N.A. Cummings, The History of Behavioral Healthcare: A perspective from a lifetime of involvement.
N.A. Cummings, A New Vision of Healthcare for America.
Chapter 2 Discussion
A.E. Fruzzetti, Medical Health Care and Mental Health Care: Integration and/or Partnership.
K. Strosahl, The Integration of Primary Care and Behavioral Health: Type II Change in the Era of Managed Care.
Chapter 3 Discussion
L. Hayes, Take Me to Your Leader!
J. Kent and M. Gordon, Programmatic Approaches to Care and Outcomes: The Medical Co-Management Group Appointment.
Chapter 4 Discussion
G. Hayes, Reinventing the Team Model: Can Quality and Lower Cost go Hand in Hand?
J.D. Slay, Jr., C. Mcleod, and J.N. Johnson, Organizing a Collaborative Healthcare Delivery System in a Medical Setting.
Chapter 5 Discussion
M. Gutride, A Review of the Collaborative Care Project.
R. Dyer, Behavioral Technologies in Disease Management: A New Service Model for Working with Physicians.
Chapter 6 Discussion
B. Kohlenberg, Persuasion Criteria in the Business of Disease Management and Behavioral Health.
T. Trabin, Accountability for Quality in the Real World: From 30,000 Feet to Ground Level and Back Up.
Chapter 7 Discussion
S. Thorp, J. Greg, R. Niccolls, and W. O'Donohue, The Best and Worst of Times for Behavioral Mental Health Practice.
I.A. Shaffer, Managed Care: Cost and Effectiveness.
Chapter 8 Discussion
O. Thienhaus, Effectiveness and Cost in Managed Care.
S.C. Hayes and J. Gregg, Practice Guidelines and the Industrialization of Behavioral Healthcare Delivery.
Chapter 9 Discussion
D. Varble, Comments on Pracice Guidelines.
S.P. Melek, Financial Risk and Structural Issues.
Chapter 10 Discussion
J. Wendel, Integrated Care: Potential Disaster or Golden Opportunity?
W.G. Troy, Program Restructuring and Curricular Enhancement for Accountable Training.
Chapter 11 Discussion
V. Follette, Continuing Education: Opportunities for Enhanced Family Relations.
M.S. Pallak, Managed Care: Implications for Clinical Training.
Chapter 12 Discussion
J.E. Fisher, J. Buchanan, and J.E. Hadden, Clinical Psychology Curriculum and the Industrialization of Behavioral Healthcare.