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An excellent reference for anyone needing to examine properties of harmonic vector fields to help them solve research problems. The book provides the main results of harmonic ve… Read more
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An excellent reference for anyone needing to examine properties of harmonic vector fields to help them solve research problems. The book provides the main results of harmonic vector fields with an emphasis on Riemannian manifolds using past and existing problems to assist you in analyzing and furnishing your own conclusion for further research. It emphasizes a combination of theoretical development with practical applications for a solid treatment of the subject useful to those new to research using differential geometric methods in extensive detail.
Computer & Physical Scientists, Engineers, Applied Mathematicians, Structural Geologists
Chapter One. Geometry of the Tangent Bundle
1.1. The Tangent Bundle
1.2. Connections and Horizontal Vector Fields
1.3. The Dombrowski Map and the Sasaki Metric
1.4. The Tangent Sphere Bundle
1.5. The Tangent Sphere Bundle over a Torus
Chapter Two. Harmonic Vector Fields
2.1. Vector Fields as Isometric Immersions
2.2. The Energy of a Vector Field
2.3. Vector Fields Which Are Harmonic Maps
2.4. The Tension of a Vector Field
2.5. Variations through Vector Fields
2.6. Unit Vector Fields
2.7. The Second Variation of the Energy Function
2.8. Unboundedness of the Energy Functional
2.9. The Dirichlet Problem
2.10. Conformal Change of Metric on the Torus
2.11. Sobolev Spaces of Vector Fields
Chapter Three. Harmonicity and Stability
3.1. Hopf Vector Fields on Spheres
3.2. The Energy of Unit Killing Fields in Dimension 3
3.3. Instability of Hopf Vector Fields
3.4. Existence of Minima in Dimension > 3
3.5. Brito's Functional
3.6. The Brito Energy of the Reeb Vector
3.7. Vector Fields with Singularities
3.8. Normal Vector Fields on Principal Orbits
3.9. Riemannian Tori
Chapter Four. Harmonicity and Contact Metric Structures
4.1. H-Contact Manifolds
4.2. Three-Dimensional H-Contact Manifolds
4.3. Stability of the Reeb Vector Field
4.4. Harmonic Almost Contact Structures
4.5. Reeb Vector Fields on Real Hypersurfaces
4.6. Harmonicity and Stability of the Geodesic Flow
Chapter Five. Harmonicity with Respect to g-Natural Metrics
5.1. g-Natural Metrics
5.2. Naturally Harmonic Vector Fields
5.3. Vector Fields Which Are Naturally Harmonic Maps
5.4. Geodesic Flow with Respect to g-Natural Metrics
Chapter Six. The Energy of Sections
6.1. The Horizontal Bundle
6.2. The Sasaki Metric
6.3. The Sphere Bundle U(E)
6.4. The Energy of Cross Sections
6.5. Unit Sections
6.6. Harmonic Sections in Normal Bundles
6.7. The Energy of Oriented Distributions
6.8. Examples of Harmonic Distributions
6.9. The Chacon-Naveira Energy
Chapter Seven. Harmonic Vector Fields in CR Geometry
7.1. The Canonical Metric
7.2. Bundles of Hyperquadrics in (T(M), J, Gs)
7.3. Harmonic Vector Fields from C(M)
7.4. Boundary Values of Bergman-Harmonic Maps
7.5. Pseudoharmonic Maps
7.6. The Pseudohermitian Biegung
7.7. The Second Variation Formula
Chapter Eight. Lorentz Geometry and Harmonic Vector Fields
8.1. A Few Notions of Lorentz Geometry
8.2. Energy Functionals and Tension Fields
8.3. The Spacelike Energy
8.4. The Second Variation of the Spacelike Energy
8.5. Conformal Vector Fields
Appendix A. Twisted Cohomologies
Appendix B. The Stokes Theorem on Complete Manifolds
Appendix C. Complex Monge-Ampère Equations
Appendix D. Exceptional Orbits of Highest Dimension
Appendix E. Reilly's Formula