Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health
Assessment and Treatment of Diverse Populations
- 2nd Edition - July 19, 2013
- Editors: Freddy A. Paniagua, Ann-Marie Yamada
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 9 4 4 2 0 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 9 7 8 1 2 - 7
The Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health, Second Edition, discusses the impact of cultural, ethnic, and racial variables for the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, servi… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe Handbook of Multicultural Mental Health, Second Edition, discusses the impact of cultural, ethnic, and racial variables for the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, service delivery, and development of skills for working with culturally diverse populations. Intended for the mental health practitioner, the book translates research findings into information to be applied in practice.
The new edition contains more than 50% new material and includes contributions from established leaders in the field as well as voices from rising stars in the area. It recognizes diversity as extending beyond race and ethnicity to reflect characteristics or experiences related to gender, age, religion, disability, and socioeconomic status. Individuals are viewed as complex and shaped by different intersections and saliencies of multiple elements of diversity.
Chapters have been wholly revised and updated, and new coverage includes indigenous approaches to assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental and physical disorders; spirituality; the therapeutic needs of culturally diverse clients with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities; suicide among racial and ethnic groups; multicultural considerations for treatment of military personnel and multicultural curriculum and training.
- Foundations-overview of theory and models
- Specialized assessment in a multicultural context
- Assessing and treating four major culturally diverse groups in clinical settings
- Assessing and treating other culturally diverse groups in clinical settings
- Specific conditions/presenting problems in a cultural context
- Multicultural competence in clinical settings
Practicing clinicians and counselors, and researchers in clinical psychology and sociology. Psychologists, social workers, licensed professional counselors, psychiatrists and cross-cultural researchers
In Memoriam
List of Contributors
Domain I: Foundations-Overview of Theory and Models
Chapter 1. The Study of Culture and Psychopathology: Fundamental Concepts and Historic Forces
I Introduction
II Key Concepts in the Study of Culture and Psychopathology
III Historic Forces in the Study of Culture and Psychopathology
IV Promising Directions to Advance the Study of Culture and Psychopathology
V Conclusion
Chapter 2. Culture-Bound Syndromes, Cultural Variations, and Psychopathology
I Introduction
II Adjustment Disorders
III Anxiety Disorders
IV Attention Deficit and Disruptive Disorders
V Delusional Disorders
VI Dissociative Disorders
VII Eating Disorders
VIII Impulsive–Control Disorders not Elsewhere Classified
IX Mental Retardation and Learning Disorders
X Mood Disorders
XI Personality Disorders
XII Pica and Selective Mutism
XIII Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
XIV Sexual Dysfunction and Paraphilias
XV Sleep Disorders
XVI Somatoform Disorders
XVII Substance-Related Disorders
XVIII Difficulties in Distinguishing Psychopathology from Culture-Related Conditions
XIX Guidelines to Distinguish Psychopathology from Culture-Related Conditions
XX DSM-IV-TR CulturalLY Sensitive V-Codes
XXI DSM-IV Outline for the Cultural Formulation
XXII Final Thoughts
Chapter 3. Cultural Models of Health and Illness
I Introduction
II The Measurement of Health in the Cultural and Social Context of Illness
III Culture and Meaning
IV Social Differentiation and Culture
V Objectivity and Subjectivity in the Context of Health and Illness
VI The Role of Culture in Health and Illness
VII Schemata and Cognitive Processes
VIII Psyche and Soma: The Mind–Body Distinction in Western Medicine
IX Culture, Emotion, and Health
X Cultural Versus Psychological Determinism
XI A Cultural Public Health
Chapter 4. Indigenous Approaches to Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental Disorders
I What is Indigenous Psychology?
