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High-temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Second Edition, explores the growing interest in fuel cells as a sustainable source of energy. The text brings the topic of green energy… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
decades of advancing research in fuel cells and materials. Previously, he has worked at the University of
Keele and Akron University, and has worked in research at Joseph Lucas, British Railways and ICI.
Professor Kendall is especially noted in the USA where his patents on microtubular SOFCs have been
exploited by two companies (Acumentrics and Nanodynamics) which have since received about 30M$ of
funding for product development. He is also the founder and chief of the Birmingham start-up company.
Adelan which specializes in SOFC technology. He received the Award for Excellence of the American
Adhesion Society in 1999, one of only three Britons ever to achieve this, and was awarded the Wake
medal for adhesion in 2005.
He is Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, Member of the Institute of Materials,
Editorial board member for J Adhesion & Adhesives, member of the Hooke Committee of Royal Society
and is Secretary of the Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Centre. His research specializations include fuel cell
science and technology, especially for domestic houses, and Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). He runs the
major SOFC conference in the UK and is also on the Grove and Fuel Cell Forum conference committees.
His current research projects include; collaboration with Adelan Ltd on fuel cell development, the
REALSOFC European project, collaboration with Shell on fuel reforming and a project with Baxi on
implementation of fuel cell systems in domestic houses.