Inhaled Particles V
Proceedings of an International Symposium Organized by the British Occupational Hygiene Society, Cardiff, 8-12 September 1980
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Editor: W. H. Walton
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 0 2 6 - 0
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene: Inhaled Particles V emphasizes respired particles, particularly their effects, fate, and entry, by considering quantitative exposure-effect… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe Annals of Occupational Hygiene: Inhaled Particles V emphasizes respired particles, particularly their effects, fate, and entry, by considering quantitative exposure-effect relationships and basic mechanisms. Divided into eight sections, the book presents analysis of the dynamics of particles that enter the mouth or nose, which has been considered relative to hygiene standards grounded on ‘total dust’. The concerns include the retention of mineral fibers and asbestos in the lungs. The effects on health of coal dusts and fly ash generally common in the energy industries are considered. The text also presents the tests of the carcinogenicity and pathogenicity of dusts and the toxicity of nitrous oxides. The book then focuses on the response of the airways to aerosols, sulfates, gold mine dusts, and organic dusts. Coal mining and its relationship with the progression of pneumoconiosis are also discussed. The book is a great source of information for those who are doing studies in the field of occupational health, particularly on the effects of dust and other related particles on the health of workers.
Session 1. Particle Inhalation and Deposition
Applications of Blunt Sampler Theory to the Definition and Measurement of Inhalable Dust
Investigations into Defining Inhalable Dust
Comparison of the Criteria for Sampling 'Inhalable' and 'Respirable' Aerosols
Particle Deposition within Bronchial Airways: Comparisons Using Constant and Cyclic Inspiratory Flows
Charge Effects on Particle Deposition in the Human Tracheobronchial Tree
Generation, Characterization and Inhalation Deposition of Ultrafine Aggregate Aerosols
Growth Rate Measurements and Deposition Modeling of Hygroscopic Aerosols in Human Tracheobronchial Models
Pulmonary Penetration and Deposition of Aerosols in Different Gases: Fluid Flow Effects
Deposition of Particles in the Human Lungs as a Function of Particle Size and Breathing Pattern: an Empirical Model
Biological Variability of Particle Deposition in the Human Respiratory Tract during Controlled and Spontaneous Mouth-Breathing
A Quantitative Study of the Penetration of Insoluble Particles into the Tissue of the Conducting Airways
Implications of the Dosimetric Model for the Respiratory System on Limits for Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers (ICRP PUBLICATION 30)
Session 2. Deposition, Clearance and Retention
Deposition of Inhaled Man-Made Mineral Fibers in the Lungs of Rats
Studies of the Chronic Inhalation of Coal Fly Ash by Rats
Long-term Inhalation Studies with Raw and Processed Shale Dusts
Lung Mucociliary Function in Man: Interdependence of Bronchial and Tracheal Mucus Transport Velocities with Lung Clearance in Bronchial Asthma and Healthy Subjects
Characteristics of Tracheobronchial Deposition and Clearance in Man
Long-term Particle Clearance in Man: Normal and Impaired
The Long-term Clearance Kinetics of Insoluble Particles from the Human Lung
Pulmonary Retention of Coal Dusts
Translocation of Mineral Fibers through the Respiratory System after Injection into the Pleural Cavity of Rats
Magnetopneumography as a Tool for the Study of Dust Retention in the Lungs
Research on Industrial Ferrous Metal Aerosols
Deposition and Retention of Fibers in the Human Lung
A Strategy for the Design and Evaluation of a 'Safe' Inorganic Fiber
Session 3. Dust in Human Lungs
Multiple Regression Analysis of Quantified Aetiological, Clinical and Post-Mortem Pathological Variables Related to Respiratory Disease in Coal Workers
The Dust Content of the Lungs of Hard-Rock Miners and its Relationship to Occupational Exposure, Pathological and Radiological Findings