II Indigenous Psychology and Critical Health Psychology: Shared Agendas
III Indigenous Psychology Approaches to Assessment and Diagnosis
IV Indigenous Psychology Approaches to Treatment and Health
V Reprise: Culture, Self, and Health in Ayurveda
VI Potential Contributions to Health Psychology in the Globalizing ERA
VII Future Directions
Chapter 5. Race, Ethnicity, and the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Adults
I Introduction
II Historical Studies of the Mental Health of European Immigrants
III Early Studies of Treatment-Based and Community Survey-Based Rates of Mental Illness
IV Diagnostic Community Surveys
V Conclusion: Issues Likely to Influence Ethnic Comparisons
Further Reading
Chapter 6. The Role of the Social Class Worldview Model in the Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental and Physical Health
I Introduction
II Inequality, Poverty, Wealth, and Affluence
III The Social Class Worldview Model
IV Physical and Mental Health and Social Class
V The Impact of Social Class on Mental Health Diagnosis and Assessment
VI Social Class in Treatment and Interventions
VII Conclusion
Chapter 7. Gender Role Conflict and Intersecting Identities in the Assessment and Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations
I Gender Role Conflict among Ethnically Diverse Populations
II Implications of Gender Role Conflict for the Psychological Assessment and Treatment of Culturally Diverse Populations
III Summary of Recommendations for Assessment and Treatment of GRC with Culturally Diverse Populations
IV Recommendations for Future Gender Role Conflict Research with Culturally Diverse Populations
Chapter 8. Spirituality and Culture: Implications for Mental Health Service Delivery to Diverse Populations
I Introduction
II Spirituality, Culture, and Mental Health
III Spirituality, Culture, and Psychotherapy
IV Spirituality, Culture, and Indigenous Approaches to Healing
V Concluding Observations
Chapter 9. Nativity and Migration: Considering Acculturation in the Assessment and Treatment of Mental Disorders
I Introduction
II Acculturation Frameworks
III Assessment of Acculturation
IV Acculturation and Mental Health
V Acculturation, Service Utilization, and Mental Health Treatment
VI Future Directions
Domain II: Specialized Assessment in a Multicultural Context
Chapter 10. Conducting the Cross-Cultural Clinical Interview
I Introduction
II Warm-Up and Screening
III Follow-Up on Preliminary Impressions
IV Sociocultural Factors Impinging the Interview
V Diagnosis and Feedback
VI Prognosis and Treatment
VII Conclusion
Chapter 11. Culture and Methodology in Personality Assessment
I Introduction
II Eurocentric Bias: Reality Construction and a Belief System Undergirding Research
III Bias in Standard Psychological Tests
IV Discussion
Chapter 12. Neuropsychological Assessment of Culturally and Educationally Dissimilar Individuals
I Introduction
II Objectives and Development of a Culturally Sensitive Clinical Neuropsychology
III Neuropsychological Evaluation of Culturally and Educationally Dissimilar Individuals
IV Future Perspectives on the Assessment of Culturally Dissimilar Patients
V Conclusion
Chapter 13. Methodologies for Test Translation and Cultural Equivalence
I Introduction
II 2010 Guidelines of the International Test Commission
III Linguistic Equivalence
IV Item and Scale Equivalence
V Normative Equivalence
VI Technical Equivalence
VII Clinical Equivalence
VIII Reliability and Validity of Translated Tests
IX Adapted Test Illustrations
X Emerging Technologies and Cultural Equivalency Issues
XI Clinician Selection of Adapted Tests
XII Conclusion
Domain III: Assessing and Treating Four Major Culturally Diverse Groups in Clinical Settings
Chapter 14. Mental Health Assessment and Treatment of African Americans in Cultural Context
I Sociodemographic Description
II Mental and Physical Health Needs
III Assessment and Treatment in Cultural Context for African Americans
IV Future Directions in Treatment with African Americans
Chapter 15. Assessing and Treating American Indian and Alaska Native People
I General Factors Impacting Assessment and Treatment History
II Specific Assessment and Treatment Suggestions
III Conclusion
Chapter 16. Assessing and Treating Asian Americans: Recent Advances in Mental Health Research
I Introduction
II Demographics
III Assessment
IV Treatment
V Future Directions and Conclusion
Chapter 17. Assessing and Treating Latinos: Overview of Mental Health Research
I Introduction
II Culture, Labels, and Moving Beyond Generalizations
III Ethnic Labels
IV Theories of Acculturation
V New Advances in Strengths-Based and Resilience Theories
VI Discrimination and Identity
VII Contexts of Familism, Health, and Help-Seeking
VIII Modern Immigration Policy Context and Civic Engagement
IX Illness Manifestation
X Service Utilization
XI Conclusion: Where Do we Go from Here?
