in the United States
Homeless People: Care Leavers
Homeless People: Care Leavers in the United Kingdom
Homeless People: Disasters and Displacement
Homeless People: Economic Migrants in Southern Europe
Homeless People: Ex-Prisoners in England and Wales
Homeless People: Ex-Service Personnel/Veterans in the United Kingdom
Homeless People: Indigenous/Aboriginal
Homeless People: Older People
Homeless People: Polish Migrants in the United Kingdom
Homeless People: Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Homeless People: Single Men in Japan
Homeless People: Street Children in Africa
Homeless People: Street Children in Asia
Homeless People: Street Children in Mexico
Homeless People: Street Children in the United Kingdom
Homeless People: Youth in Australia
Homeless People: Youth in the United Kingdom
Homelessness: Causation
Homelessness: Definitions
Homelessness: Measurement Questions
Homelessness: Prevention in the United States
Homeowner's Associations in Post-Socialist Countries
Homestead and Other Legal Protections
House Biographies
House Building Industries: Africa
House Building Industries: Asia Pacific
House Building Industries: Latin America
House building Industries: Post-socialist
House Building Industries: Western Europe and North America
House Price Expectations
House Price Indexes
House Price Indexes: Methodologies
House Prices and Quality of Life: An Economic Analysis
Household Organisation and Survival in Developing Countries
Household Waste Recycling
Households and Families
Housing Agents and Housing Submarkets
Housing and Labour Markets
Housing and Neighbourhood Quality: Home Improvement Grants
Housing and Neighbourhood Quality: Urban Regeneration
Housing and Sustainable Transport
Housing and the Macro-Economy
Housing and the State in Australasia
Housing and the State in China
Housing and the State in Latin America
Housing and the State in South Africa
Housing and the State in South Asia
Housing and the State in the Middle East
Housing and the State in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Housing and the State in Western Europe
Housing and Wealth Portfolios
Housing Auctions
Housing Careers
Housing Classes and Consumption Cleavages
Housing Construction Industry, Competition and Regulation
Housing Demand
Housing Developers and Sustainability
Housing Developers: Developed World
Housing Developers: Developing World
Housing Dynamics: Environmental Aspects
Housing Equity Withdrawal in the United Kingdom
Housing Estates
Housing Finance Institutions: Africa
Housing Finance Institutions: Asia
Housing Finance Institutions: Latin America
Housing Finance Institutions: Transition societies
Housing Finance: Deposit Guarantees
Housing Finance: Global South
Housing Finance: Mexico
Housing Governance
Housing Indicators
Housing Institutions in Developing Countries
Housing Market Search
Housing Markets and Macro-Economic Policy
Housing Markets Institutions
Housing Need in the United Kingdom
Housing Paradigms
Housing Pathology
Housing Policies in Developing Countries
Housing Policies in Developing Countries: Microfinance
Housing Policies in Developing Countries: Sites-and-Services and Aided Self-Help
Housing Policy and Regeneration
Housing Policy Trends
Housing Policy: Agents and Regulators
Housing Preferences
Housing Standards: Regulation
Housing Statistics
Housing Subsidies and Welfare
Housing Subsidies and Work Incentives
Housing Subsidies in the Developing World
Housing Supply
Housing Supply: Green Belts
Housing Supply: Urban Growth Boundaries
Housing Trust Funds
Housing Wealth and Consumption
Housing Wealth and Inheritance in the United Kingdom
Housing Wealth as Precautionary Savings
Housing Wealth Distribution in the United Kingdom
Housing Wealth Over the Life Course
Human Rights and Housing
Ideal Homes
Illicit Drug Use and Homelessness
Immigration and Housing Policy
Immigration and Housing: North-Western Europe
Immigration and Housing: USA
Impact Fees
Impairment and Experience of Home
Inclusionary Zoning to Support Affordable Housing
Industrial Organisation of Mortgage Industries in the United States
Inequalities in European Cities
Informal Housing: Asia
Informal Housing: Colonias in the United States
Informal housing: Latin America
Institutional Economics: New
Institutional Economics: Traditional
Institutions and Governance Networks in Housing and Urban Regeneration
Institutions for Housing Supply
Institutions for Neighbourhood Renewel
Institutions that Represent Housing Professionals
Intermediate Housing Tenures
Islamic Housing Finance
