R.H.J. Beelen and E.W.A. Kamperdijk, Macrophages: General Aspects.
A.A. te Velde, Interaction Between Cytokines and Monotcytes/Macrophages.
T. Thepen and C.E.G. Havenith, Functions of Alveolar Macrophages.
E.W.A. Kamperdijk, E. van Vugt, C.D. Richters, and R.H.J. Beelen, Morphology of Dendritic Cells.
D.N.J. Hart and V.L. Calder, Human Dendritic Cells: Function and Cytokine Production.
G.C. Mudde, W. Fokkens, C.A.F.M. Bruijnzeel-Koomen, Dendritic Cells in Atopic Disease.
P.G. Holt, The Role of Dendritic Cells in Immune Defence of the Airways.
W. Allaerts and H.A. Drexhage, Dendritic Cells in Autoimmune Disease.
J.A. Roake and J.M. Austyn, The Role of Dendritic Cells in Transplantation.
M.S. Roberts, and S.C. Knight, Cyclosporin and Antigen-Presenting Cell Function.