Health and Environmental Safety of Nanomaterials
Polymer Nanocomposites and Other Materials Containing Nanoparticles
- 2nd Edition - July 24, 2021
- Editors: James Njuguna, Krzysztof Pielichowski, Huijun Zhu
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 2 0 5 0 5 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 8 2 0 5 1 0 - 5
The first edition of Health and Environmental Safety of Nanomaterials: Polymer Nanocomposites and Other Materials Containing Nanoparticles was published in 2014, but since that t… Read more

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Request a sales quote- Focuses on the health and safety of polymer nanocomposites and other materials containing nanoparticles, as well as their medical and environmental implications
- Discusses the fundamental nature of various biophysical interactions of nanoparticles with the human body
- Looks at the physico-chemistry of nanoparticles and their uptake, translocation, transformation, transport, and biodistribution in mammalian and plant systems
- Presents the structure–activity relationships and modeling of the interactions of nanoparticles with biological molecules, biochemical pathways, analysis of biomolecular signatures, and the development of biomarkers
List of contributors xv
Preface xix
Part I General Introduction 1
1 Nanomaterials, nanofillers, and nanocomposites:
types and properties 3
James Njuguna, Farahnaz Ansari, Sophia Sachse,
Veronica Marchante Rodriguez, Shohel Siqqique
and Huijun Zhu
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Key terms and definitions 6
1.3 Common physical and chemical properties 7
1.3.1 Morphology and dimension 7
1.3.2 Composition 8
1.3.3 Agglomeration 8
1.3.4 Diffusion 8
1.3.5 Deposition 9
1.3.6 Surface coating and functionalization 10
1.3.7 Particle chemistry and crystalline structure 11
1.4 Types of nanofiller 11
1.4.1 Quantum dots 12
1.4.2 Nanotubes 12
1.4.3 Nanowires 13
1.4.4 Layered silicates 13
1.4.5 Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes 14
1.4.6 Dendrimers 16
1.4.7 Metal oxides 17
1.4.8 Graphene oxides 17
1.4.9 MXenes 19
1.5 Nanocomposites: selected examples 21
1.5.1 Nanocomposites filled with nanoplates 21
1.5.2 Nanocomposites filled with nanoparticles 25
1.5.3 Polyamide-6/clay nanocomposites 26
1.5.4 LDPE clay nanocomposites 28
1.5.5 Fiber surface modification and the deposition
of nanofiller on carbon fiber surface 29
1.5.6 Graphene/carbon fiber
1.6 Conclusion 32
Acknowledgment 33
References 33
2 Mechanisms of toxicity of engineered nanoparticles: adverse
outcome pathway for dietary silver nanoparticles in mussels 39
M.P. Cajaraville, N. Duroudier and E. Bilbao
2.1 Introduction 39
2.2 Factors affecting fate and toxicity of engineered nanoparticles
in aquatic environments 40
2.2.1 Intrinsic properties 42
2.2.2 Physicochemical processes 43
2.3 Uptake and toxicity of engineered nanoparticles in
aquatic organisms 43
2.4 Silver nanoparticles in the environment 45
2.4.1 Microalgae 48
2.4.2 Invertebrates 49
2.4.3 Fish 51
2.5 Bivalve mollusks as model species 52
2.5.1 Bivalves and eco-nanotoxicology 53
2.5.2 Biomarkers as suitable tools for assessing nanoparticles
toxicity in mussels 55
2.5.3 The omic’s approach: discovering new biomarkers
and adverse outcome pathways 57
2.5.4 Trophic transfer studies 58
2.6 Adverse outcome pathway for dietary silver nanoparticles
in mussels 59
2.7 Concluding remarks and future trends 67
Acknowledgments 68
References 68
3 Safety, regulation, and policy 83
Halshka Graczyk, Luca Fontana, Maged Younes and Ivo Iavicoli
3.1 Introduction: approaches to regulatory actions 83
3.2 Challenges for regulatory standards toward manufactured
nanomaterials 84
3.3 Existing standards covering international guidance 86
3.3.1 Definitions of nanomaterials 86
3.3.2 Risk assessment of nanomaterials 87
3.3.3 Occupational exposure limits 89
