How to Find Out About Banking and Investment focuses on the sources of information on banking and investment. The publication first ponders on careers, dictionaries and encyclopedias, and libraries and guides to libraries. Discussions focus on guides to the resources of libraries, Banking Information Service, Bank Education Service, education and examinations in America, sources of information on careers, finance houses, joint stock banking, foreign and merchant banks, and the London Stock Exchange. The text then takes a look at bibliographies and literature guides, periodical literature, financial economics, banks and banking, and central banking classification. Topics include library catalogues, guides to reference works, periodicals concerned with banking and finance, money and banking in the United States, financial institutions and economic development, banking in Europe, European Economic Community, and banking in the United States. The book takes a look at interest and discount, credit and instruments of credit, foreign and overseas investment, and merchant and investment banking. The publication is a dependable source of information for researchers and bankers wanting to explore banking and investment.