International Conference on Nuclear Structure
Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Structure (9th EPS Nuclear Physics Divisional Conference), Amsterdam, August 30–September 3, 1982
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1983
- Editors: A. Van Der Woude, B. J. Verhaar
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 2 1 6 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 5 7 0 8 - 2
International Conference on Nuclear Structure presents the status of research in nuclear structure. This book covers the more traditional topics, including giant resonances,… Read more

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Request a sales quoteInternational Conference on Nuclear Structure presents the status of research in nuclear structure. This book covers the more traditional topics, including giant resonances, high-spin states, current and momentum distributions in nuclei, and single particle and collective excitations at low excitation energy. Organized into eight sessions, this book begins with an overview of the experiments with low momentum antiprotons. This text then examines the interaction between two free nucleons, which can be described by their scattering matrix, by their scattering cross sections, or by relativistic or nonrelativistic potentials. Other sessions consider the results on neutron-hole states in the Zr, Sn, and Pb region from pic-up measurements. This book discusses as well the progress in the investigation of high-spin magnetic observables in medium and heavy nuclei. The final chapter deals with the methods of performing measurements of neutrino masses. This book is a valuable resource for nuclear physicists, scientists, and research workers.
Opening Addresses
D.M. Schenkeveld
J.J.J. Kokkedee
Session I: Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction
Quarks and the Nucleon-Antinucleon Interaction
From Free to Effective Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions
The Experimental Determination of the Effective Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction for P-Nucleus Reactions at Intermediate Energies
Session II: Single-Particle Aspects of Nuclei
Deep Hole States
The Dominance of High-Spin Two-Particle One-Hole Transitions in (p,π-) Reactions
Magnetic Electron Scattering - Comparison with Other Reactions
Statistical Nuclear Spectroscopy
Normal- and Nonnormal-Parity States in P-Shell Nuclei
Nuclear Orientation of Neutron Deficient Isotopes in the Z = 50 Region
Session III: Giant Resonances
Gamow-Teller and Ml Resonances
Proton Excitation of the Ml Resonances in the Ni Isotopes
Giant Resonances
Nuclear Fluid Dynamics for Giant Resonances
Quenching of Single Particle Spin-Isospin Operators with Δl = 1 and Higher Multipoles in Medium Heavy Nuclei
Pionic Fusion - A Tool to Coherently Produce New Isotopes
Session IV: Symmetry Violation in Nuclei
Symmetry Violations in the Nuclear Interaction
Parity Mixing in 21Ne; Evidence for Weak Neutral Currents in Nuclei
Session V: Collective Excitations
Algebraic Approach to Nuclear Structure
Experimental Aspects of the Interacting Boson Approximation
Microscopic Aspects of the IBA
A Study of Proton Scattering On A = 92-116 Nuclei With Extended Optical Models and the Interacting Boson Approximation
IBA and the Bohr-Mottelson Model
High Spin States
Evolution of Nuclear Shapes in 157-161Yb as A Function of Spin and Neutron Number
Spin Dependence and Angular Correlation of Giant Resonances in (HI,xn) Reactions
Electromagnetic Properties of High Spin States
Session VI: N0n-Nucle0nic Degrees of Freedom
Quarks in Nuclei
Role of the Δ(1232) in Nuclear Isovector-Spin Transitions
Session VII: Mass, Charge and Current Densities
Charge and Current Transition Densities
Radial Distribution of Nucleons in the Isotopes 48,40Ca
A Precise Determination of the 3s Proton Orbit
Nuclear Structure in Pion Scattering and Charge Exchange
Study of Isovector Resonances with Pion Charge Exchange
Electron Scattering and Nuclear Constituents
Session VIII: Neutrino Mass and Neutrino Oscillations
Do Neutrinos Oscillate?
Determination of the Electron-Neutrino Mass from Experiments on Electron-Capture Beta Decay
Summary Talk
Closing Remarks
Conference Participants
List of Conference Participants
Author Index
- No. of pages: 542
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1983
- Imprint: North Holland
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483252162
- eBook ISBN: 9781483257082