3.4 The way forward and conclusions 93
References 93
Part II Assessment of nanomaterials release and exposure 97
4 Measurement, testing, and characterization of airborne
nanoparticles released from machining of nanoreinforced composites 99
Kristof Starost, Sophia Sachse and James Njuguna
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 Sampling and measurement techniques 105
4.3 Controlled environment for particle measurement 110
4.4 Guidelines, handbooks, and recommendations 118
4.5 Conclusion 120
References 122
Further reading 126
5 A study on the nanoparticle emissions into environment during
mechanical drilling of polyester, polypropylene, and epoxy
nanocomposite materials 129
Kristof Starost, Evelien Frijns, Jo Van Laer, Nadimul Faisal,
Ainhoa Egizabal, Cristina Elizetxea, M. Bla´zquez Sa´nchez, Inge Nelissen
and James Njuguna
5.1 Introduction 129
5.2 Method 131
5.2.1 Material fabrication 131
5.3 Setup of mechanical drilling simulation process and
released particle sampling 134
5.4 Particle characterization 136
5.4.1 Mechanical testing 137
5.4.2 Statistical analysis 137
5.5 Results and discussion 137
5.5.1 Influence of nanofiller 137
5.5.2 PP-reinforced nanocomposites 140
5.5.3 PE-reinforced nanocomposites 142
5.5.4 EP-reinforced nanocomposites 143
5.5.5 EP/CF-reinforced nanocomposites 144
5.5.6 Influence of matrix 144
5.5.7 Influence on particle size and mass distributions 147
5.6 Conclusions 148
Acknowledgments 151
Conflicts of interest 151
References 151
6 Scenario simulation at laboratory scale for the assessment
of the release of engineered nanomaterials 157
M. Bla´zquez Sa´nchez and V. Marchante
6.1 Introduction 157
6.2 Approaches for release simulation: comparison of case
studies of nanocomposite drilling 158
6.3 Development of scenarios simulating different life cycle
stages of nanocomposites 164
6.3.1 Experimental setup 164
6.3.2 Avoidance of background particles in simulated scenarios
at laboratory scale 164
6.3.3 Different processes potentially leading to the release
of ENMs from nanocomposite samples 165
6.3.4 Online measurement of released (airborne) particles
from nanocomposite samples 166
6.3.5 Collection of released airborne particles from
nanocomposite samples for off-line analysis 166
6.4 Considerations for the (eco)toxicological assessment of
samples released from nanocomposites 167
6.4.1 Generation of samples released from nanocomposite
for (eco)toxicological assessment 167
6.4.2 Storage and labeling of samples released from
nanocomposites to be used in (eco)toxicological
assessment 168
6.4.3 Pretreatment of sample released from nanocomposites:
use of dispersing agents, sonication, stirring,
and mixing 168
6.5 Conclusions 169
Acknowledgments 169
References 169
7 A life cycle perspective of the exposure to airborne nanoparticles
released from nanotechnology enabled products and applications 173
M. Bla´zquez Sa´nchez, C. Fito-Lo´pez and M.P. Cajaraville
7.1 Introduction 173
7.2 Airborne ENMs released from NEPs and NEAs: exposure
at the workplace, household and environmental compartments 174
7.2.1 Workplace exposure 175
7.2.2 Consumer exposure 177
7.2.3 Environmental exposure 179
7.3 International guidance and standards and instrumentation for
airborne nanoparticle exposure assessment 180
7.3.1 International guidance 180
7.3.2 Standards 182
7.3.3 Instrumentation for exposure assessment to airborne
nanoparticles 183
7.4 Generic approach for the release assessment of airborne ENMs
from NEPs or NEAs from a risk assessment perspective 183
7.5 Conclusions 190
Acknowledgment 191
References 191
Part III Safety of particular type of nanomaterials 195
8 Nanomaterials at industrial workplace—an overview
on safety 197
Vinita Vishwakarma
8.1 Introduction 197
8.2 Medical and pharmaceutical industry 199
8.3 Food and agricultural industry 199
8.4 Textile industry 201
