Introductory lecture. Development of humus research
during the past Humus et Planta symposia (R. Apfelthaler).
Section A Structure, physical and chemical properties of
humus substances. Application of electron spin resonance
and fluorescence spectroscopies to the study of soil humic
substances (N. Senesi). Applications of pyrolysis-gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry to the study of soils, plant
materials and humic substances. A critical appraisal (C. Saiz-
Jimenez). Section B Relationships among humus soils
properties and fertility. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in
soil in long term field experiments (M. Körschens). The
role of root properties and organic matter on mobilization of
soil P and rock phosphates (A. Amberger). Influence of organic
carbon and nitrogen associated with cropping history and soil
textural class on nitrogen use by winter wheat (Triticum
aestivum) (L.V. Vaidyanathan, W.S. Wilson). Effect of chemical
properties of soil on humification of organic soil matter with
respect to organic and mineral phosphorus fractions (L.
Kolář, V. Řiha, R. Tichý).
Compensation for organic carbon loss from soil at nitrogen
fertilizer application (V.N. Kudeyarov). Section C
Biotransformations of organic substances in soil.
Biotransformations in different climate belts; source - sink
relationships (H.W. Scharpenseel, H.V. Neue, S.T. Singer).
Availability of carbon and nitrogen contained in different
soil and particle-size fractions (B. Nicolardot, D. Cheneby,
M.R. Allard). The fertilizing value of waste waters from the
olive processing industry (U. Tomati, E. Galli). Microbial
degradation of plant materials and allelochemicals formation
in different soils (W. Weyman-Kaczmarkowa, D. Wójcik-
Wojtkowiak). Section D Relationships between humic
substances and plants. Humic substances affect transport
properties of root membranes (A. Maggioni, Z. Varanini, R.
Pinton, M.G. de Biasi). Effect of natural substances on
plants: biological control of telluric phytopathogenic fungi
by an antifungal compost (O. Reisinger, S. Durecu, F.
Toutain). Section E Interactions of humus and xenobiotic
substances. Organic substrates and microbial conversion of
herbicides in soil (F. Kunc). Prediction of the role of soil
organic matter and some other soil characteristics in
herbicide adsorption (J. Kozák, M. Valla, P. Prokopec,
O. Vacek). Surveys of individual poster sessions. Humic
substances, their structure, chemical and physical properties
(M. Valla). Relationships between humus, soil properties and
soil fertility (L. Kolář). Biotransformations of
organic matter and nitrogen in soil (J.
Nováková, M. Tesařová).
Relationships between humus substances and plants (F.
Pospišil). Interactions of humus and xenobiotic
compounds (F. Kunc).