Insect Molecular Genetics
An Introduction to Principles and Applications
- 3rd Edition - April 9, 2013
- Author: Marjorie A. Hoy
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 1 0 0 4 2 - 4
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 4 1 5 8 7 4 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 2 4 0 - 8 2 1 3 1 - 3
Insect Molecular Genetics, Third Edition, summarizes and synthesizes two rather disparate disciplines—entomology and molecular genetics. This volume provides an introduct… Read more

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Request a sales quoteInsect Molecular Genetics, Third Edition, summarizes and synthesizes two rather disparate disciplines—entomology and molecular genetics. This volume provides an introduction to the techniques and literature of molecular genetics; defines terminology; and reviews concepts, principles, and applications of these powerful tools. The world of insect molecular genetics, once dominated by Drosophila, has become much more diverse, especially with the sequencing of multiple arthropod genomes (from spider mites to mosquitoes). This introduction includes discussion of honey bees, mosquitoes, flour beetles, silk moths, fruit flies, aphids, house flies, kissing bugs, cicadas, butterflies, tsetse flies and armyworms.
This book serves as both a foundational text and a review of a rapidly growing literature. With fully revised and updated chapters, the third edition will be a valuable addition to the personal libraries of entomologists, geneticists, and molecular biologists.
- Up-to-date references to important review articles, websites, and seminal citations in the disciplines
- Well crafted and instructive illustrations integral to explaining the techniques of molecular genetics
- Glossary of terms to help beginners learn the vocabulary of molecular biology
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Part I: Genes and Genome Organization in Eukaryotes
