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Integrated Human-Machine Intelligence

Beyond Artificial Intelligence

  • 1st Edition - January 7, 2023
  • Author: Wei Liu
  • Language: English
  • Paperback ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 9 9 5 6 2 - 7
  • eBook ISBN:
    9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 9 9 5 6 3 - 4

Integrated Human-Machine Intelligence: Beyond Artificial Intelligence focuses on deep situational awareness in human-computer integration, covering the interaction and integrati… Read more

Integrated Human-Machine Intelligence

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Integrated Human-Machine Intelligence: Beyond Artificial Intelligence focuses on deep situational awareness in human-computer integration, covering the interaction and integration mechanisms of human intelligence, machine intelligence and environmental systems. The book also details the cognitive, philosophical, social, scientific and technological, and military theories and methods of human-computer division, cooperation and collaborative decision-making to provide basic theoretical support for a development strategy in the field of national intelligence. Sections focus on describing a new form of intelligence produced by the interaction of human, machine and environmental systems which will become the next generation of AI.

From the perspective of deep situational awareness in human-computer integration, the book studies the interaction and integration mechanisms of human intelligence, machine intelligence and environmental systems. In addition, it details the cognitive, philosophical, social, scientific and technological, and military theories and methods of human-computer division, cooperation and collaborative decision-making, so as to provide basic theoretical support for a development strategy in the field of national intelligence.