8.5 Cosmetic industry 201
8.6 Construction and paint industry 201
8.7 Automobile industry 202
8.8 Electronic industry 202
8.9 Sport industry 203
8.10 Petroleum industry 203
8.11 Water industries 203
8.12 Safe handling of nanomaterials 204
8.13 Conclusion 204
References 205
9 Clay minerals and solutions for green environment
and human health 211
Huijun Zhu, James Njuguna and Muhammad Adeel Irfan
9.1 Introduction 211
9.2 Characteristics of clay minerals 212
9.3 Effect of clay minerals on environment 214
9.4 Toxicity of nanoclays in humans 217
9.5 Life cycle assessment (LCA) of nanoclay-reinforced materials 218
9.6 Conclusion and future trends 219
References 219
Further reading 223
10 Ecotoxicology effects of carbon nanotubes 225
Bey Fen Leo, Isnazunita Ismail, Malarmugila Manimaran
and Rasel Das
10.1 Introduction 225
10.2 Test methods 227
10.2.1 Methods of identifying and quantifying carbon
nanotubes in environmental matrices 227
10.2.2 Environmental risk assessment of CNTs 233
10.3 Future development on risk assessment of NMs 244
10.4 Conclusion 246
References 247
11 Analysis and correlations of metal-organic frameworks:
applications and toxicity 253
Olivia L. Rose and Cerasela Zoica Dinu
11.1 What are metal-organic frameworks? 253
11.2 MOFs formation: a variety of synthesis conditions 254
11.2.1 Solvothermal and hydrothermal methods 254
11.2.2 Room temperature synthesis 257
11.2.3 Microwave synthesis 258
11.2.4 Mechanochemical synthesis 258
11.2.5 Electrochemical synthesis 259
11.2.6 Outlook on MOFs synthesis 260
11.3 MOFs applications 260
11.3.1 MOFs implementation in catalysis 262
11.3.2 Gas storage 265
11.4 MOFs applications in biomedical engineering 267
11.4.1 MOFs used in bioimaging as contrast agents 267
11.4.2 MOFs implementation as drug delivery agents 271
11.5 Toxicity: a comprehensive overview 275
11.5.1 In vitro toxicity evaluation of MOFs 277
11.5.2 In vivo toxicity evaluation 281
11.6 Outlook and future directions for MOFs implementation
and toxicity assessment 283
Acknowledgment 284
References 284
12 The safety assessment of food chemicals in the nanoscale 291
Reinhilde Schoonjans, Francesco Cubadda
and Maged Younes
12.1 Introduction 291
12.2 Identifying nanoparticles in products used in the
food/feed chain 292
12.3 Characterizing the physicochemical parameters 292
12.4 Testing the stability in the digestive tract 294
12.5 Testing the toxicokinetic behavior 294
12.6 Screening for biopersistence by testing in
lysosomal fluid 295
12.7 Testing (cyto)toxicity in vitro 296
12.8 Testing for potential genotoxicity 297
12.9 Testing toxicity in vivo 298
12.10 Assessing the level of exposure 299
12.11 Characterizing the risk 300
Disclaimer 301
References 301
Part IV Environmental risks of nanomaterials 305
13 Effects of nanomaterials on the benthic ecosystem: a case
study with the snail Lymnaea stagnalis 307
Valentina Ricottone and Teresa F. Fernandes
13.1 Introduction 307
13.2 Model test species: Lymnaea stagnalis 309
13.3 Ecotoxicology of nanomaterials to the great pond snail
Lymnaea stagnalis: a review 311
13.3.1 Silver nanomaterials 313
13.3.2 Copper oxide nanomaterials 319
13.3.3 Other metal nanomaterials 320
13.3.4 Carbon nanomaterials 322
13.4 Case study: Acute toxicity of nanomaterials on Lymnaea stagnalis 323
13.4.1 Test chemicals and NMs characterization 323
13.4.2 Experimental design 325
13.4.3 Data analyses 326
13.4.4 Results 326
13.4.5 Discussion 329
13.5 Summary and conclusions 334
References 335
14 Thermal degradation, flammability, and potential toxicity
of polymer nanocomposites 343
J.-M. Lopez-Cuesta, C. Longuet and C. Chivas-Joly
14.1 Introduction 343
14.2 Thermal degradation processes of polymers and nanocomposites 344
14.3 Thermal stability of nanoparticles 346
14.4 Instrumentation and techniques to investigate degradation
products of nanocomposites 350