Chapter 1. DNA, Gene Structure, and DNA Replication
1.1 Overview
1.2 DNA is the Hereditary Material: A Brief History
1.3 The Central Dogma
1.4 The “RNA World” Came First?
1.5 The Molecular Structure of DNA
1.6 The Molecular Structure of RNA
1.7 The Double Helix
1.8 Complementary Base Pairing is Fundamental
1.9 DNA Exists in Several Forms
1.10 Genes
1.11 The Genetic Code for Protein-Coding Genes is a Triplet and is Degenerate
1.12 Gene Organization
1.13 Efficient DNA Replication is Essential
1.14 DNA Replication is Semiconservative
1.15 Replication Begins at Replication Origins
1.16 DNA Replication Occurs Only in the 5′ to 3′ Direction
1.17 Replication of DNA Requires an RNA Primer
1.18 Ligation of Replicated DNA Fragments
1.19 DNA Replication during Mitosis in Eukaryotes
1.20 Telomeres at the End: A Solution to the Loss of DNA during Replication
1.21 DNA Replication Fidelity and DNA Repair
1.22 Mutations in the Genome
1.23 Common Genetic Terminology
1.24 Independent Assortment and Recombination during Sexual Reproduction
General References
References Cited
Chapter 2. Transcription, Translation, and Regulation of Eukaryotic DNA
2.1 Overview
2.2 Introduction
2.3 RNA Synthesis is Gene Transcription
2.4 Transcription Involves Binding, Initiation, Elongation, and Termination
2.5 RNA Transcripts of Protein-Coding Genes
2.6 RNA of Protein-Coding Genes Must Be Modified and Processed in Eukaryotes
2.7 Splicing Out the Introns
2.8 Translation Involves Protein Synthesis
2.9 RNA Surveillance: Damage Control
2.10 Import and Export from the Nucleus
2.11 Transport of Proteins within the Cytoplasm
2.12 mRNA Stability
2.13 Chaperones and the Proteosome
2.14 RNA Silencing or Interference and miRNAs
2.15 Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes
2.16 Insulators and Boundaries
2.17 Chromosome or Gene Imprinting in Insects
2.18 Eukaryotic Genomes and Evolution
References Cited
Chapter 3. Nuclear and Extranuclear DNA in Insects
3.1 Overview
3.2 Introduction
3.3 C-Value Paradox: Is it Real?
3.4 Repetitive DNA is Common in Insects
3.5 Composition of Insect DNA
3.6 Chromosomes are DNA Plus Proteins
3.7 Packaging Long, Thin DNA Molecules into Tiny Spaces
3.8 Structure of the Nucleus
3.9 Euchromatin and Heterochromatin
3.10 Centromeres
3.11 Telomeres
3.12 Chromosomes during Mitosis and Meiosis
3.13 Chromosome Damage
3.14 Polyteny
3.15 Chromosomal Puffing
3.16 B Chromosomes
3.17 Sex Chromosomes
3.18 Extranuclear Inheritance in Mitochondrial Genes
3.19 Transposable Elements are Ubiquitous Agents that Alter Genomes
References Cited
Chapter 4. Genetic Systems, Genome Evolution, and Genetic Control of Embryonic Development in Insects
4.1 Overview
4.2 Introduction
4.3 Genetic Systems in Insects
4.4 Endopolyploidy is Common in Somatic Tissues of Arthropods
4.5 Genetics of Insects Other than D. melanogaster
4.6 Dynamic Insect Genomes
4.7 B Chromosomes
4.8 Unique-Sequence DNA in the Nucleus
4.9 Middle-Repetitive DNA in the Nucleus
4.10 Highly Repetitive DNA
4.11 Producing Large Amounts of Protein in a Short Time: Gene Amplification and Gene Duplication
4.12 Multiple Genomes in or on Insects: What is the “Biological Individual”?
4.13 Insect Development
4.14 Dissecting Development with D. melanogaster Mutants
4.15 Interactions During Development
4.16 Similarities and Differences in Development in Other Insects
4.17 Evo-Devo and the Revolution in Developmental Studies
References Cited
Part II: Molecular Genetic Techniques
Chapter 5. Some Basic Tools: How to Cut, Paste, Copy, Measure, Visualize, and Clone DNA
5.1 Overview
5.2 Introduction to a Basic Molecular Biology Experiment
5.3 Extracting DNA from Insects
5.4 Precipitating Nucleic Acids
5.5 Shearing DNA
5.6 Cutting DNA with Restriction Endonucleases
5.7 Joining DNA Molecules
5.8 Growth, Maintenance, and Storage of E. coli
5.9 Plasmids for Cloning in E. coli
5.10 Transforming E. coli with Plasmids
5.11 Purifying Plasmid DNA from E. coli
5.12 Electrophoresis in Agarose or Acrylamide Gels
5.13 Detecting, Viewing, and Photographing Nucleic Acids in Gels
5.14 Identifying Specific DNA by Southern Blot Analysis
5.15 Labeling DNA or RNA Probes
5.16 Removing DNA from Agarose Gels after Electrophoresis
5.17 Restriction-Site Mapping
General References
References Cited
Chapter 6. Some Additional Tools for the Molecular Biologist
6.1 Overview
6.2 Introduction
6.3 The Perfect Genomic Library
6.4 cDNA Cloning
6.5 Enzymes Used in Molecular Biology Experiments
6.6 Isolating a Specific Gene from a Library if Whole-Genome Sequencing is Not Done
6.7 Labeling Probes by a Variety of Methods
6.8 Baculovirus Vectors Express Foreign Polypeptides in Insect Cells
6.9 Expression Microarray Analysis
General References
References Cited
Chapter 7. DNA Sequencing and the Evolution of the “-Omics”
