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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Relation between Sleep and Learning in Early Development, Volume 60, the latest release in this ongoing series, focuses on the relati… Read more
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1. Introduction to Volume
Sarah Berger and Anat Scher
2. The relation between sleep and neurocognitive development in infancy and early childhood: A neuroscience perspective
Consuelo Basile, Federica Gigliotti, Serena Cesario, Oliviero Bruni
Sleep, Learning, Memory and Executive Functioning in Infancy and Early Childhood
3. The effect of napping and night-time sleep on memory in infants
Carolin Konrad and Sabine Seehagen
4. Newly walking infants’ night sleep impacts next day learning and problem solving
Melissa Horger, Aaron DeMasi, Angelina Marie Allia, Anat Scher and Sarah Berger
5. The Contribution of Good Sleep to Working Memory in Preschool: A matter of sleep quality or duration?
Maayan Peled and Anat Scher
6. Sleep and self-regulation in early childhood
Reagan S. Breitenstein, Caroline P. Hoyniak, Maureen E. McQuillan and John E. Bates
7. The role of naps in memory and executive functioning in early childhood
Rebecca Spencer
8. Sleep development in preschool predicts executive functioning in early elementary school
Annie Bernier, Catherine Cimon-Paquet and Émilie Tétreault
9. Individual Differences in the Effects of Child Sleep Problems on Early Executive Functioning
Timothy D. Nelson, Anna Johnson, Erin L. Ramsdell and Rebecca L. Brock
Sleep and Learning in Special Populations
10. Neonatal Sleep Development and Early Learning in Infants with Prenatal Opioid Exposure
Marie J. Hayes, Beth Logan, Nicole A. Heller, Hira Shrestha, Katrina M. Daigle, Mark Brown, Jonathan Paul and Deborah G. Morrison
11. Sleep’s role in memory consolidation: What can we learn from atypical development?
Jamie Edgin and Angela F. Lukowski
12. Sleep-related learning in Williams Syndrome and Down's Syndrome
Dagmara Dimitriou and Elizabeth J. Halstead
13. Sleep, Cognition and Executive Functioning in Young Children with Cerebral Palsy
Andrea Freeman Duncan and Nathalie Maitre
14. Conclusions and Implications for Early Intervention
Regina T. Harbourne