Contents of Previous Volumes
Physicochemical Speciation of Inorganic Compounds in Environmental Media
I. Introduction
II. Airborne Particles
III. Metal Vapors and Alkyls in Air
IV. Street Dusts
V. Sediments and Soils
VI. Natural Waters
VII. Conclusions
Scoring Systems for Hazard Assessment
I. Introduction
II. Survey of Scoring Systems
III. Factors to Consider in Designing or Selecting a Scoring System
IV. Steps Involved in Scoring
V. Criteria for Scoring
VI. Comparison of Scoring System Capabilities
VII. Applications of Scoring Systems
The Role of Medical Records in Evaluating Hazardous Chemical Exposures
I. Introduction
II. Potential Uses of Medical Record Systems
III. Characteristics of Medical Records as a Data Source
IV. Attributes of Medical Records Determining Their Effectiveness in Evaluating Hazardous Chemical Exposures
V. Methodological Considerations in Implementing a Record-Based Hazard Evaluation System
VI. Case Studies
VII. Recommendations
Mediation of Toxicological Properties of Chemicals by Particulate Matter
I. Introduction
II. Tobacco Smoke
III. Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
IV. N-Nitroso Compounds
V. Pesticides
VI. Gases and Vapors
VII. Metal Compounds
VIII. General Summary
IX. Prospectus
Aquatic Animal Neoplasia as an Indicator for Carcinogenic Hazards to Man
I. Introduction
II. Environmental Pollution
III. Environmental Carcinogenesis
IV. Diagnostic Considerations
V. Assessment of Exposure to Chemical Agents
VI. Epizootiologic Studies of Spontaneous Neoplasms in Aquatic Animals
VII. Linkage of Environmental Pollution to Aquatic Animal Neoplasia
VIII. Conclusion
Behavioral Effects of Industrial Chemicals on Aquatic Animals
I. Introduction
II. Variability in Behavior of Aquatic Animals
III. Preference or Avoidance of Industrial Chemicals by Aquatic Animals
IV. Stress Behavior for Biological Monitoring
V. Effects of Industrial Chemicals on Other Types of Animal Behavior
VI. Conclusions
Stratospheric Ozone Modification by Man's Influence
I. Introduction
II. Chemistry and Physics of Ozone
III. Modeling the Ambient Atmosphere
IV. Model Calculations to Characterize Potential Changes
V. A Comprehensive Approach—Multiple Perturbations
VI. Ozone Measurements
VII. Prospects for Future Research
Overview of Health Effects of Formaldehyde
I. Introduction
II. Regulatory Activities
III. Chemical Properties
IV. Sources and Exposure
V. Metabolism
VI. General Toxicology
VII. Hypersensitization
VIII. Teratogenic and Reproductive Effects
IX. Genetic Effects
X. Carcinogenicity
XI. Epidemiology
XII. Summary and Conclusions
Chlorinated Ethanes: Sources, Distribution, Environmental Impact, and Health Effects
I. General Remarks
II. Monochloroethane (CH3CH2C1)
III. 1,1-Dichloroethane (CH3CHC12)
IV. 1,2-Dichloroethane (CH2C1CH2C1)
V. 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (CH3CC13)
VI. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (CHC12CH2C1)
VII. 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane (CH2C1CC13)
VIII. l,l,2,2-Tetrachloroethane(CHCl2CHCl2)
IX. Pentachloroethane (CHC12CC13)
X. Hexachloroethane (CC13CC13)
XI. General Conclusions
Chemical Substance Index
Subject Index