7.1 Overview
7.2 Introduction
7.3 The Dideoxy or Chain-Termination (Sanger) Method
7.4 The Maxam and Gilbert Sequencing Method
7.5 Shotgun Strategies for Genomes
7.6 Sequencing DNA by the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
7.7 Automated Sanger Sequencers
7.8 Analyzing DNA Sequence Data
7.9 DNA-Sequence Data Banks
7.10 A Brief History of the Drosophila Genome Project
7.11 Next-Generation Sequencing Methods and Beyond
7.12 Bioinformatics
7.13 Genome Analyses of Other Arthropods
7.14 Transposable Elements (TEs) as Agents of Genome Evolution
7.15 Transcriptomics
7.16 Metagenomics
7.17 Proteomics: Another “-Omic”
7.18 Functional Genomics
7.19 Structural Genomics—Another New Horizon?
7.20 Comparative Genomics
7.21 Interactomes or Reactomes
7.22 The Post-Genomic Era: Systems Genetics
General References
References Cited
Chapter 8. DNA Amplification by the Polymerase Chain Reaction: Molecular Biology Made Accessible
8.1 Overview
8.2 Introduction
8.3 The Basic Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
8.4 Some Modifications of the PCR
8.5 Some Research Applications
8.6 Multiple Displacement Amplification: Another Method to Amplify DNA
8.7 Concluding Remarks
References Cited
Chapter 9. Transposable-Element Vectors and Other Methods to Genetically Modify Drosophila and Other Insects
9.1 Overview
9.2 Introduction
9.3 P Elements and Hybrid Dysgenesis
9.4 P-Element Structure Varies
9.5 Transposition Method of P Elements
9.6 Origin of P Elements in D. melanogaster
9.7 P Vectors and Germ-Line Transformation
9.8 Using P-Element Vectors
9.9 Transformation of Other Insects with P Vectors
9.10 Evolution of Resistance to P Elements
9.11 Using P to Drive Genes into Populations
9.12 Relationship of P to Other Transposable Elements (TEs)
9.13 Other TEs Can Transform D. melanogaster
9.14 Improved Transformation Tools for Drosophila
9.15 TE Vectors to Transform Insects other than Drosophila
9.16 Cross Mobilization of TE Vectors
9.17 Conversion of Inactive TE Vectors to Activity
9.18 Suppression of Transgene Expression
9.19 Other Transformation Methods
9.20 Conclusions
General References
References Cited
Part III: Applications in Entomology
Chapter 10. Sex Determination in Insects
10.1 Overview
10.2 Introduction
10.3 Costs and Benefits of Sexual Reproduction
10.4 Sex Determination Involves Soma and Germ-Line Tissues
10.5 Sex Determination in Drosophila melanogaster
10.6 Are Sex-Determination Mechanisms Diverse?
10.7 A Single Model?
10.8 Meiotic Drive Can Distort Sex Ratios
10.9 Hybrid Sterility
10.10 Medea in Tribolium
10.11 Cytoplasmic Agents Distort Normal Sex Ratios
10.12 Paternal Sex-Ratio Chromosomes and Cytoplasmic Incompatibility in Nasonia
10.13 Male Killing in the Coccinellidae
10.14 Sex and the Sorted Insects
10.15 Conclusion
References Cited
Chapter 11. Molecular Genetics of Insect Behavior
11.1 Overview
11.2 Introduction
11.3 The Insect Nervous System
11.4 Traditional Genetic Analyses of Behavior
11.5 Molecular-Genetic Analyses of Insect Behavior
11.6 Symbionts and Insect Behavior
11.7 Human Neurodegenerative Diseases and Addictions in Drosophila
11.8 High-Throughput Ethomics
11.9 Systems Genetics of Complex Traits in Drosophila
11.10 Social Behavior in Bees and Ants
11.11 Conclusions
References Cited
Chapter 12. Molecular Systematics and the Evolution of Arthropods
12.1 Overview
12.2 Introduction
12.3 Controversies in Molecular Systematics and Evolution
12.4 Molecular Methods for Molecular Systematics and Evolution
12.5 Targets of DNA Analysis
12.6 Steps in Phylogenetic Analysis of DNA Sequence Data
12.7 The Universal Tree of Life
12.8 The Fossil Record of Arthropods
12.9 Molecular Analyses of Arthropod Phylogeny
12.10 Molecular Evolution and Speciation
12.11 Some Conclusions
Relevant Journals
References Cited
Chapter 13. Insect Population Ecology and Molecular Genetics
13.1 Overview
13.2 Introduction
13.3 What is Molecular Ecology?
13.4 Collecting Arthropods in the Field for Analysis
13.5 Molecular Ecological Methods
13.6 Analysis of Molecular Data
13.7 Case Studies in Molecular Ecology and Population Biology
13.8 Applied Pest Management
Relevant Journals
References Cited
Chapter 14. Genetic Modification of Pest and Beneficial Insects for Pest-Management Programs
14.1 Overview
14.2 Introduction
14.3 Why Genetically Modify Insects?
14.4 Why Use Molecular-Genetic Methods?
14.5 What Genetic Modification Methods are Available?
14.6 Methods to Deliver Exogenous Nucleic Acids into Arthropod Tissues
14.7 What Genes are Available?
14.8 Why are Regulatory Signals Important?
14.9 How are Modified Arthropods Identified?
14.10 How to Deploy Genetically Modified Pest and Beneficial Arthropods
14.11 Potential Risks Associated with Releases of Genetically Modified Arthropods
14.12 Permanent Releases of Genetically Modified Arthropods into the Environment
14.13 Regulatory Issues: Releases of Genetically Modified Arthropods
14.14 Conclusions
References Cited
- No. of pages: 838
- Language: English
- Edition: 3
- Published: April 9, 2013
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128100424
- Hardback ISBN: 9780124158740
- eBook ISBN: 9780240821313