Indian Hygiene and Public Health
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Authors: C. L. Dunn, D. D. Pandya
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 5 7 1 - 5
Indian Hygiene and Public Health is a handbook on hygiene and public health in India and covers topics ranging from the purification of water supply to the effects of impure air on… Read more

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Request a sales quoteIndian Hygiene and Public Health is a handbook on hygiene and public health in India and covers topics ranging from the purification of water supply to the effects of impure air on hygiene and health. Collection and disposal of refuse, excreta, and sewage in Indian villages are also discussed, along with communicable diseases of the tropics and sanitary law in India. Comprised of 18 chapters, this book first looks at the sources of water supply, sources of water pollution, and protection of well water supplies in India. The reader is then introduced to methods of purification of water supplies, including filtration methods and chemical methods such as the chlorine method and the ozone method. Subsequent chapters deal with air pollution and its health effects; practical application of the principles of ventilation; collection and disposal of refuse, excreta, and sewage in Indian villages; artificial water-logging and surface drainage; and diseases caused by adulteration of food. Meat inspection, personal and school hygiene, and disinfection are also taken into account. This monograph will be of interest to medical health officers as well as students, workers, and officials in the fields of hygiene, sanitation, and public health.
Chapter I. Water Supply Sources of—Rain Water Shallow Wells Deep Wells Artesian Wells Sources of Pollution Protection of Well Water Supplies Pumps—Suction Pumps Force Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Chain Pumps Pulsometers Water Wheels Hydraulic Rams Tube Wells Protection of Well Mouths Examination of Suspected Sources of Pollution Spring Water Rivers, Streams and Lakes Collecting Areas for Reservoirs Tanks Storage of Drinking Water in the Tropics Diseases Due to Impure Water Distribution of Water—Quantity Sources and Cost of the Supply Distribution ErosionChapter II. The Purification of Water Supplies Methods of Purification—On a large Scale—Clark's Process Porter—Clark's Process Houston's Excess Lime Method Stanhope System Maignen System Spongy Iron Magnetic Carbide of Iron Polarite Anderson's Process Schumberg's Procesess Chlorine Copper Sulphate Ozone Ultra-Violet Rays—On a Email Scale—Maignen's Method Nesfield's Method Boiling Distilling Pasteur Chamberland and Berkefeld Filters Filtration Methods on a Large Scale Slow Sand Filtration Roughing Filters Puech-Chabal System Rapid Filtration Simple Storage Air Lift System of PumpingChapter III. Air and Ventilation Effects of Impure Air Composition of Air Pollution of Air Ozone Carbonic Acid Gas and Respiration Personal Emanations Putrefaction Vitiation by the Products of Combustion Vitiation by Industrial Occupations Effects of Occupations on the Health Anthrax in Wool Ventilation Diffusion of Gases Internal Ventilation of Inhabited Rooms Natural Ventilation Montgolfier's Formula Friction Natural Ventilation in the Tropica Artificial Ventilation Practical Application of the Principles of Ventilation Warming LightingChapter IV. The Disposal of Refuse Removal of Street and Domestic Refuse Methods of Disposal Cremation Reduction in the Amount of Refuse to be Collected Collection and Disposal of Refuse in VillagesChapter V. Disposal of Excreta Conservancy Quantity of Excreta Per Head Domestic Conveniences Public Latrines and Urinals Temporary Public Latrines for Use at Fairs Private Latrines for Fairs Temporary Public Urinals for Use at Fairs Removal of Excreta from Houses and Latrines Receptacles Night-Soil Carts Pail Depots