Key Worker Housing Policies
Land Owners
Land Registration Institutions: Developed World
Land Titling and Housing Delivery
Life Course
Living Rooms
Local Government Property Taxes
Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
Maintenance and Repair
Master Plan Developers
Material Cultures of Domestic Interiors: Africa
Material Cultures of Domestic Interiors: India
Material Cultures of Domestic Interiors: Japan
Material Cultures of Domestic Interiors: Transnationalism
Material Cultures of Home
Meanings of Home
Meanings of Home for Moveable Habitats
Meanings of Home for Older People
Meanings of Home in Popular Culture
Meanings of Home: Gender Dimensions
Memory and Nostalgia at Home
Mental Health and Homelessness
Microfinance for Housing
Migration and Housing: Global South
Migration and Population
Migration and Urban Living in Less Developed Countries
Migration: Ethnicity, Race and Mobility
Mobility and Community
Mobility Programs for Disadvantaged Populations: The Moving to Opportunity Programs
Modern Methods of Construction
Monetary Policy, Wealth Effects and Housing
Mortgage Choice: Behavioral Finance
Mortgage Choice: Classical Economics
Mortgage Contracts: Flexible
Mortgage Contracts: Traditional
Mortgage Default: Consequences
Mortgage Default: Determinants
Mortgage Default: Well-being in the United States
Mortgage Equity Withdrawal
Mortgage Innovation
Mortgage Insurance
Mortgage Interest Rate Regulation
Mortgage Lenders and Loans
Mortgage Market Functioning
Mortgage Market Regulation: Europe
Mortgage Market Regulation: North America
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Africa
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Brazil
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: China
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: France
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Germany
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: India
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Italy
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Japan
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Korea
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: Mexico
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: United Kingdom
Mortgage Market, Character and Trends: United States
Mortgage Markets and Macro-Instability
Mortgage Markets: Regulation and Intervention
Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance
Multiple Homes
Nature in the Home
Neighbourhood Design: Green Space and Parks
Neighbourhood Design: Public Spaces
Neighbourhood Design: Urban Outdoor Experience
Neighbourhood Disadvantage
Neighbourhood Effects
Neighbourhood Effects: Approaches
Neighbourhood Governance
Neighbourhood Improvement: The Role of Housing and Housing Institutions
Neighbourhood Incivilities
Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood Reputation
Neighbourhood Watch
Neoclassical Models of the Housing Market
Neural Networks and Analytic Hierarchy Processes
New Urban Economics and Residential Location
New Urbanism and Smart Growth Movements
Notaries and Legal Professionals
Older People: Housing Institutions
Older People: Well-being
Older People: Well-being and Neighbourhoods
Ontological Security
Path Dependency
People and the Built Form
Peripheral Neighbourhoods
Philosophical Perspectives on Home
Place Attachment
Planning Institutions: Canada/United States
Planning Institutions: China
Planning Institutions: Post-Socialist
Policies to Address Homelessness
Policies to Address Homelessness: Criminalisation and Control of Public Space
Policies to Address Homelessness: Housing First Approaches
Policies to Address Homelessness: Partnership-Based Approaches in Ireland
Policies to Address Homelessness: Prevention in the United Kingdom
Policies to Address Homelessness: Rights-Based Approaches
Policies to Address Homelessness: 'Staircase Models'
Policies to Address Redlining
Policies to Address Social Mix in Communities
Policies to Address Spatial Mismatch
Policies to Promote Housing Choice in Transition Countries
Policies to Promote the Environmental Efficiency of Housing
Policies to Support Access and Affordability of Housing
Policy Instruments that Support Housing Supply: Social Housing
Policy Instruments that Support Housing Supply: Supply-side Subsidies
Political Ideologies
Politics of Housing
Post-Bubble housing in Japan
Post-Conflict Housing Restitutions
Post-Disaster Housing and Reconstruction
Price Determination in Housing Markets
Price Dynamics in Housing Markets
Privacy, Sanctuary and Privatism