Domain IV: Assessing and Treating Other Culturally Diverse Groups in Clinical Settings
Chapter 18. The Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental Disorders among American Jews
I Introduction
II Assessment Issues Related to American Jews
III Diagnostic Issues Related to American Jews
IV Treatment Issues with American Jews
V Future Directions
Chapter 19. The Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Mental Disorders among Muslims
I Introduction
II Demographics of Muslims in the United States
III Ethnicity and Cultural Identity of Muslims
IV Muslim Immigrants and Refugees
V Challenges Associated with Multiple Cultural and Religious Identities
VI Cultural Identity Development of Muslim Immigrants
VII Cultural Assessment
VIII Conclusion, Implications, and Recommendations for Future Research
Chapter 20. Military Culture and Multicultural Diversity among Military Service Members: Implications for Mental Health Providers
I Introduction
II Understanding the Military as a Culture
III Intersections of Diversity and Military Culture
IV Addressing Mental Health in a Military Context
V Special Assessment and Treatment Considerations
VI Recommendations for Culturally Competent Treatment of Military Service Members
Chapter 21. The Mental Health of Culturally Diverse Older Adults: Research and Clinical Issues
I Diversity Among Older Adults
II Factors Influencing the Mental Health of Older Adults
III Factors Unique to Culturally Diverse Older Adults
IV Special Problems for Research and Clinical Care
V Critical Mental Disorders Among Older Adults
VI Summary
Chapter 22. Improving Treatment Engagement and Psychotherapy Outcomes for Culturally Diverse Youth and Families
I Introduction
II What Approaches Increase Treatment Engagement for Ethnically Diverse Youth?
III What Psychosocial Interventions are Effective in Treating Ethnically Diverse Youth?
IV How Effective are Psychosocial Treatments for Ethnically Diverse Youth?
V Do Treatment Effects Differ by Ethnicity?
VI Does Cultural Tailoring Enhance Treatment Effects?
VII Summary
Domain V: Specific Conditions/Presenting Problems in a Cultural Context
Chapter 23. Racial and Ethnic Considerations in the Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
I Introduction
II Definitions
III Epidemiology and Etiology
IV Diagnosis and Assessment
V Interventions
VI Conclusions
Chapter 24. The Therapeutic Needs of Culturally Diverse Individuals with Physical Disabilities
I Scope of Disability
II Understanding Disability
III Current Models of Rehabilitation
IV Integrating Cultural Issues into Rehabilitation
V Application of Practice Guidelines
VI Summary
Chapter 25. Suicide among Racial and Ethnic Groups: Implications for Research and Practice
I Introduction
II African Americans
III American Indian and Alaskan Natives
IV Asian Americans
V Latino/As
VI Conclusion and Future Directions
Chapter 26. Therapeutic Treatment Approaches for Ethnically Diverse Survivors of Interpersonal Trauma
I Introduction
II Interpersonal Violence
III Sexual Assault
IV Community Violence
V Child Abuse Across Cultures
VI Cultural Conceptions of Child Abuse
VII Conclusion
Domain VI: Multicultural Competence in Clinical Settings
Chapter 27. Culture and Evidence-Based Prevention Programs
I Introduction
II Evidence-Based Prevention Programs
III Culture and EBPP
IV Cultural Adaptation of EBPPS
V Culturally Grounded EBPP
VI Empirical Support for Culturally Sensitive EBPP
VII Implementation Challenges and Considerations
VIII Conclusion
Chapter 28. A Review and Critique of Multicultural Competence Measures: Toward a Social Justice-Oriented Health Service Delivery Model
I Measurement of Multicultural Competence: A Component of Social Justice Practice
II Psychometric Issues in Cultural Competence Measurement
III Multicultural Competence Measures
IV Cultural Competence Measurement Issues
V Evaluation of Multicultural Competence Measures
VI Social Justice and Cultural Competence Measurement
VII Conclusion and Future Directions
Chapter 29. Integrating Ethical Considerations in Multicultural Curriculum and Training: Expanding the Classroom to the Community
I Introduction
II Expanding our Understanding of Culture (However, Race Still Matters)
III Cultural Competence Versus Cultural Responsiveness
IV Multicultural Curriculum Development and Training Programs
V Interpreting Ethical Considerations in Context and in Training
VI Ethics, Multiculturalism and Social Justice: Integrating Critical Pedagogies
VII Conclusion
Chapter 30. Responding to the Challenge: Preparing Mental Health Professionals for the Changing US Demographics
I Introduction
II Demographic Trends of the United States
III Etic and Emic Approaches to Multicultural Clinical Services
IV Commonalities Among Diversities
V Specific Multicultural Curriculum and Training Issues
VI Concluding Remarks
- No. of pages: 660
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: July 19, 2013
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780123944207
- eBook ISBN: 9780123978127
Freddy A. Paniagua