14.4.1 Coupling of chemical analytic methods with thermal
analysis 350
14.4.2 Coupling of analytic physics methods with cone
calorimetry 351
14.5 Fire toxicity of degradation products of nanocomposites and its
assessment 355
14.6 Intrinsic toxicity of nanoparticles 358
14.7 Ultrafine particle production during combustion of nanocomposites 363
14.8 Conclusion and future trends 366
References 367
15 Nanoparticles as flame retardants in polymer materials:
mode of action, synergy effects, and health/environmental risks 375
Sławomir Michałowski and Krzysztof Pielichowski
15.1 Introduction 375
15.2 Polymer nanocomposites preparation methods 376
15.3 Nanostructured flame retardants 380
15.4 Combustion behavior of polymer nanocomposites 383
15.5 Synergies from combining classical and nanostructured
flame retardants 385
15.6 Health and environmental risks of conventional and
nanostructured flame retardants 401
15.6.1 Toxicological/environmental issues affecting
conventional flame retardants 401
15.6.2 Toxicological/environmental issues affecting
nanostructured flame retardants 402
15.6.3 Standardization and safety regulations 406
15.7 Conclusions and future trends 407
Acknowledgment 407
References 408
16 QSAR and machine learning modeling of toxicity of
nanomaterials: a risk assessment approach 417
Supratik Kar and Jerzy Leszczynski
16.1 Introduction 417
16.2 Types of nanomaterials and nanotoxicity 418
16.2.1 Metal nanoparticles (MNPs) 418
16.2.2 Metal oxide nanomaterials (MONMs) 419
16.2.3 Carbon nanomaterials 419
16.3 Why do the QSAR and machine learning approach require
for modeling of toxicity? 420
16.4 The concept and design of the major in silico approaches 420
16.4.1 Task 1: Experimental data generation 421
16.4.2 Task 2: Descriptors or features generation to correlate
experimental toxicity data 421
16.4.3 Task 3: The data analysis 421
16.4.4 Task 4: Model validation 422
16.4.5 Task 5: Model interpretation 422
16.4.6 Additional task: Docking studies to check
nanostructure and protein interactions 422
16.5 Application of QSAR and machine learning models in
toxicity prediction 423
16.6 Challenges and future directions 424
16.6.1 Study of biocorona 424
16.6.2 Interspecies nanotoxicity analysis 433
16.6.3 Mixture analysis 434
16.7 Overview and conclusion 435
Acknowledgment 435
Conflicts of interest 436
References 436
17 Life cycle assessment of engineered nanomaterials 443
Roland Hischier
17.1 Introduction 443
17.2 Life cycle assessment framework 443
17.3 LCA and nanotechnology 445
17.3.1 Inventory modeling of engineered nanomaterials 448
17.3.2 Prospective modeling 449
17.3.3 Life cycle impact assessment of releases of
engineered nanomaterials 451
17.4 Conclusion and outlook 452
References 455
18 Recycling of materials containing inorganic and
carbonaceous nanomaterials 459
L. Reijnders
18.1 Introduction 459
18.2 Recycling of engineered nanomaterials applied in reactors
or as recoverable analytes 463
18.3 Recycling of nanocomposites consisting of nanomaterials
and large-sized or macromaterials and of large assemblies
of nanomaterials 468
18.3.1 Extension of use and reuse 470
18.3.2 Remanufacturing 473
18.3.3 Materials recycling 473
18.3.4 Recovery of inorganic and carbonaceous
(nano)materials, where applicable combined
with processes such as depolymerization
and devulcanization 475
18.3.5 Pyrolysis and cracking 476
18.3.6 Combustion with energy recovery 477
18.3.7 Current resource cascading of nanocomposites 477
18.4 Nanomaterials and sacrificed nanomaterials present in wastes 478
18.5 Release of nanomaterials linked to recycling facilities 479
18.6 Conclusion 480
Acknowledgment 480
References 480
Index 497
- No. of pages: 534
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: July 24, 2021
- Imprint: Woodhead Publishing
- Paperback ISBN: 9780128205051
- eBook ISBN: 9780128205105
James Njuguna
Krzysztof Pielichowski