Part 1: How Urban Regional Planning Can Reduce Housing Costs. Design quality in private redevelopment of urban neighborhoods, R A Casebier. Effective cost saving methods for buildings, K Dholakia & S Dave. Mass housing versus sites and services schemes for low income groups, N Kader. Infrastucture costs for roads and railways, R Krapfenbauer. Evaluation of low-income housing in the United States of America: a case study. Implications for future design, R Dorsey.
Part 2: How New Designs Can Enhance the Quality and Cost Performance of Housing. Applications of fibre-glass reinforced plastics in building & construction industry, A K Asthana & N V R Rao. Confined masonry and concrete frame buildings structures - a cost comparison, H Sousa. Reducing housing costs: design and construction to prevent home moisture damage, L Gardner
et al. Improving housing quality through thermal regulations, E Maldonado & E Oliveira Fernandes. New strategy of architectural programming for housing in developing regions, J Wlodarczyk.
Part 3: How Innovative Constructions Can Reduce Housing Costs. Soil improvement techniques for housing development projects, M Durrani. Reducing costs through concrete quality control, M E Aroso & M H Aroso. Technology versus development, J Pulido Valente. Building defects in equatorial climate, S K Roy. The use of timber in self-help affordable housing, L Lewis.
Part 4: How to Reduce Costs through Innovative Financing for the Builders, Consumers and Producers of the Materials. Public housing and the promotion of homeownership, B G Field. The use of generic cost/performance ratios in the financing of housing, J Moreira da Costa.
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