Part 1 Key requirements for milk quality and safety: Milk biochemistry; The microbiological safety of raw milk; Key requirements for milk quality and safety: A processor’s perspective. Part 2 Contaminants in milk: Pesticides, veterinary residues and other contaminants in milk; Contaminants in milk: Routes of contamination, analytical techniques and methods of control; Good hygienic practice in milk production and processing. Part 3 Safety and quality issues in raw milk production: Exploiting genetic variation in milk-fat composition of milk from dairy cows; Cows’ diet and milk composition; Mastitis and raw milk quality, safety and yield; Quality assurance schemes on the dairy farm. Part 4 Safety and quality issues in milk processing: Improving pasteurised and extended shelf-life milk; Improving UHT processing and UHT milk products; Modelling heat processing of dairy products; Removal of bacteria, spores and somatic cells from milk by centrifugation and microfiltration techniques; High pressure processing of milk; Pasteurization of milk with pulsed electric fields; Other novel milk preservation technologies: Ultrasound, irradiation, microwave, radio frequency, ohmic heating, ultraviolet light and bacteriocins; Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) and other food safety systems in milk processing.