Disposal of Excreta—Pitting Trenching Types of Trenches Shallow Deep Thornhill System of Trenching Poudrette Fresh Night Soil Incineration Removal of Slop Water and Trade Effluents Disposal of Excretain VillagesChapter VI. Disposal of Sewage Water-Carriage System Combined and Separate Systems Calculation of the Discharge from Sewers Shape Friction Materials House Drainage Slop Sinks Soil Pipe Water Flush Latrines Shone System Disposal of Sewage Treatment of Crude Sewage Treatment on Land Broad Irrigation Intermittent Downward Filtration Sedimentation and Screening Chemical Purification Precipitation A.B.C. Process Sterilization of Sewage Amines System Hermite Process: Oxychloride Process Biological Treatment Scott-Moncrieff System Contact-Beds Septic Tank Treatment Dibdin Slate-Beds Colonel Ducat's Method Aerating or Streaming Filters "Activated Sludge" Process Purity and Standard of Sewage EffluentsChapter VII. Sites, Sob-Soil and Surface Drainage Sites Low-Lying Areas Artificial Water-Logging: Burrow Pits Ruined Areas Sub-Soil Drainage Intercepting Drains embankments Canals Cultivation Pollution of the Sub-Soil Water Surface Drainage Separate System Combined System Removal of Surface Water by Surface Channels Flushing of Surf Ace Drains Erection Over Surface Drains Disposal of Surface WatersChapter VIII Food Supply Staple Diet Meat Fish Fruits Vegetables Dietaries Adulteration of food Unsound Food Unsound Grains Diseases Produced by the Consumption of Unsound Grains Storage of Food and their Exposure for sale Milk Shops Cow-Sheds Sweet-Meats Sale of Meat Slaughter-HousesChapter IX. Meat Inspection Appearance of the Healthy Animal and its Organs in the Carcase Appearance of the Muscles, Fat and Organs in Health and Disease Specific Disease—Worms Flukes Round Worms Parasites which may be Transmitted to Man by Eating Meat—Beef Bladder Worm Hog Bladder Worm Trichina Spiralis Bacteria BotulismChapter X. Communicable Diseases of the Tropics Channels of Infection Ticks Bugs Flies Fleas Lice Mosquitoes Trypanosomes Spirochætæ Malaria Relapsing Fever Kala-Azar Cholera Plague Small-Pox Tyhpoid Fevers Dysenteries Leprosy Tuberculosis AnkylostomiasisChapter XI. Disinfection Sunlight Burning Dry Heat Boiling Steam Under Pressure Superheated Steam Chemical Disinfectants Liquid Disinfectants Perchloride of Mercury Mercuric Iodide Phenols Chloride of Lime Sodium Hypochlorite Chloramine—T. Halazone Sulphate of Copper Potassium Permanganate Formalin Chinosol Standardization of Disinfectants Rideal Walker Method Martin—Chick Method Solid Disinfectants Carbolic Powders Staked Lime Bleaching Powder Soap—Gaseous Disinfectants Formic Aldehyde Sulphurous Acid Chlorine Hydrocyanic Acid Gas Other GasesChapter XII. Housing and Town-Planning Powers to Local Authorities Construction of Hospitals General Hospitals Infectious Diseases HospitalsChapter XIII. Personal Hygiene The Cleanliness of the Body—Washing Baths Lice as Common Parasites of Man Care of the Hair Teeth Nails Bowels Eating Sleep Bed-Room Exercise Clothing Various Materials for Colour of Clothing Materials BootsChapter XIV. School Hygiene School Premises Lighting Orientation Ventilation Clerestory Windows Furniture Floor Area and Cubic Space Sanitary Conveniences Water-Supply Play Grounds School Hours Physical Training Teaching of Hygiene in Schools Medical Inspection of School Children Chapter XV. Climate and Meteorology Causes of high Temperature Circumstances which Modify High Temperatures Thermometers Atmospheric Pressure Cyclonic System Winds Measurement of—Barometers Atmospheric Humidity Wet and Dry Bulb Hygrometer Rainfall Estimation of Rain-Gauge Fogs Clouds Climate and Public HealthChapter XVI. Vital Statistics Limits of Error Poission's Formula Arithmetical Mean Mean Error Probable Errors Standard Deviation Coefficient of variation Coeificient of Correlation Theory of Probability Law of Population Increment of life