Hybrid Membrane Systems for Water Purification
Technology, Systems Design and Operations
- 1st Edition - December 20, 2005
- Author: Rajindar Singh
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 8 5 6 1 7 - 4 4 2 - 8
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 5 8 9 8 - 4
Membrane systems are finding increasing application worldwide in the purification of potable and industrial water, and their design and use is set to grow considerably in years to… Read more

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Request a sales quoteMembrane systems are finding increasing application worldwide in the purification of potable and industrial water, and their design and use is set to grow considerably in years to come. This comprehensive book is written in a practical style with emphasis on process description, key unit operations, plant equipment description, equipment installation, safety and maintenance, process control, plant start-up, operation and troubleshooting. It is supplemented by case studies and useful engineering rules-of-thumb. The author is a chemical engineer with many years experience in the field and his technical knowledge and practical know-how in the water purification industry are summarised succinctly in this volume.This book...* Will ensure your system design is fit for its purpose* Informs readers of which membranes to use; why, where and when* Will help readers to trouble-shoot and improve performance* Provides case studies help understanding through real-life situations
This book...* Will ensure your system design is fit for its purpose* Informs readers of which membranes to use; why, where and when* Will help readers to trouble-shoot and improve performance* Provides case studies help understanding through real-life situations
Field engineers and operators; OEM companies; Equipment manufacturers; specifiers; consultants; academics
1.0 Introduction to Membrane Technology1.1 Technology Overview1.2 Historical Development1.3 Membrane Separation Characteristics1.4 Membrane Processes1.5 Membrane Modules1.6 Membrane Fouling1.7 Concluding Remarks References2.0 Water and Membrane Treatment2.1 Priceless Water2.2 Water Treatment2.3 Membrane Fouling, Scaling and Controls2.4 Membrane Systems Design2.5 Membrane Cleaning and Sanitisation2.6 Concluding Remarks References3.0 Hybrid Membrane Systems - Case Studies3.1 Seawater Desalination3.2 Brackish Water Desalination3.3 Municipal Water Treatment3.4 Water for Reclamation3.5 Industrial Water Treatment3.6 High Purity Water Production 3.7 Fuel Cell Power Plant Water Production3.8 Food Applications References 4.0 Hybrid Membrane System Design and Operation4.1 Process Description4.2 Process Design and Controls4.3 System Operation4.4 Systems Diagnosis and Maintenance4.5 Process Equipment4.6 Concluding Remarks References5.0 Appendix: Engineering Data and Notes5.1 Glossary/ Terminology5.2 Membrane Polymer Performance5.3 Chlorination of PA Membranes5.4 Fluid Flow in Microporous Membranes5.5 Surfactant Micelles Size Correlation5.6 Deioniser Design5.7 Process Controls5.8 Centrifugal Pumps5.9 Control Valves5.10 Materials Properties5.11 Process Validation5.12 RO/NF Feed Water Analysis5.13 Conversion Factors5.14 Water Tables References
- No. of pages: 384
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: December 20, 2005
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Hardback ISBN: 9781856174428
- eBook ISBN: 9780080458984
Rajindar Singh
Rajindar Singh is President of Membrane Ventures, LLC. He is a Senior Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, with more than 35 years of experience focusing on desalination, bioseparations, ion exchange, high purity water production, produced water treatment, membrane plants technical support, electrochemical fuel cells and polymers. Rajindar received post-graduate degrees in chemical engineering and bioengineering from the Univeristy of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. He is the co-inventor of six patents, and has published 40 journal papers and three books.
Affiliations and expertise
Membrane Ventures, LLC, Colorado Springs, CO, USARead Hybrid Membrane Systems for Water Purification on ScienceDirect