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Handbook of Vegetable Pests, Second Edition, provides two types of diagnostic aids: the easy-to-use "guides to pests of vegetable crops", which guides the reader to the most like… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Handbook of Vegetable Pests, Second Edition, provides two types of diagnostic aids: the easy-to-use "guides to pests of vegetable crops", which guides the reader to the most likely pests of each vegetable crop based on the portion of the plant attacked and the category of pest; and the more technical dichotomous keys for identification of many of the difficult-to-identify species. It includes over 300 common and occasional pest species, detailing the geographic distribution of vegetable pests, host plant relationships, natural enemies, damage, life history, and methods of control and damage prevention.
Professionals in agriculture such as entomologists and horticulturists. These scientists often are located at universities and colleges, public and private research institutes, and government regulatory agencies. Also at these institutions are undergraduate and graduate students who aspire to work in horticultural plant production and protection, and who need comprehensive reference materials. This handbook will be particularly useful to service professionals such as county agents associated with the Cooperative Extension Service, pesticide and fertilizer providers, farm managers, and independent crop consultants