Decrement of life Effective Population Specific Population Marriage-Rate Birth-Rate Death-Rate Influence of Birth-Rate Upon Death-Rate Standard Death-Rate Corrected Death-Rate Comparative Mortality Figure Infantile Mortality Zymotic Death-Rate Estimation of Population Mean Age at Death—Expectation of Life at Birth Probable Duration of Life De Moivre's Hypothesis Expectation of Life Occupation and MortalityChapter XVII. Sanitary Law The U.P. Munioipalities Act Rules and Orders of Government Under Sections of the Municipalities Act Relating to Public Health Duties of Medical Officers of Health Water-Supply Rules Disinfection of a Municipal Water-Supply Infections Diseases Instructions for the Prevention of the Spread of Cholera in Urban Areas Rules Re Disinfectants and Disinfection Disinfectants for Water Supplies Disinfection of Materials Instructions as to the Registration and the Compilation of Births and Deaths Inspection of Municipal Works and Institutions by Government Officers Model Byelaws Under the Municipalities Act—Building Byelaws Projection Byelaws Byelaws for Drains, Privies and Cesspools Water Supply Rules Byelaws for the Registration of Births and Deaths Dairy Byelaws Byelaws for Regulation and Inspection of Places for the Manufacture, Preparation or Sale of Sweetmeats Byelaws for the Regulation and Control of Bakeries Byelaws for Controlling the Manufacture and Sale of aerated waters Byelaws for the Regulation and Inspection of Slaughter-houses Byelaws Regulating the Sale and Transport of Meat; Byelaws for Regulating Importation of Meat for Sale Into the Municipality Byelaws for the Preparation of Dried Meat Burial and Burning Ground Byelaws Byelaws Regulating Offensive Trades Byelaws for the Regulation of the Storing of Bones Byelaws for Storing Hides or Skins and for Tanning Byelaws in Respect of Places used for the Preparation and Storage of Gut Byelaws for Regulating Brick and Lime Kilns Byelaws Requiring the Licensing of Dogs Byelaws for Regulating the Storing of Hay, Straw etc. The Vaccination Act—Draft Rules under section 19 of the Act The U. P. Prevention of Adulteration Act—Fees for Analysis Rules as to the Appointment and Powers of Official Inspectors Instructions Regarding Collection and Despatch of Samples of Milk, Butter, Ghee, Edible Oils and Drugs Epidemic Diseases Act. Indian Factories Act. Indian Penal Code—Public Health Sections—Criminal Procedure Code—Public Nuisances. The U. P. District Boards Act, 1922—Sections Relating to Public Health Rules from the District Board Manual Relating to Public Health, Under the U. P. District Boards Act of 1906 Rules Concerning Public Health Staff Employed by District Boards Made Under the Act of 1922 General Powers and Duties of Boards in Matters Affecting Sanitation, Made Under the Act of 1906. Manual of Government Orders. U. P.—Rules for the Management of Fairs Measures to be Taken for the Prevention of the Spread of Cholera in the Rural Areas of the U. P. The U. P. Town Areas Act The U. P. Village Sanitation ActAppendix I.—Useful Data—Weights and Measures Rain-Water Table of Contents of Wells in Gallons Drainage Gases Conversion of Thermometer Scales Barometer ScalesAppendix II.—LogarithmsAppendix III.—Type Design of Incinerators (i) for Plains (Cheap Pattern) (ii) for Hill Stations (Cheap Pattern) (iii) for Plains with Fire Brick Lining (iv) for Hill Stations with Fire Brick LiningAppendix IV.—Standard of Appliances in Towns with Water-Borne System Standard of Establishment for Municipalities with Water-Borne System Standard of Appliances in Towns without Waterborne System Standard of Establishment for Towns without Water-Borne SystemAppendix V—Twenty-Seated LatrineAppendix VI.—Examination Papers—for the Diploma in Public Health—for the License in Public Health
- No. of pages: 700
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483225715
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