Asbestos Fibers in the Lungs of Chrysotile Miners and Millers—A Preliminary Report
Mineral Fiber Content of Lung in Mesothelial Tumors in North America
A Pathological and Mineralogical Study of Asbestos-Related Deaths in the United Kingdom in 1977
Session 4. Biological Reactions to Dust
Prediction of Pneumoconiosis by Bioassays of Particulate from Occupational Exposures
Silicotic Fibrogenesis: a Concept of Pulmonary Fibrosis
Increase of RNA and Appearance of New Protein in Silicotic Lung Tissue
Specific Harmfulness of Respirable Dusts from West German Coal Mines
I: Results of Cell Tests
Specific Harmfulness of Respirable Dusts from West German Coal Mines
II: Results of Intratracheal Tests on Rats
Specific Harmfulness of Respirable Dusts from West German Coal Mines
III: Results of Intraperitoneal Tests on Rats
Specific Harmfulness of Respirable Dusts from West German Coal Mines
IV: Results of the Quantitative Lymph Node Test
Specific Harmfulness of Respirable Dusts from West German Coal Mines
V: Influence of Mineral Surface Properties
Specific Harmfulness of Respirable Dusts from West German Coal Mines
VI: Comparison of Experimental and Epidemiological Results
Variations in Cytotoxicity and Mineral Content between Respirable Mine Dusts from the Belgian, British, French and German Coalfields
Session 5. Carcinogenic and Cytotoxic Effects
Comparative Cocarcinogenic Effects of Crocidolite Asbestos, Hematite, Kaolin and Carbon in Implanted Tracheal Organ Cultures
Variations in the Carcinogenicity of Mineral Fibers
In Vitro Tests for the Pathogenicity of Mineral Dusts
Use of an In Vitro Test System to Investigate the Acute and Sub-acute Responses of the Rat Lung to Mineral Dusts
An Investigation of the Adsorption of Oxides of Nitrogen on Respirable Mineral Dusts and the Effects on their Cytotoxicity
Effect of Impurities and Associated Minerals on Quartz Toxicity
In Vitro and In Vivo Studies of Organic Dusts
Session 6. Airway Response to Aerosols
Variables Affecting the Outcome of Inhalation of Enzyme Dusts
Possible Mechanism of Airway Responses in Occupational Exposure to Respiratory Irritants
Acute Exposure to Gold Mine Dust—a Bronchial Challenge test?
Effects of Sulphuric Acid Aerosols on Respiratory Tract Airways
Comparison of Normal and Asthmatic Subjects' Responses to Sulphate Pollutant Aerosols
Session 7. Individual Factors Determining Pneumoconiosis
Determinants of Progression in Sandblasters' Silicosis
Individual Factors in the Development of Coal Miners' Pneumoconiosis
Session 8. Epidemiological Studies
A Study of Apparent Anomalies between Dust Levels and Pneumoconiosis at British Collieries
Studies of Environmental and Host Factors Influencing Personal Differences in Response to Industrial Silica Dust Exposure
Unusual Pulmonary Observations and Exposure to Coalmine Dust: A Case Control Study
Irregular Opacities in Coalworkers' Pneumoconiosis—Correlation with Pulmonary Function and Pathology
The Relation between Pneumoconiosis and Dust Exposure in Spanish Coal Mines with Comparative Studies of Different Gravimetric Dust Samplers
Coal Miners Exposed to Diesel Exhaust Emissions
Exposure to Diesel Fumes and Dust at Six Potash Mines
Respiratory Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Gypsum Dust
An Epidemiological-Industrial Hygiene Study of Talc Workers
Carbon Fiber: Results of a Survey of Process Workers and their Environment in a Factory Producing Continuous Filament
Estimates of Dose-Response for Respiratory Cancer among Chrysotile Asbestos Textile Workers
Radiological Changes and Fiber Exposure in Chrysotile Workers Aged 60-69 Years at Thetford Mines
A Mortality Study of Workers Manufacturing Friction Materials with Chrysotile Asbestos
Health Implications of the Mount St. Helens' Eruption: Epidemiological Considerations
Health Implications of the Mount St. Helens' Eruption: Laboratory Investigations
List of Participants
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 964
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483150260
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