Private Protection and Housing Property Insurers in the United States
Private Rental Landlords: Developing Countries
Private Rental Landlords: Europe
Private Rental Landlords: North America
Private Sector Housing Management: Asia Pacific
Private Sector Housing Management: Europe
Private Sector Housing Management: North America
Private Sector Housing Management: Post-Socilaist
Privatisation of Housing: Implications for Well-being
Privatisation of Social Housing
Property Rights Approaches
Public-Private Housing Partnerships
Qualitative Interviewing
Qualitative Methods in Housing Research
Real Estate Agents
Regulation Theory
Remittances and Well-being
Rent Policies For Social Housing
Rental Market and Rental Policies in Less Developed Countries
Representations of Home: Literature and Language
Representations of Home: Painting
Representations of Home: Photos and Film
Representations of Homelessness
Research Networks and Professional Institutions in Housing
Resident and Neighbourhood Movements
Residential Property Derivatives
Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts
Residential Segregation
Residential Segregation and Education
Residential Segregation and Ethnic Diversity in the United States
Residential Segregation: Apartheid
Residential Segregation: Experiences of African Americans
Residential Segregation: Measurement on Housing
Residential Segregation: Race and Ethnicity
Residential Urban Form and Transport
Restorative Housing Environments
Rights to Housing Tenure
Rights to Housing: Developing Societies
Rights to Housing: International Instruments
Rights to Housing: Marginalised Housing Groups
Rights to Land Tenure
Rights to the City
Rights, Citzenship, and Shelter
Risk in Housing Markets
Rural Communities
Rural Homelessness in India
Rural Homelessness: An International Perspective
Rural Housing
Rurality and Housing
Second Homes
Security of Tenure in Muslim Communities
Security of Tenure Legislation in Private Rental Housing
Self Help: Land Development
Self-Build: Global North
Self-Build: Global South
Self-Build: Latin America
Self-Help and Informal Sector Housing in the United States and Canada
Self-Help Housing Organisations
Self-Help: Policy Assistance
Self-Provided Housing in Developed Societies
Shanty Towns
Shared Equity
Shelter and Development
Shelter and Settlement for Forcibly Displaced People
Simulation Models for Housing Analysis
Simulation Models for Urban Economies
Slum Clearance
Small-Area Spatial Statistics
Social Class and Housing
Social Construction
Social Exclusion and Housing
Social History
Social Housing and Employment
Social Housing and Social Problems
Social Housing in the United States: Overview
Social Housing Institutions in Europe
Social Housing Landlords: Asia Pacific
Social Housing Landlords: China
Social Housing Landlords: Europe
Social Housing Landlords: Latin America
Social Housing Landlords: North America
Social Housing Landlords: Post-Socialist
Social Housing: Allocation
Social Housing: Finance
Social Housing: Measures to Attract Private Finance
Social Justice
Social Mix in Western Countries
Social Movements and Housing
Social Policy Approaches
Social Psychological Perspectives on Homelessness
Social Spaces and Urban Policies
Social Sustainability
Social Theory and Housing
Socio-Legal Perspectives
Spatial Economics
Spatial Mismatch
Squatter Settlement Clearance
Squatting: Developing world
Squatting: United Kingdom
Stakeholder Analysis for Housing
Structure and Agency
Subprime and Predatory Lending: Legal Regulation
Subprime Mortgages
Suburban Homes
Supply Elasticity of Housing
Supply-Side Subsidies for Affordable Rental Housing
Supported Housing
Sustainable Communities
Sustainable Housing cultures
Sustainable Lifestyles
Sustainable Regeneration
Sustainable Urban Development
Systems Theory
Taxation and Subsidies: The US Case
Taxation Policy and Housing
Technology and Surveillance in the Home
Temporary Housing
Tenant Co-operatives, Shareholders' Housing Companies
Tenure as an Institution
Textual and Linguistic Analysis
Time and the Economic Analysis of Housing Systems
Transaction Costs in Housing Markets
Upgrading Informal Settlements
Urban Regeneration in Latin America
Urbanisation and Housing the Poor: Overview
User Cost, Home Ownerhip and House Prices: Theory and Evidence from the United States
Vacancy Chains
Vernacular Housing
Visual Research Methods
Water Supply and Sanitation
Welfare Agencies and Assistance: United States
Welfare State and Housing
Well-being and Housing in the Caribbean
Women and Housing Organisations