(Abbreviated.) Sessions: 1. Opening Plenary Session. Summary of keynote address "environment" (R.M. Shende). Future vision of heat pump technology and global environment (Y. Makise). 2. Environmental Overview. Thermodynamics for the ininitiated; The concept of qualilty as an important factor in energy policy (B.A. Kleinbloesem). Environmental overview: CFC and HCFC regulatory update (J.W. Reed). Key factors in phasing out ozone depleting substances (F.A. Vogelsberg, S.C. Gidumal). Global warming and heat pumps (J.W.J. Bouma). Incentives and the value of avoided environmental problems (T. Jones). 3. New Refrigerant Technology Status. Refrigerants of new generation (K. Fujiwara). North American efforts to identify replacements for HCFC-22 (M.S. Menzer). Retrofit with new refrigerants (M. Kaneshima). Experiences from applications of 'New' refrigerants (E. Granryd, P. Rohlin). The need for, and availability of, working fluid property data: Results from annexes XIII and XVIII (M. McLinden, L. Vamling). 4. Technology Advances. Heat pumps for widespread use are available today! (P. Göricke). Exhaust air heat pumps experiences (M. Fehrm). Integrated heat pumps - advance in systems and equipment (W. Reedy). Advanced control - control technology for residential airconditioners in Japan (M. Sakamoto). Process integration of industrial heat pumps (E. Wallin, T. Berntsson). An overview of current high temperature heat pump technology (J.W. Linton, W.K. Snelson). 5. Markets Electric Drive Heat Pumps. Microprocessor controlled heat pumps, airhandling control, remote diagnosis capabilities (R. Lotz). Expanding the limits: Heat pump technology and markets in North America (A. Lannus). Market trends and forecast of electric driven heat pump in Asia/Japan (Y. Ikemoto). Electric driven heat pumps in Central and Eastern Europe (J. Zaugg). 6. Thermally Driven Heat Pumps. Development and market trend of gas engine heat pumps in Japan (S. Sakata). Gas fueled space conditioning heat pump research in the United States (G.H. Myers et al.). First results of the operation of a gas fired 250 kW absorption heat pump (J. Bassols et al.). R&D program of gas driven heat pumps for domestic use in Japan (T. Honda, S. Yoshida). 7. Market Influences: Regulatory, Institutional and Governmental. State of the standardization work in the field of heat pumps, air conditioning and refrigeration systems (M. Mondot). Regulations and standards (H.J.M. Knipscheer). The emerging European certification requirements and plans for implementation of the certification programme (J.R. Pritchard). DSM and heat pump technology: can both the utility and consumer benefit? (W.S. Fleming). Author index.